
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 31 Breakthrough

Kassandra and her entourage toured the Empire with Aliyah. Azrael and Lily didn't accompany them because they had some other matters to deal with. In their next breakthrough, they would have to carve different patterns on their respective cores. To do that, they had to think about what they would carve.

Lily and Azrael were sitting in their residence near the Lightning Crucible. She looked at him and asked, "I was thinking about it, but what if instead of several different patterns, we merged all the patterns into a singular one before carving it on our cores?"

Azrael thought about it a little and said, "It is feasible but we'd have to fuse them perfectly into one symbol, or else it could detonate our cores. But if we succeed then it would create a synergy between our different strengths increasing our battle strength by manifold."

Over the years, as a Rune Master, Azrael had discovered that the symbols that represented their Intents could be used as runes for those elements. So theoretically, they could test the stability of their symbols before carving them on their cores.

They got to work and just like that another 50 years passed. They had already designed their new symbols. Azrael's symbol was similar to the crown that had appeared on his foundation after it devoured all the symbols. It was a blue-gold crown with a small vertical spear in the center. The symbols of the Six Origin Elements were also carved on it.

Just like Azreal, Lily's new symbol was also similar to the tiara that had appeared on her foundation. It was a tiara with a blue and black gradient with seven gems representing the Seven Deadly Sins embedded in it.

They were now ready to break through to the fifth stage of the Paragon Core realm. Azrael teleported them to their respective platforms on the peak of the Lightning Crucible. Their platforms had absorbed a lot of their blood during past tribulations and changed. When they sat on their respective platforms, they could feel an intrinsic connection with them.

Their cores were spinning slowly, working with their embryonic worlds to absorb the surrounding energy. They started carving their patterns on their cores. Instead of carving one big pattern, they carved many miniature ones until their cores were completely covered. When they were done, their cores thrummed as if they were happy with their new designs.

Dark clouds gathered above their heads. Just like before a bolt of lightning ripped their chest and exposed their cores. Bolts of lightning started striking them and the patterns on their cores started lighting up just like a formation does when it is activated. They were struck by 81 bolts of lightning 81 times.

They had noticed that with each breakthrough, the time between each round would get shorter. If it continued to reduce like this, when they broke through the ninth stage, there wouldn't be any break, just continuous bolts of lightning. They healed themselves and were about to leave when Azrael said that he would return later.

Lily was a bit confused but still left. Azrael started constructing a peak-grade 6-Star Barrier Formation with the Lightning Crucible as the center. It was huge in size and took almost a whole year before it was completed. It covered their entire territory and would use the Lightning Crucible as its energy source.

Azrael built it now in the hopes that it would also turn into a natural formation. The chances of its successful transformation were almost nil but he had to try.

He returned to their residence and spent the next few days dual cultivating with Lily. It was now time to start nurturing their cores. With the level of their foundations, it was very difficult to find compatible Natural Treasures so they decided to use a drop of their bloodline essence every day.

Azrael's core was inside his heart and his blood would constantly wash and nourish it. Due to this, his blood essence was very compatible with his core. His cells started resonating with the pieces of their cells inside the core and they slowly started influencing each other.

As time passed, the patterns on his cells and core started slowly merging and changing. 50 years later, the winged humanoid in the sigils on his cells now had minute crown tattoos just like the one on his core on its body. And now his core looked like a humanoid in a fetal position covered with wings but still maintaining a perfectly spherical shape. Its body was covered with tattoos of crowns.

When this change was complete, every sigil on his body started glowing. He looked like a sun incarnate. His core also started glowing. Lily was in the Empire helping Aliyah when she also started glowing. Her own sigils and core went through the same change. The dragon in her sigils now had a crown on every single one of its scales. Her core started looking like a spherical egg covered with scales with crown patterns on them.

Aliyah and Lily were shocked by this sudden change but guessed that it must be related to Azrael. Lily said through the Soulbrand, [What the hell just happened?] Azrael told her what happened and hypothesized that because his changes affected the Eternal Embodiment of Soul Embrace, Lily must've gone through the same changes.

They had to change from one drop of blood essence every day to hundred drops every day. If not for their Longevity talent, they would have died from blood essence depletion. Just like that another 50 years passed.

They were now ready to break through to the sixth stage of the Paragon Core realm. They reached the peak of Lightning Crucible and completed their breakthroughs. After this tribulation, the natural formations had fused into a huge array and its efficiency had increased by at least a thousand times. They then visited the construction site and were surprised to find that it would only take 200 more years to be completed.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

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Shout out to @Daoist096885 for supporting this novel.

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