
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 20 Eternal Embodiment of Soul Embrace (R-15)

Azrael and Lily made their way to Lionel's residence. When they entered, Lionel, Felix, and Ariana were having lunch. Ariana looked at the two of them and noticed something. She looked at them teasingly and asked, "Did the two of you already..." Lily's face grew redder and she replied shyly, "Yes...Mother." Ariana looked a little shocked but not much because she knew that it was gonna happen sooner or later. It wasn't just her, Lionel, Felix even Elder Malcolm who had been promoted and become a Core Elder had guessed that Azrael and Lily would end up together. She just hadn't expected them to have done the deed already. She looked deeply at her son who suddenly found the ceiling very interesting and then replied "Congratulations you two. I hope that you will give me a lot of grandchildren." Lionel looked at Lily and said "You learned from your Third Senior Brother very well. He married my daughter and now you will marry my grandson." Lily thought that her Master was angry with her but then he said, "Good job marking him so early. With this brat's face and talent, he will have a long line of girls wanting to take him. And brat, remember, she is my last disciple. If you betray her and break the Rex Family Code, I will deal with you personally." Azrael looked at Lionel strangely and asked, " The Rex Family Code?" This time it was Ariana that answered, "We of the Rex family strictly follow monogamy." Azrael hugged Lily's waist and said, "I will never betray big sis Lily, no matter what." Ariana looked at them and nodded with satisfaction.

Felix asked Azrael, "How was the result of the epiphany?" Azrael focused on himself and replied, "I created the first move of my spear technique. For three years I was constantly using my energy so my foundation is very firm." Then he glanced at Lily and said, "After digesting last night's gains, I can break through to the Paragon Core realm."

Ariana asked everyone except Azrael to leave. When they were alone, she looked at him and asked, "Do you truly love her?" Azrael replied without hesitation, "With all my heart." Ariana said, "Good, then I can give you this technique." She handed him a jade slip and said, "This is a dual cultivation technique, Eternal Embodiment of Soul Embrace. Only practice this if you truly love each other." Azrael went through the technique and became more and more shocked.

Eternal Embodiment of Soul Embrace,

Ritual of Union: The two partners must undergo a sacred ritual to initiate the cultivation process. This ritual involves expressing their love and commitment to each other by using their blood essence as ink to draw a unique tattoo on their partner's body while thinking of them. If their feelings are genuine, the tattoo transforms into a Soulbrand, and their blood essence is replenished.

Enhanced Connection: The Soulbrand grants the partners a heightened connection, enabling them to communicate telepathically over any distance. They can also sense each other's emotions, locations, and well-being, fostering a deep sense of intimacy and protection.

Harmonic Energy Fusion: Through physical intimacy, particularly during sexual acts, the partners channel their energies into a shared reservoir, strengthening their cultivation foundations. This consolidation process allows them to progress together and unlock new levels of power.

Hereditary Ascendance: If one partner possesses a stronger bloodline or lineage, the Soulbrand's energy gradually influences the other partner's bloodline, stimulating its evolution. Over time, this balances their strengths and abilities, ensuring both partners can contribute equally to their cultivation journey.

Eternal Confluence: As the partners progress in their cultivation, their bond becomes unbreakable. Even the most formidable forces, such as space and time manipulation, cannot sever their connection. This bond transcends life and death. If one of the partners dies, so does the other and they reincarnate together. The tattoos capture both of their bloodlines together and fuse them. In the next life, the two partners forget their memories of their past lives but are destined to find each other. This bond acts as a protective barrier, shielding them from harm and allowing them to face any challenges as a unified force.

The concept of Eternal Bonding emphasizes the power of love, trust, and shared destiny in the cultivation world, creating a deep and unbreakable connection between two individuals.

Azrael looked at Ariana and said, "We will form the Soulbrand tonight." Then he went to Lily to tell her the good news. After he left, Felix came into the room and hugged Ariana from behind. He said, "Did you give him the technique my love?" Ariana relaxed in his arms and said, "I did. He was so excited that he told me that they would form the Soulbrand tonight." Felix and Ariana had found this technique in a secret realm that contained the legacy of a dual cultivation sect. They also practiced this technique, but both of them already were in the Spirit Awakening realm and the true effects only activated if the technique was practiced before the Core Formation realm.

Night, Azrael's Residence,

Azrael had already told Lily about the technique. She was very shy about it but he could see the hidden excitement in her eyes. After having a nutritious dinner of low-grade Spirit Beast meat, they retired to his room and were ready to begin the ritual.

They both sat on his bed topless. They decided that Azrael would make the tattoo first. He thought about what to make and remembered the night before. He used his Cosmic Energy to make a brush. He then used his blood essence as ink and started drawing. He started at her heart and after an hour of drawing, he completed the tattoo, said the words "Cosmari Stellarium Zaldrīzes" and passed out due to using almost all of his blood essence. Lily scanned herself to see what he had drawn. It was an eastern dragon coiled around her, with its head on her heart and hind claws on the right side of her abdomen. There was an archaic symbol on its forehead and its body looked like a whole cosmos was used to make it.

She hurriedly used her Celestial Energy to make a brush and drew a similar dragon on his body with her blood essence. When it was complete she said the words, "Sinful Celestial Dragon" and she also passed out. The dragon on Azrael's body was almost the same as the one on her body but it was made up of suns, moons, and stars and there was a seven-pointed star with a tri-colored drop in the center on its forehead.

A few moments passed and the dragon tattoos started glowing. Azrael and Lily's bodies started floating and their racial tattoos also started glowing. The dragon tattoos started swimming around their bodies and started devouring the racial tattoos. They devoured all the tattoos except the symbols on their foreheads. After the racial tattoos had been devoured, the dragon tattoos looked more intelligent. They flew out of their bodies and started intertwining and dancing in the air as if they were celebrating their union. The Cosmic Stellarium Zaldrīzes dived into Azrael's body while the Sinful Celestial Dragon dived into Lily's. The dragons replenished their creators' blood essence and woke them up. Then they again flew out of their bodies and started intertwining between them. As they intertwined, the Sinful Celestial Dragon's body changed until it looked like its partner.

The symbols on Azrael and Lily's foreheads started glowing. Azrael started emitting an imperial aura as if the entire Omniverse was his subject. A crown made of Cosmic Energies manifested on his head as he said, "I, Azrael Primis Rex, Father of all Cosmari Stellarium Celestia take thee as my beloved. In sickness and in health. In Heaven or in Hell. In all of your sorrows and all of your joys. In this life and the next, I shall accompany thee."

Lily also started emitting an aura that matched Azrael's. A crown made of the energy of the Seven Deadly Sins and Cosmic Energy manifested on her head as she said, "I, Lily Windsor Primis, Mother of all Cosmari Infernal Zaldrīzes take thee as my beloved. In sickness and in health. In Heaven or in Hell. In all of your sorrows and all of your joys. In this life and the next, I shall accompany thee."

After they both completed their vows, the crowns on their heads started levitating and spinning. As they spun, they also shrunk in size and turned into rings. Azrael and Lily put the rings on each others' ring fingers and the dragons roared. Their roar was so loud that every person and beast on Aurora Star heard it. Azrael and Lily kissed each other and the dragons dived into their bodies. The Ritual of Union was completed. A sudden change took place in Lily's body that shocked them.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

What do you think is happening within Lily's body? Tell me your guesses in the comments.

Leave reviews and comments because I love it when you guys interact with me.

Shout out to @Daoist096885 and @WholeFoods for supporting this novel.

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See you next time