
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 21 Miracle

When the Cosmari Stellarium Zaldrīzes entered Lily's body, it started eating her foundations. After it had eaten her foundations, it moved on to her dantians and meridians. Azrael knew something was wrong when he saw the pained look on her face. When he scanned her body and saw what the dragon was doing to her, at first he thought that it was a backlash but then he remembered the time when he had formed his Archon Heart. If his guess was right then this was a tremendous opportunity for her. He used his Space Intent and teleported them to Mt.Ascension. He whispered in her ear that everything was going to be alright and that she was going to become a Paragon.

Lily's PoV,

I felt excruciating pain and I would have died if not Azrael. When he said that I was going to be a Paragon, I quickly connected the dots. It seemed that the Cosmari Stellarium Zaldrīzes was unsatisfied with my foundations as a Pseudo-Paragon and wanted to make me a true Paragon. After it had completely devoured my foundations, dantians, meridians, and even my Bloodline Source, it broke them down completely inside its body and spat them in the form of a mist inside the right side of my chest. Dark clouds started to gather and a bolt of purple-gold lightning struck the right side of my chest, exposing the mist. Lightning bolts started striking the mist but the residual lightning was too much for my already injured body and it got completely destroyed. The mist protected my soul. After 81 bolts of lightning had struck the mist the clouds disappeared. My soul divided itself into 7 pieces and merged with the mist.

The mist had turned into a crystalline drop of blood that seemed to contain a cosmos. It started pulling the surrounding energy to form a cocoon. It was similar to what happened with Azrael. Inside the cocoon, the drop multiplied and solidified into two hearts. One looked like it was formed from blood rubies. The other looked like it was formed from a cosmos. It was my Paragon Heart. The blood heart started to form a body of an infant for me. When my body was completely formed, I could feel the horns on my head. The Cosmari Stellarium Zaldrīzes also appeared on my body. Then the Paragon Heart started to form my meridians. The seven pieces of my soul merged with my body but separated from my consciousness. Unlike Azrael, there would be seven hells in my body, one for each sin. My body started to grow until it was fully mature. I absorbed all the energy in the cocoon until it disappeared. I sent a message to Azrael through our link and he teleported in front of me.

Lily's PoV End,

Azrael gave Lily clothes and looked at her. Just like him after forming his Archon Heart, her appearance had also changed. Previously, her base form was human and she could transform into her draconian form. Now, her base form had the horns and the seven-pointed star with a gem made of incredibly refined Cosmic Energy in the center. She told him that she could better control her wings, tail, claws, and scales. She could control them with just a thought individually, unlike before when she had to transform completely. She also told him that she had also evolved into a Cosmari, a Cosmari Infernal Zaldrīzes specifically. This was only possible because she already had a trace of Cosmari blood essence inside her. The Cosmari Stellarium Zaldrīzes was also made of Cosmari blood essence and they resonated together resulting in her evolution. Azrael and Lily gave the good news to the rest of the family. Lionel was shocked that his last disciple had transformed into a true Paragon. As for her lost cultivation, it could be made up for with the dual cultivation technique.

One Month Later,

Lily was ready to build her foundation. She decided to use Cosmic Energy, her own bloodline, and the Seven Deadly Sins to build her foundation. The foundation she chose to build was the Cosmari Infernal Zaldrīzes. She moved to Mt.Ascension and sat down on its peak. She started visualizing. She visualized her Bloodline Source as a blank egg. She started feeding Cosmic Energy and the Seven Deadly Sins Energy to the egg. The egg slowly changed in color. Its shell started looking similar to Cosmic Energy and tattoos of seven-pointed stars emerged on it. After it stopped absorbing energy, she just filled the surroundings with the remaining energy and left it alone. After a long time, it started shaking and a few cracks emerged on it. The cracks got bigger and bigger until a claw finally broke through from within. The claw broke the eggshell and a dragon came out. The dragon ate the egg shells and started growing. When it had matured the visualization ended and started building itself in her Paragon heart.

Then lightning clouds started gathering above Lily's head. A lightning bolt struck her, exposing the foundation. Lightning bolts started striking the foundation and after 81 lightning bolts, the clouds disappeared. Her body started healing and she went to Azrael. Azrael told her about the benefits of comprehending intents during the Paragon Foundation Building realm. She decided to comprehend the Intents of Superbia (pride), Avaritia (greed), Luxuria (lust), Invidia (envy), Gula (gluttony), Ira (wrath), and Acedia (sloth).

6 Months Later,

Lily had broken through to the peak of the eighth stage. Inside her Paragon Heart, she could see a Cosmari Infernal Zaldrīzes with a circle of symbols behind it. They were a yellow toad (Avaritia), a green snake (Invidia), an orange lion (Ira), a light blue snail (Acedia), a pink pig (Gula), a red goat (Luxuria), and a violet peacock(Superbia). She also comprehended the Infernal Intent. Infernal Intent could only be comprehended after one had completely comprehended the Intents of the Seven Deadly Sins.

She initiated her breakthrough to the ninth stage. After breaking through a pitch-black tower with seven floors appeared in the center of the circle behind her foundation. The seven symbols branded themselves on one floor each. After that, the Cosmari Infernal Zaldrīzes coiled itself around the tower. Lily spent another month consolidating her foundation with Azrael and then they were both ready to break through to the Paragon Core realm.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

Cosmari Infernal Zaldrīzes: Cosmic Infernal Dragon

Cosmari Stellarium Celestia: Cosmic Stellar Celestial

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