
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 19 Sinful Celestial Draconian (R-15)

After the spear moved to the foundation's hands, Azreal could tell it had become a part of it and he had an epiphany. A spear formed from Cosmic Energy appeared in his hand and he started wielding it. He fell into a trance and forgot about everything around him. It was just him and his spear. He kept wielding his spear and finally poured all of his energy into one move. He shouted "Cosmic Spear: First Form, Starfall." All of his energy got concentrated at the tip of his spear and he stabbed forward.

When he woke up, there was destruction around him and he felt that his vision had changed. He wasn't this tall when he fell into the trance. Just then he got a text from Lily saying that she had to tell him something important. He glanced at the date and realized that it had been three years. He texted his family members that he had awoken. He wondered about what she would tell him and went to her residence on the Sect Master's Peak. He knocked at her door and a flustered voice replied, "Come in." He entered the house and saw Lily sitting on the sofa. She had grown into a beautiful woman but something was different about her, she was exuding a charm that couldn't be hidden. Azrael couldn't put his finger on it but ever since he saw her, his heart had been beating as if it wanted to pop out of his chest. His cheeks started heating up and he started blushing. Lily looked at him and asked, "Are you feeling ok? If not you should rest, we can talk later." Azrael replied "I'm fine. I just awoke from my epiphany maybe that's why. Anyway, what did you wanna talk about?"

Lily looked at him in shock, "You broke through to the ninth stage?" Azrael replied, "Yeah, I broke through three years ago. I even made my own spear technique" Lily looked at him as if she was looking at a monster and said, "I have also broken through the ninth stage and my racial change is complete." Azrael asked "What racial change? You refused to tell me anything about your chosen bloodline, Mystic Path, and element saying that it wasn't time yet." Lily looked at him with a slightly guilty look and said "It wasn't the right time because I myself wasn't sure about the bloodline. After mixing your blood essence, it evolved. Then it started interacting with my chosen element and Mystic Path and evolved once again. Your blood is very powerful, capable of evolving the bloodline of one of the two ruling clans of the beasts."

Azrael was once again confused and asked "What are you talking about?" Lily replied "Master prepared the blood essence of a Solar Dragon, one of the three ruling races of the beasts for me. After mixing your blood essence in it, it evolved and started emitting the aura of the moons and the stars along with the aura of the sun. So I chose the Celestial element, an element formed after the fusion of sun, moon, and stars. The Mystic Path that I chose was of the Seven Deadly Sins. After interacting with them it evolved into my current bloodline and changed my race to Sinful Celestial Draconian."

As she said this she started to transform, her height grew a few inches, and her hands turned into dragon claws. Midnight blue scales dotted with stars and tattoos of the sun and the moon emerged on her skin and her aura changed to that of a proud empress. Two horns grew from her temples and curved around her forehead like a crown. They stopped just before they met in the center of her forehead and a seven-pointed star with a tri-colored gem in between appeared there. Lastly, two wings and a tail burst out of her back.

When her transformation ended, Azrael felt as if something inside him had been provoked. His tattoos started glowing and he felt a primal urge awaken inside him. He looked at her only to see that one of the points of the seven-pointed star on her forehead was glowing and he pounced on her. He held her face with both of his hands and kissed her lips. Their bodies melded together and they moved to the bedroom.

Noon, The Next Day,

Azrael and Lily lay in her bed. Lily had already transformed back into her human appearance and her face was completely red because she still couldn't believe what had happened. She remembered Lionel's warning about dragons. They were very lustful and decided that she would be careful with her transformation next time. She peeked at Azrael who was sleeping beside her with a smile on his face and couldn't help but get a little lost in his good looks. Azrael woke up, startling her, and said in a teasing tone, "Did you have fun last night?" Lily's face turned even redder and she just hid her face in his chest without answering him. Azrael started laughing and kissed her forehead. They then got out of bed, took a relaxing bath together, ate breakfast and then left to meet with Lionel.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

We have finally reached 10k views so thank you to all my readers

This novel is strictly (R-15) but if this novel gets enough power stones, I might release an (R-18) side chapter.

This is not a harem novel. Lily will be the only heroine.

Sorry for the short chapter, I have to attend a wedding. I will be publishing short chapters for the next few days because I will be busy so please understand.

Leave reviews and comments because I love it when you guys interact with me.

Shout out to @Daoist096885 and @WholeFoods for supporting this novel.

Drown me with Power Stones

Follow me on Instagram @magnus_0508

See you next time