
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 12 Aurora Star

Azrael was dumbfounded. He was just born and was already being exiled just because he was not a Primarch. He could hear the pain and anger in his parents' voices when they took those vows. He even wondered whose phantom would appear if he ever took a vow like this. His grandfather and he were traveling through the spatial folds. He saw many mystical sights on his way, he saw stars, different worlds, and even beasts just traveling in space eating broken stars. They had finally reached their destination. His grandfather looked at him and said "I cannot help you much but I can make sure that you have a good childhood. This is one of the strongest worlds in the Mortal Realms, the Aurora Star. It has all kinds of energies in abundance, at least for a Mortal Realm. These energies form a heavenly phenomenon every night, hence the name Aurora. Most of the strong Immortal sects have branches here. A powerhouse in the Divine Realms was born here and she made it a neutral world, making it safe from external threats." Sebastian scanned Aurora Star to find a suitable family for Azrael. He found one in the Immortal Battle God Sect, a sect full of battle maniacs. They were part of the Eight Great Immortal Sects in the Immortal Realms. He teleported to their house and put Azrael on their doorstep. After taking one last look at his grandson, he returned to the Origin Plane.

Peak Master Residence, Essence Peak, Immortal Battle God Sect;

Peak Master Felix Rex and his wife had been trying for a child for a long time but were unsuccessful. They had given up hope of a biological child and were thinking of adopting. Felix was pondering on some sect affairs when his wife entered his office with a baby in her arms. She said, "Somebody left him on our doorstep. This must be fate, we were just thinking of adopting and a child miraculously appeared on our doorstep. He had a pendent around his neck with the words Azrael Primis carved on it. That must be his name. So, what do you think we should do?" Even though his wife was asking for his opinion, Felix could see that she had already fallen in love with the baby. He sighed and replied, "Let us adopt him." His wife was happy to hear those words and said, "We have to take him to meet my father. He will be very happy to see his new grandson." She was talking about the Sect Master. The Sect Master of the Immortal Battle God Sect was his Master and the closest thing he had to a parent. Felix was an orphan child roaming around the back alleys of the Battle God City when his Master found him and took him in. Later he fell in love with his daughter and married her. He used his phone to notify his Master that they were going to visit and had some important news to share.

The Immortal Battle God Sect divided its members into different levels. Outer Sect members, Inner Sect members, and Core Sect members. Inner Sect members could join one of the four peaks depending on their specialization. There are a total of five peaks in the Sect, Essence Peak, Mana Peak, Mystic Peak, Miscellaneous Peak, and the Sect Master's Peak. The Sect Master's Peak is reserved for the current Sect Master, their family, and their disciples. Talented members can join but they have to be invited first.

Felix and his wife, Ariana took Azrael to the Sect Master's Peak. They entered his residence and waited for him in the living room. He entered and hugged his daughter and son-in-law/ disciple. The Sect Master, Lionel was a muscular man with tanned skin and a wild temperament. He asked "What happened? Are you guys in trouble? And who is this little guy?" Felix assured him that they were fine and told him about Azrael and their decision to adopt him. Lionel was silent for a while and Felix thought that he disapproved of their decision. Then Lionel started laughing wildly and said "Now I can also brag about my grandson in front of those old fogies. They are always trying to make me jealous with their cute little grandchildren, now we'll see who is the jealous one. Inform the other Peak Masters, I'm throwing a birthday party and all are invited." Felix was surprised to see his Master so excited. He hadn't realized that his Master wanted to be a grandparent so badly.

News spread that the Sect Master of the Immortal Battle God Sect was throwing a birthday party for his grandson all around Aurora Star. All the Immortal Sects and first-level sects made their way to the Battle God City. The party was a huge success as the whole world now knew about Azrael Primis Rex.

A month later,

Azrael was enjoying this life. He drank the milk of a high-grade demonic beast cow every day. He could already walk and speak fluently. He was hailed as a genius by his grandfather but he knew that time of enjoying life was over. His birth parents were waiting for him on the Origin Plane. He had to start cultivating with all his might but there was one problem, how was he going to explain the source of his cultivation techniques? He made a plan, one day when he was playing with Ariana he clutched his head and started screaming. This shocked Ariana very much and she sent a servant to fetch Felix. When Felix arrived, Azrael had already calmed down and went to sleep. Ariana and Felix were very worried about him. Azrael felt sorry for making his adoptive parents worry about him but he knew that it had to be done. When Azrael woke up Ariana asked him about how he felt and if something hurt. Azrael replied, " I'm fine Mom but I suddenly have some extra knowledge in my mind." He then continued to tell them about the cultivation methods and the cultivation knowledge he had received. Felix informed Lionel about what had happened but Lionel wasn't surprised at all. He had already expected that Azrael came from a big clan in the Immortal Realms and these were his inheritance.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

Ranks of Beasts

Rank 1-3: Monster Beast

Rank 4-5: Demonic Beast (Gain intelligence and the ability to speak)

Rank 6-9: Spirit Beast (Gain the ability to turn into human form)

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Shout out to Daoist096885 for supporting this novel.

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See you next time