
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 11 Exile

Azrael's PoV:

When I woke up, I realized that I had already been born. I could see different energies surrounding me as if they were celebrating my birth. Just then I saw a vision manifest in the sky. A huge throne that seemed to contain myriad worlds with an otherworldly man sitting on it with his eyes closed. I don't know why, but the man gave me a familiar feeling. He opened his eyes and they were one the most beautiful things I had ever seen. His right eye glowed with infinite colors and the left eye was golden and black. When he opened his eyes everybody except for Mom, me, and the man holding me kneeled. He then looked towards me and smiled, I could feel the boundless kindness in them, and vanished. Something came over me and I started giggling. The man holding me, who turned out to be my grandfather in this life handed me to my mother and suddenly vanished. I was feeling hungry and my mother could feel that as well so she started feeding me. It was very embarrassing for me. Even though I was in the body of an infant, I was a grown man inside. My grandfather returned after some time with my father and another woman, who looked similar to my mother. She was probably my grandmother from my mother's side. I was done eating and my mother handed me to my father. My father was a handsome man with silvery white hair. I was a bit confused due to the similarities between the names of my parents in my past life and this life, but I was now used to weird things like this happening around me. I held his little finger with my tiny hand because I felt like it. My father asked my mother if she had decided on a name for me. My mother announced my name grandly, it was Azrael Primis and I was the first of my kind. It felt kinda weird at first but then it sounded really cool.

Azrael's PoV End

Sebastian was really shocked when he heard what Elena said. He scanned Azrael with his divine sense and it was true, Azrael was not a Primarch. This complicated things. If Azrael were a Primarch his parents would have been exempt from the punishment for breaking a taboo. He told all this to Evangeline and she was also shocked. They had to talk to Anthony, the head of the Sorsmadhi clan. The Sorsmadhi clan were the law enforcers of the Primarchs. They teleported to his office. Anthony was waiting for them as if he knew that they were coming. "Congratulations to both of you. How is the little Primarch?" Anthony asked in a jovial tone. Sebastian and Evangeline's faces stiffened. Sebastian turned toward Anthony and said, "We have a problem." Hearing the seriousness in Sebastian's voice Anthony also became serious. Sebastian continued, "Azrael, my grandson is not a Primarch. I remember Elena saying something about a bloodline evolution but I did not anticipate that it would completely change his race. I won't ask you to not punish them but spare their lives." Sebastian's tone suddenly changed and became colder, "Or prepare your clan for war." Anthony was surprised to see the usually calm and peace-loving Sebastian threatening him with war. He said "Calm down, nobody's killing anybody. But I have to say, I didn't expect that you would be the one to bring up war instead of that hothead." Anthony thought for a while and said, "I have decided their punishment. Take us to Elena and Samael, I will give their sentence to them personally." Sebastian felt like he had become everybody's personal teleporter that day but still grabbed them and vanished.

He teleported them back to the maternity ward where Elena and Azrael were staying. Just as he returned he was once again shocked by his little grandson. He had already started saying words like mama and dada. Anthony looked at the cause of all this commotion and even he had to agree that he, in his long life had never seen a cuter baby. He almost decided to not punish the little baby but then remembered who he was. He cleared his throat, pulling all attention towards himself, and said, "As the current head of the Sorsamadhi Clan, only I, Anthony Sorsamadhi have the right to punish you. Elena Rudraevum and Samael Nispatium, you two have knowingly and willingly broken the ancient taboo. For this crime, you shall be imprisoned in the Punishment Grounds, indefinitely. If you have any problems with this punishment, defeat me first, and then we will talk about it. I will accept your challenge anytime. Azrael Primis, you have not committed any crime but only Primarchs may reside in the Origin Plane. You will be exiled to one of the high-level Mortal Realms. You shall receive no assistance from the Primarchs but you can rest assured that no Primarch will ever hurt you if you don't hurt them first. If you are able to reach the Origin Plane on your own, we will welcome you back with open arms." When Anthony finished his speech Elena and Samael already had red eyes. If looks could kill, Anthony would have died thousand times over. Anthony once again said to Elena and Samael "You should say your goodbyes now because you won't have any chance later on." Elena glared at him viciously and said to Azrael, "Don't worry Sweetie, Mama and Dada will kill the bad man soon and come to get you. You just stay safe and wait for us. And always remember that your name is Azrael Primis." She took out a jade pendant from her storage ring and engraved the words 'Azrael Primis' on it with her mana before hanging it around Azrael's neck. Then she looked at Anthony and subconsciously released her bloodline pressure. Anthony suddenly felt fear from the depths of his bloodline as if he had encountered his natural predator. Then he heard Elena say something that shook him to his core, "If something happens to my son because you were too much of a coward and exiled him, I will make sure that the Sorsamadhi clan accompanies him to the afterlife. I swear this in the name of the Immemorial Dragon of Destruction, Rudra, and the Eternal River of Time, Aevum." A phantom of a pitch-black dragon bathing in a transparent river appeared behind her and it let out a deafening roar as if it were acknowledging her vow. Samael also released his bloodline pressure and made a vow "If anything happens to my son because of your decisions, I will not kill you. Because when I'm done with you, you will beg for death but won't get it. I will make you regret ever being born. I swear this in the name of the Immemorial Phoenix of Creation, Nisarga, and the Eternal Tree of Space, Spatium." Behind him, a phantom of a phoenix perched on a silver tree appeared. The phoenix let out a piercing screech as if acknowledging his vow. The two phantoms looked at each and then vanished. Sebastian picked up his grandson and vanished while Anthony escorted Elena and Samael to the Punishment Grounds.


Author's Note:

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See you in the next one