
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 10 Azrael Primis

Five years passed and it was finally time for Damien's birth. During these years Damien's bloodline nourished his parents nonstop. Elena and Samael were geniuses among the Primarchs even before their bloodlines were strengthened. Both of them were direct descendants of the Rudraevum and Nispatium clans respectively. If it weren't for Damien they would still be in the Origin Plane. Just then they sensed intense spatial fluctuations and a portal opened. They knew their clans must've found them and tried to escape but weren't able to. The surrounding space had been sealed. Two figures, a man and a woman stepped out of the portal. The man had features very similar to Elena's. The woman on the other hand had features that were very similar to Samael's. Just when they were about to say something, Elena went into labor. Her water broke and the woman rushed towards her. Samael got in a fighting stance, ready to protect Elena from his elder sister. His sister simply teleported behind Elena Grabbed her and vanished before he could even realize what had happened. Rage took over him and he rushed towards the man. He started screaming at the man "How could you? She was your sister!" The man replied calmly, "She isn't dead. But she would be if Sarah didn't take her back to the clan. You have no idea of the consequences of what you two have done. Those restrictions exist for a reason. The Rudraevum and Nispatium clans are forbidden to have children with each other because their elements clash with each other too much. A fetus isn't able to handle a clash of that level and the result is a mindless abomination. An abomination, when born not only dies after a few minutes but also kills the mother. Do you want Elena to die?" Samael sobered up when heard that Elena was safe but then his eyes turned cold. "Do you think we hadn't thought of that? Elena and I fell in love with each other during the Bloodline Trials. Both of us successfully passed the final trial with the highest score in the last epoch. We were both granted a wish, and we wished for a child, our child. The Trials gave us the location of a secret realm that one of the Ancestors had created. They told us that we would find our answers there if we were worthy. It took me a great time to find it even after having the location. Only after finding the location did we conceive our baby. I barely passed the trials there and received Ancestor's instructions. Our son won't be a mindless abomination but a peerless genius, the likes of which have never been seen before." The man was too shocked to say anything. Then Samael started focusing and a portal formed in front of him. He looked at the man and said "Eli, are you coming or should I leave you behind as well?" Eli quickly stepped into the portal with Samael behind him and the portal closed. Eli and Samael arrived at the Origin Plane before rushing toward the Nispatium Clan Hospital. The Nispatium clan were the greatest healers due to Nisarga's bloodline and had built many hospitals in the Origin Plane. They both entered the hospital but were stopped by a beautiful and mature woman. "Where do you think you two are going? Elena has already told me about your situation and I have notified the other clan leaders. That includes your father, Samael. He's the one delivering the baby. You just wait here with me and Eli. Don't worry, if what you have told us is true then everything is going to be okay. Now tell me something, why is your bloodline aura so strong? It even surpasses your old man. When I sensed Elena's bloodline aura it was also stronger than mine but I just assumed that it was her's and the baby's auras combined. what is going on with you two?" Samael hesitated for a moment but then he remembered the identity of this woman. She was the head of the Rudraevum clan and Elena's mother, Evangeline Rudraevum. She wouldn't hurt her daughter and grandchild so he told her how the baby's bloodline had evolved and had been nourishing their bloodlines for the last 5 years. Evangeline was about to say something when she sensed something. She flew out of the hospital and looked at the sky solemnly. Samael followed her and as that the skies had turned dark even though it was daytime. Then something happened that would forever be remembered in the records of the Primarchs.

Unknown PoV:

In the delivery room, Elena was lying on a bed with a tired expression on her face. A handsome man was delivering the baby. He said "Just push a little more, Elena. I can almost see his head." With a scream, Elena pushed with all her might. The man pulled the baby out of Elena. He had delivered many babies but this was the first time he had seen a baby so beautiful. He had black hair that seemed to devour all light with purple streaks in them. The purple streaks seemed to contain every color. His skin glowed as if it were the most precious substance in existence. The baby seemed to be in a deep sleep which worried the man. What the man didn't know was that when the baby had been born all worlds in the omniverse had been covered by darkness. The baby suddenly opened his eyes. His right eye glowed with infinite colors and the left eye was golden and black. When he had opened his eyes a vision started to manifest in the dark skies. A huge throne that seemed to contain myriad worlds with an otherworldly man sitting on it with his eyes closed. When he opened his eyes, they were the same as the baby's. Suddenly everybody in the Omniverse except the three clan's heads and the baby's parents kneeled. Even the clan heads barely controlled themselves and could only look at the ground as if they were too unworthy to even gaze at this being. The being looked towards the baby and smiled. The stars seemed to dim when he smiled before vanishing. The silence was broken when the baby started to giggle.

PoV End

The man came out of reverie and looked at the baby before handing him to Elena. He then vanished from the delivery room and appeared in front of his son, who was too shocked to even recognize his own father. He then looked at Evangeline who returned his gaze with a question, "What the fuck was that? And why was your son not affected at all? Tell me, Sebastian, or I swear to Rudra I will whoop your ass!" Sebastian was used to this madwoman's wildness so he didn't take her words to heart and answered, "That was a vision. The kind that manifests when a genius is born. The delivery was a success by the way." Evangeline processed the implications of what she had just heard. The baby was born and the vision manifested. She said, "Take me to my grandson. I want to see him." By this time Samael had come to his senses and looked at his father happily. Sebastian sighed and grabbed their hands before the three of them vanished again. He teleported them to a maternity ward where Elena was feeding the baby. Samael walked up to them. Elena glanced at him and smiled. She was done feeding him so she asked Samael to hold him. Samael gently held the baby and looked into his eyes. He could see a curious gleam in those eyes but his attention was pulled away from them because the baby held his little finger with his tiny hand. He looked at Elena and asked her "What are we going to name him?" Elena smiled and replied, "Azrael, his name will be Azrael Primis, the first of his kind."


Author's Note:

Hey guys, hope you like the novel so far.

I have decided to change the MC's name in his new life and the chapter that explained his bloodline abilities has been adjusted.

Leave reviews and comments because I love it when you guys interact with me.

Shout out to @Daoist096885

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See you in the next one