
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 9 Archon

When Damien woke up again he was in a pool of sticky fluid. He tried to move but he couldn't, he didn't have any limbs yet. That's when the realization struck him. He had become a fetus.

He started hyperventilating until he heard a heavenly voice that calmed him down "Nobody will ever hurt you. Mama will make sure of that." Damien realized that the voice belonged to his mother in this life. He was confused, why would anyone try to hurt him? He wasn't even born yet. Sensing his current state he knew it would be a long time before he was born so he decided to check the information contained in his soul. His soul had three blobs of light. When he focused on one of them, it suddenly broke down and there was additional information in his mind.

This information was about the race he was now a part of, the Primarchs. The Primarchs were descendants of those six beings and were the strongest race in the Omniverse. Those six beings were the Progenitors and the Primordials. There were three main clans, the Rudraevum, the Nispatium, and the Sorsamadhi. All three clans had the bloodlines of two different beings and their affinities. He didn't know which clan he belonged to yet. The gestation period of the Primarchs was nine years instead of nine months like humans. It contained the complete language of the Primarchs.

The other blobs of light contained a cultivation art each. The first was the Limitless Cosmos Formation. Limitless Cosmos Formation was a Paragon Art that allowed its user to create a Cosmos inside their body. It is one of the strongest mana cultivation techniques in the Omniverse. The second was the Nihility Integration Visualisation. To practice the Nihility Integration Visualisation, the user must visualize Nothingness. The visualization will temper their soul and slowly integrate with it. It is a very dangerous technique because if the user's soul isn't resilient enough, they will be erased by Nothingness.

Damien did not know how much time passed. His mother and father would speak to him every day unaware that he could understand them. One day he had a crazy thought. He thought about what would happen if he started practicing the Fatal Painforged Rebirth in the womb. The technique did say the earlier one started, the better the effects. He tried to activate the technique but it didn't work. He concluded that he would only be able to practice this technique when his heart formed.

One day Damien heard his father's voice "I won't be able to speak with you for some time little one. Dad has to go and get something for you. Dad promises that when he returns all of our problems will be solved." This made Damien a little scared. Before it was his mother and now even his father was talking as if they were in danger. He fell asleep and when he woke up, he had already developed a heart. Unlike a human heart, his had five chambers. One chamber in the middle and the other four around it. He could feel three sources forming in the middle chamber. He then heard a voice full of worry, "Has it begun?" It was his father. It seemed that he had returned. His mother replied "You returned just in time, Samael. Did you find it?" His father sighed in relief and replied "I did. According to the Ancestor's words, this should quell the bloodline clash before it even begins. You just have to ingest one petal of the peak-grade Chaotic Lotus while his Bloodline Sources are forming. The peak-grade Chaotic Lotus is a Chaos Behemoth whose body somehow survived but its soul is dead. The Ancestor also said that there is a chance that his bloodlines might evolve into something we have never seen before."

Damien's PoV:

My father's words shocked me. It looked like the three sources that were currently forming inside the fifth chamber were my Bloodline Sources. I knew about Bloodline Sources as it was mentioned in the cultivation knowledge I had gained from those six beings. As their name suggested Bloodline Sources were the root of one's bloodlines. They could be inherited and had different grades. Stronger grades resulted in a higher percentage of bloodline inherited. Most people didn't even have one and I have three. I cleared my head of these useless thoughts and focused. Now that my heart has already developed, I can start practicing the technique. I activated the technique and felt some pain. It wasn't nearly as much as when I started practicing the technique in my past life, maybe because I am a fetus and don't have many impurities in me, to begin with. I completed the first four stages fairly easily. I could feel my strength growing even as a fetus. but when I started the fifth stage, something happened. I once again felt the terrifying pain that I had forgotten. I realized that something had gone wrong and if something didn't correct it, I would die.

Damien's Mother's PoV:

About 30 minutes ago,

After Samael told me the Ancestor's instructions I was very shocked. Bloodline evolution of a bloodline of our level was simply unheard of. I'm not sure if it is even possible. What could go beyond the Progenitors and the Primordials themselves? Just then I felt a disturbance in my womb. then I started vomiting some weird stuff. This went on for about half an hour until my womb started to hurt. Specifically, it was the baby that was hurting. I panicked and told Samael what was happening who in turn said, "The bloodline clash must've begun earlier than we expected" and handed me the lotus. I was already panicking and instead of a single petal, I consumed the whole thing.

Damien's mother's Pov End

Damien's PoV

I suddenly felt a new strange energy entering me and suppressing my Bloodline Sources. This helped in managing the pain and I continued running the technique. Call it intuition, but somehow I knew that if I didn't finish the fifth stage of the technique right now, I would be missing out on a tremendous opportunity. As I ran the technique, I could feel my Bloodline Sources and the strange energy melting and fusing. They continued to do so until they completely fused and a new Bloodline Source was born. It had an aura that surpassed even those beings. As soon as I focused on it I saw something beautiful. I saw the birth of a place called the Chaosverse, and how those beings were born. I saw how the Chaosverse evolved into the current Omniverse and how those beings evolved into their current forms. I also got to know about the Originator of this new bloodline. It was a fusion of Chaos and Iussum's bloodlines. I don't know how but I already knew its name, Archon, Sovereign of All that Exists. The bloodline memories were too much for me and I could feel my soul bursting. Fortunately, something sealed those memories. I can feel that as my soul stronger, I will be able to unlock them. As I recovered from all those memories I realized that I had already completed all 9 stages of the technique. Then I started feeling sleepy and blacked out.

Damien's Pov end

After consuming the Lotus, Elena also fainted. She woke up after her baby's new Bloodline Source had formed. She could feel that her son's new bloodline was countless times stronger than hers or her husband's. It started nourishing her bloodline and she started releasing an aura. When that aura came in contact with Samael, Damien's bloodline recognized him as his father and formed a connection with him. Through this connection, it started nourishing Samael's bloodline in the same manner.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, what do you think about the novel?

Tell me in the reviews and comments.

I'll post an auxiliary chapter explaining Damien's techniques and bloodline soon.

Leave reviews and comments because I love it when you guys interact with me.

Follow me on Instagram @magnus_0508

See you next time