
Rejecting the Big Shot

Bo Xiyun had been transmigrating into one world after another. He just wanted to recuperate quietly but kept having weird interactions with a big shot. For example, the note he passed to the God of Studies offhandedly resulted in weird expressions from fellow classmates who told him, “You are still infatuated with him? You have no chance.” Bo Xiyun: “…I am secretly infatuated with him?” Holding the note, the God of Studies who had been quiet the entire time suddenly spoke up, “That’s not true.” Bo Xiyun sighed in relief. He just didn’t know how to act in a love drama. The God of Studies continued low and cold, “It was you who rejected me.” Bo Xiyun: “……” The consequence of rejecting the God of Studies was finally realizing what the true meaning of being passionate was. There’s nothing wrong with being passionate, just that it was tough on the waist. In the next world, Bo Xiyun became bankrupt, and when faced with a contract, thoroughly rejected him by saying— “I don’t want to be a kept man, I prefer love on an equal footing.” Such a cold-faced big shot who was used to his status as the top of the food chain will definitely not be willing to be in an equal relationship. Bo Xiyun just wanted him to get angry and leave. He looked into this pair of eyes, so similar to the God of Studies, and felt lingering trauma. His waist hurt. The other party stared at him silently, his voice calm, “You had agreed previously to be my provider for three years and didn’t want to be in a relationship.” Bo Xiyun, “……” The consequence of rejecting the big shot was, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen nights, one night less and it wasn’t three years. Even after paying off this world’s debt, there was still the next world on the list. In the end, Bo Xiyun finally realized. He may be cold and distant but when he falls, his passion has no end, like the sea. (Synopsis from NovelUpdates) (It is not an official translation, just a fan translation. Thank you for your support.)

Maya_3D · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
84 Chs

Refuse to Confess (9)

Bo Xiyun originally didn't plan to have too much contact with the seniors. After all, there were those scandals first, so he still remembered to keep a distance.

But since the other party was about to leave, Bo Xiyun didn't think too much, so he agreed to the morning exercise.

There is not much time left for him to get along with his seniors.

Sure enough, Bo Xiyun was too busy the next day to meet the two seniors.

It's not just that the competition needs to go through the process to get the results. Because Bo Xiyun left school to participate in the competition in City B, there are also many leftover matters on the school side that need to be dealt with by himself.

It wasn't until it was getting late that Bo Xiyun was finally busy with the things left behind in school.

No. 1 Middle School was already on holiday, and the campus suddenly became a little too cold. Bo Xiyun left the school before locking the door. He had just gone to the city library to find a self-study area when he received a call from the head teacher.

"Xiyun, where are you?"

The head teacher's voice couldn't hide his joy.

"This year's winter camp in the city has been successfully held!"

On the phone, the class teacher gave a very detailed introduction.

The winter camp was prepared to prepare for the self-enrollment of colleges and universities. It basically gathered famous teachers from all high schools in Q City, including several top physics teachers.

"Don't you still want to practice physics during the holidays? I have applied for a spot for you, so you can go and see it tomorrow?"

Bo Xiyun responded immediately: "Okay, thank you teacher."

His thanks are sincere. After all, with so many famous teachers, it must be difficult to get a place in the winter camp.

And Bo Xiyun never thought that he would have such a chance.

Originally, Bo Xiyun planned to solve the questions by himself. After all, the competition tutoring cannot be taught in large classes, and he cannot find ordinary teachers. He can only find a special person for one-on-one. The current Bo Xiyun certainly cannot afford it.

Because of the affairs of the Bai family, Bo Xiyun's situation after waking up was not good, it could even be said that he was struggling.

But he also found out.

Along the way, there have always been people showing kindness to him.

Bo Xiyun went to the winter camp the next day, and the place of class was near the No. 1 Middle School, and it was also very close to the hotel where he was staying.

There were not a lot of people in the winter camp. In addition to the top students from various schools, there were also some students from better families who wanted to obtain some qualifications for lowering their scores through self-enrollment.

The whole winter camp basically takes the school as the unit and is divided into three classes, which are taught by teachers in turn.

No. 1 Middle School got the most places because of its good grades. One school took up the entire class, and there was no need to combine it with students from other schools.

In the whole teaching building at the moment, the busiest class is also Class One.

The students were all high school seniors at the same school, and they were familiar with each other. They got together in twos and threes, and chatted for a long time.

Someone was curious: "Hey, didn't Bai Song come?"

Because of the background of the Bai family and his own high profile, Bai Song is also well-known in No. 1 Middle School.

He didn't participate in the winter camp this time, so he was discovered immediately.

"Why is he not here?" Someone laughed, "You don't know? Something happened to Bai Song."

The students next to him were curious: "What happened?"

The teachers hadn't arrived yet. In the classroom, apart from some top students who were quietly reading, many students came over to join in the fun and listen to gossip.

"Bai Song was originally appointed as the new chairman of the student union, but now this matter has become unreliable and he has been dismissed."

"Ah?? Real or not?"

"Didn't Bai Song wait for this chance for a long time?"

Some of the other students also knew the inside story and couldn't help but laugh.

"That's right. Originally, the change of term is a matter of the last semester every year. At this time, there should be no change. This time, it was Bai Song's turn that the previous chairman quit because of his heavy studies in the third year of high school."

"He finally waited for this opportunity, but he was dismissed before he took office."

"Why did they dismiss him?"

"It seems that Bai Song ordered the students from the student union to slander and frame others. It was the day when Yi God came."

"Yes, I've also heard that Bai Song even issued a pass for the members of the student union privately, so that the members of the student union can go anywhere, and the Academic Affairs Office can't control it."

"To be honest, the group of students in the student union are really crazy..."

The student union's flamboyant behavior style is not news in No. 1 Middle School. Many people have seen it, and they immediately talk about it.

But some people still said: "It really doesn't have much impact on Bai Song, does it? Anyway, the family has money..."

"Hey, what money does Bai Song's family have?"

With Bai Song's behavior, some people have long been displeased with him and laughed.

"Isn't he relying on his uncle? It's useless to find his uncle this time. Bai Song's misdeed has directly provoked young master Yi, and the Bai family has been implicated. His uncle scolded him badly."


"That's right, didn't Bai Song think he was going to travel to Europe before the winter vacation? Let alone going to Europe now, he can't go anywhere. The new mountain bike he begged his uncle to buy last semester was taken back. "

"Hahaha, isn't this too funny?"

Many people were amused.

This side was chatting lively, suddenly there was a voice of dissatisfaction, interrupting the chat abruptly.

"What are you talking about?"

When the students turned their heads, they saw a few people walking in from the door. The one who spoke first was Hu Peng, who was inseparable from Bai Song on weekdays.

"How do other people care about your shit?"

Hu Peng's voice was so loud that the whole classroom could hear it.

"If you have the ability, come out and speak!"

But not everyone was frightened, and then there was a voice saying.

" Doesn't Bai Song usually spread rumors about others behind their back?"

"Say what?"

Hu Peng became angry and smashed the table with a "bang".

"Get out!"

The person who spoke also stood up: "Okay, why don't you demonstrate how to roll?"

The atmosphere in the classroom became tense in an instant. Seeing the tense moment, suddenly there was a soft "kuang", and the front door of the classroom was pushed open.

A slightly thin and pretty boy walked in.

A few students in the front row who were reading books suddenly let out surprise sounds.


"God Bo!!"

Bo Xiyun smiled, and a small dimple curled up on his pale lips.

"Haven't seen you for a long time."

Because he met the class teacher when he came, Bo Xiyun arrived in the classroom a little later, basically the last one to arrive.

Basically everyone in the grade had heard about him winning the gold medal in the competition, so when Bo Xiyun came, the top students who had been reading quietly gathered around and asked him about the competition curiously.

The confrontation at the back of the classroom was thus interrupted.

Hu Peng looked gloomy, staring at Bo Xiyun coldly.

Originally, because of Bai Song's incident, he was very displeased with Bo Xiyun, but now seeing those top students who usually don't bother to associate with them, at this moment, they all surrounded Bo Xiyun like stars, Hu Peng felt even more angry.

He immediately dropped the original target of the stalemate, ready to step forward to show Bo Xiyun some color.

It was just that Hu Peng had just taken a step with others when a teacher walked in at the front door.

The person who came was Bo Xiyun's class teacher.

As soon as he came, he just said: "Everyone sit down, the teachers are still in a meeting, you go to self-study first."

Although the classroom is full of high school seniors from No. 1 Middle School, there were not many students in Class 3 originally. However, the head teacher's face is quite useful. After saying this, everyone sat down peacefully.

It was impossible for Hu Peng to confront the teacher at this time, so he kicked the corner of the table and turned his head back.

The movement of him kicking the corner of the table was not small. Normally, he should have been scolded by the teacher long ago.

But at this moment, the head teacher didn't pay attention to this side at all, and the smile could hardly be concealed in his voice.

"Xiyun, come here, University P is calling too!"

Bo Xiyun was called out, the classroom was quiet for a moment, and then the pot exploded.

"University P?!"

Everyone was discussing Bo Xiyun, who had the time to watch Hu Peng and the others? The classroom was noisy for a while, and when Bo Xiyun came back, he had been completely confirmed as a "God of Learning".

It wasn't until Bo Xiyun's class teacher came again that the classroom finally quieted down and started self-study.

And the legendary dream multiple-choice question was finally placed in front of Bo Xiyun.

Go to T Uni, or go to P Uni?

Bo Xiyun still had a few days to think about it slowly. In the classroom, because the teachers hadn't come yet, the students went to and from classes according to the usual school timetable for the time being.

When it was time to finish class, many people went outside to get some air due to the stuffy heat in the classroom.

Bo Xiyun also came out with his classmates.

It was still cold outside, and the ground was frozen in places, but the air was clean.

The place where they attend classes is an elementary school. Outside the teaching building, not far away is the rostrum used for raising the flag and giving speeches in the school, and there are some sports equipment such as horizontal and parallel bars beside it.

The elementary school has already been on vacation, and now there are only these high school seniors who make up classes for the winter camp on campus. The students chatted in twos and threes, and most of them gathered in the sports equipment area.

Not long after, there was some movement from the office building in the distance. The students looked up and saw many teachers coming out of the office building, as if they had just finished the meeting.

To Bo Xiyun's surprise, he saw Yi Zhongshen in the crowd.

At first he thought he was wrong, but soon some sharp-eyed classmates cried out.

"Hey, isn't that the Yi god?"

Regarding Yi Zhongshen, both "Yi God" and "Zhong God" are common nicknames for him. High school students especially like using such terms of address. Among top students, they refer to each other as "x God" to show respect. If someone who is unaware hears it, they might think it's some kind of pretentious club.

But for Yi Zhongshen, everyone's admiration is full of sincerity. After all, before he was admitted to T University, Yi Zhongshen was already quite famous in the school because of his conspicuous results that were always crushing every time.

So when they saw this one today, the students were very concerned.

"Why is God Zhong here? Has he left yet?"

The students looked around curiously, and then found that Yi Zhongshen did not come out alone, and there were two middle-aged men with him, all smiling, talking to Yi Zhongshen.

A classmate said, "Hey, isn't that Old Jiao? Who is next to him?"

One of the middle-aged men was the principal of No. 1 Middle School, Jiao Lin. The other face was stranger, but someone recognized it.

"That seems to be a deputy director of the Education Bureau. I saw him come to No. 1 Middle School before."

"Is Yi God so good? He can still chat and laugh with politicians."

Where's the laughter? If someone can see Yi Shao smile, that would be truly impressive, wouldn't it?

The students were laughing and joking, but there were still some people who knew better.

"Yi Shao's father seemed to be in charge of education before he became a full-time official. The deputy director is probably his former subordinate."


The students don't have any idea about the position yet, and it's okay to hear about it.

But then, they saw Principal Jiao chatting excitedly, laughing heartily, and stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to pat Yi Zhongshen on the shoulder.

It's just that before the principal's hand touched Yi Zhongshen, he was stopped by the deputy director. After the deputy director said something, the principal nodded suddenly, and then withdrew his hand.

Bo Xiyun also saw this scene, he didn't pay much attention to it, but heard the students next to him exclaim.

"The rumors are true?"

Bo Xiyun asked: "What rumor?"

"Yun ba, don't you know?"

(Ba is just the sound that comes after a word. it's common among Asians for saying ah ba la or something like that)

Standing next to Bo Xiyun was the math class representative of his class, Ke Di, who explained to him.

"Yi Shao not only doesn't like gossip, but also doesn't like people getting close. He usually wears tight clothes. Even in summer, he won't wear short-sleeved pants like us. No matter how many people there are, he won't be too close to others, let alone direct physical contact."

On such a cold day, Ke Di found out a handful of melon seeds out of nowhere. His fingers were so cold that he could hardly bend his fingers and he was still chewing, gossiping while licking the melon seeds.

"And according to rumors, no one has ever seen him make an exception. Last year at the college entrance examination commendation meeting, the leader shook hands with Yi Shao, and Yi Shao wore gloves and did not take them off."

The classmates next to him seemed to have heard the rumor.

"That's right, so just now when Old Jiao wanted to pat him on the shoulder, he was stopped by the deputy director, probably because he knew Yi shen's habit."

"Look, what is this? It has its own enchantment!"

The students were still talking about it, but Bo Xiyun couldn't help but feel puzzled when he listened.

No physical contact with people?

He had indeed noticed that Yi Zhongshen seemed to have a habit of cleanliness before, but he didn't find that the other party would reject touch.

Bo Xiyun was slightly puzzled.

When practicing this morning, the senior taught him to adjust his breathing, didn't he still...


The classmates next to him suddenly called out.

"Has Yi shen looked over here?"

Bo Xiyun was brought back to consciousness by the sound, and only then did he focus on it.

When he was just thinking about it, he stared blankly at Yi Zhongshen in the distance. Now that he regained his composure, Bo Xiyun happened to meet the boy's eyes.


Bo Xiyun was taken aback.

Senior is really looking here?

Bo Xiyun was taken aback.

Senior is really looking here?

He knew that Yi Zhongshen was very sensitive to sight, but he didn't expect him to be so sensitive.

Now it is even impossible to say that the other party looked at him as an illusion—Yi Zhongshen had already bid farewell to the leaders and walked over here.

Coming from the direction of the office building, it happens to pass the tall rostrum. And just now, the students had already gathered on the side of the high platform to discuss gossip, and some people were tired of standing, so they simply leaned against the side of the rostrum.

Yi Zhongshen came over, without detour, stepped on the rostrum directly with a long leg, he crossed diagonally, and walked to the gathered students.

The side under the rostrum was full of students. Yi Zhongshen didn't walk down, but stopped by the side of the stage. He was tall, and standing on the high platform now made it even more difficult to understand. A touch of overlooking.

The students didn't expect Yi Zhongshen to come over, they all looked up at him in a daze, unable to react for a while.

Everyone didn't even say hello, and the address was not uniform at all.

"Yi god...?"

"Hi Young Master Yi!"

Yi Zhongshen nodded slightly, actually answering these greetings.

Although his response was definitely not enthusiastic, it was enough to surprise the students to see that Yi Shao didn't treat everyone like air as rumored.

Ke Di, who was holding the melon seeds, asked subconsciously, "Young Master Yi, what do you want us to do?"

This god of learning who looked cold and had an even colder voice actually answered him.

"Came to find my junior."

There is no need to ask who the "junior" he refers to, because at this moment, Yi Zhongshen is looking at Bo Xiyun beside the rostrum.

When everyone heard this, they looked over with him curiously.

As the eyes gathered, Bo Xiyun himself was obviously a little surprised.

He opened his beautiful eyes, and his long eyelashes were stained with wet moisture from the winter frost: "...Me?"

Yi Zhong looked down at him deeply, and was silent for a moment without answering.

"Is there something wrong?"

Bo Xiyun didn't feel anything different, but he also didn't guess Yi Zhongshen's reason for coming. There was only one thing he could think of.

"Is Senior Yi going back to City B?"

So came to say goodbye?

As Bo Xiyun said, out of politeness, he took a step forward, getting closer to the rostrum where Yi Zhongshen was standing.

But unfortunately, there happened to be a broken brick beside the rostrum. It was freezing cold, and frost and thin ice formed on the ground again. Bo Xiyun stepped on a broken brick and staggered accidentally.

The classmate next to him hurriedly stopped him: "Be careful!"

But this is flat ground after all, and Bo Xiyun was not in a hurry, he was fine and stood firm immediately.

After thanking his classmates, he planned to continue talking with his seniors.

But in the next moment, there was a sudden tightness on the side of Bo XiYun's waist.

He abruptly opened his eyes wide.

Amidst the exclamation of his classmates, Yi Zhongshen, who was originally standing at the edge of the platform, swiftly lowered himself on one knee and skillfully stooped down, using his arm to embrace Baoxi Yun's waist and lifting him up directly!

Bo Xi Yun was wearing a snow-white down jacket with a fluffy collar, giving him a rather voluminous appearance. It was only when he was lifted up by Yi Zhongshen that his overly slender figure became apparent, with a waistline so slim that it could be encircled by someone's arm.

And Yi Zhongshen's movements didn't look like he was hugging a boy who had grown up, but more like picking up a cat lightly.

It's still a kitten, the kind that is small, light and obedient.

Bo Xiyun didn't even see it clearly, he only felt his feet were light and his body was heavy. Immediately afterwards, he stepped firmly on the high platform.

Yi Zhongshen was very strong, and the arm holding him was very stable, and he even seemed to have chosen the part to hug him, without hurting him at all.

But although Bo Xiyun was not affected, the students beside the rostrum were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped.

Fa... what happened? !

Ke Di was still holding a ready-cooked melon seed, and even forgot to put it in his mouth, and the melon seed fell directly to the ground. He opened his mouth stupidly, already doubting his eyes.

What about refusing physical contact? !

Under the cold winter sky, everyone could see clearly——

Yi Zhongshen didn't wear gloves, nor did he reject contact with Bo Xiyun at all.

Those exposed cold white palms were slender and strong, with blue veins showing slightly under the sunlight, and they circled Bo Xiyun's thin and narrow waist without any barriers.

In front of everyone, he took the initiative to hug his junior.

The surprise of the students was too obvious, and it was impossible for Bo Xiyun to ignore the difference between the rumor and the reality.

Even though he had already been let go by the other party, he was still a little dazed, and figured it out slowly.

... Sure enough, gossip cannot be trusted.

Among all the people, Yi Zhongshen was the only one with an indifferent expression. The boy's indifferent expression made it impossible to connect him with the astonishing move he just made.

Yi Zhongshen finally spoke and explained why he came.

"I didn't come to say goodbye."

Now there were two people standing on the rostrum. Yi Zhongshen and the young man beside him stood on the high platform at a conspicuous height half a body shorter than everyone's.

"I applied to join the winter camp and will stay here during the holidays."

The low magnetic and slightly cold voice was also heard clearly by all the students.

Listening to what he said to Bo Xiyun.

"From today, I will be the assistant teacher."


Tn Note:

This chapter was so annoying, not because of its length and all but I confused myself very badly.

The students around keep calling Bo Xiyun as Cloud Yun and it was so confusing because Cloud is Bao(?).

But the synopsis i copied from NovelUpdates say that it's Bo Xiyun not Bao.

Sorry for the rant but i will not change it to Bao because i am tight on time and can't afford to edit everything again. See you in a few days <3