
Rejecting the Big Shot

Bo Xiyun had been transmigrating into one world after another. He just wanted to recuperate quietly but kept having weird interactions with a big shot. For example, the note he passed to the God of Studies offhandedly resulted in weird expressions from fellow classmates who told him, “You are still infatuated with him? You have no chance.” Bo Xiyun: “…I am secretly infatuated with him?” Holding the note, the God of Studies who had been quiet the entire time suddenly spoke up, “That’s not true.” Bo Xiyun sighed in relief. He just didn’t know how to act in a love drama. The God of Studies continued low and cold, “It was you who rejected me.” Bo Xiyun: “……” The consequence of rejecting the God of Studies was finally realizing what the true meaning of being passionate was. There’s nothing wrong with being passionate, just that it was tough on the waist. In the next world, Bo Xiyun became bankrupt, and when faced with a contract, thoroughly rejected him by saying— “I don’t want to be a kept man, I prefer love on an equal footing.” Such a cold-faced big shot who was used to his status as the top of the food chain will definitely not be willing to be in an equal relationship. Bo Xiyun just wanted him to get angry and leave. He looked into this pair of eyes, so similar to the God of Studies, and felt lingering trauma. His waist hurt. The other party stared at him silently, his voice calm, “You had agreed previously to be my provider for three years and didn’t want to be in a relationship.” Bo Xiyun, “……” The consequence of rejecting the big shot was, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen nights, one night less and it wasn’t three years. Even after paying off this world’s debt, there was still the next world on the list. In the end, Bo Xiyun finally realized. He may be cold and distant but when he falls, his passion has no end, like the sea. (Synopsis from NovelUpdates) (It is not an official translation, just a fan translation. Thank you for your support.)

Maya_3D · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
84 Chs

Refuse to Confess (10)

Assistant teacher?

Bo Xiyun was startled.

Senior Yi is not leaving?

Different from his daze, the other students' first reaction when they heard this was a complete surprise.

"Really?! Is Yishen going to take us to class!"

"It's too extravagant to ask young master Yi to be a teaching assistant!"

Others couldn't wait to ask directly.

"Yi Shen! Will you watch us study by ourselves?"

Yi Zhongshen nodded slightly.



Now the students broke out into even more excited cheers.

Having Master Yi overseeing their self-study, not only means that everyone can get in touch with him, but more importantly, they can get answers to any problems at any time.

Moreover, this god of learning is an all-around type-you can ask questions about various subjects.

Who wouldn't be excited to hear this?

Hearing the chattering discussions of the students around him, Bo Xiyun finally had a sense of reality.

Senior Yi really wants to stay here.

Amidst the noisy discussions, Bo Xi Yun heard Yi Zhongshen's voice beside him.

"You said this morning that you would try to do morning exercises during the winter vacation."

The boy's voice was low, and Bo Xiyun could still hear it clearly amidst all the noise.

Bo Xiyun was still a little surprised, and nodded a little too late.

His current body is indeed a bit weak, and he was also weak and sick in his memory before, so Bo Xiyun wanted to take advantage of the winter vacation to exercise a little more and take care of himself slowly.

In addition, there are also a small number of reasons.

It was Bo Xiyun's wish.

He doesn't want to be constantly interrupted by illness to disrupt his schedule.

Yi Zhongshen looked at him deeply and said, "I have renewed my room at the hotel."

"Exercising alone is quite boring," Yi Zhongshen asked, "If you don't mind, can I go with you?"

If Gu Sheng were here, hearing this might seem like a ghostly encounter.

Yi Zhongshen started running alone in the morning in junior high school, and he didn't even go to the school playground. The only reason for him was that he thought it was too annoying.

But Bo Xiyun didn't know this.

The hotel they are in is expensive, and it is not full on weekdays, and fewer people get up early to go to the gym.

So although the fitness facilities are expensive and complete, the gym was empty during the morning exercises in the past two days, almost only the two of them.

"I don't mind, Senior Yi is too polite," Bo Xiyun said, "I've been bothering you these two days, it would be great if we could exercise together."

As he spoke, he subconsciously glanced at Yi Zhongshen's hand.

The boy's knuckles are slender, at the moment he is not wearing gloves like the gossip said , his thin hands are directly exposed, the joints are distinct, and there are light blue blood vessels protruding from the back of the hands, one can feel the vigor and strength at a glance.

However, those hands, which held remarkable strength, had been so gentle and considerate when they touched Bo Xi Yun's chest and waist during their morning exercise, just like when he had lifted Bo Xi Yun earlier.

They hadn't caused him the slightest pain.

The students at the podium were gradually attracted by the conversation between the two, as if they wanted to hear what they were talking about.

Everyone's excitement about Yi Shao's teaching assistant did not actually dilute their curiosity about the relationship between the two.

But the teacher not far away had already seen this side and began to call the students to go back to the room loudly, and everyone remembered that class was about to start.

The students went to the teaching building together.

There were no steps on this side of the podium. Bo Xiyun and Yi Zhongshen walked through the podium alone and walked down from the other side.

Only then did he remember to ask: "Did Senior Yi not return to City B before Chinese New Year?"

Bo Xiyun remembered that Gu Sheng said yesterday that he would leave soon.

Yi Zhong took a deep look at him: "No need to add a surname."

Bo Xiyun was stunned for a moment: "...Senior?"


Yi Zhongshen nodded.

"I'll stay here."

"There is something important."

Yi Zhongshen spoke in a serious tone, even to the point of being almost solemn, which made people a little surprised.

Will Yi Shao express his concern?

Bo Xiyun thought for a while and said, "Then I wish the senior all the best."

Yi Zhongshen said, "It might not go well."

He stopped and said softly.

"But it's okay."

When Bo Xiyun heard this, he felt a little strange.

He inexplicably felt that although the senior said so, he seemed to be in a good mood.

If he hadn't been used to Yi Zhongshen's indifference, Bo Xiyun would have mistakenly thought that Yi Zhongshen's tone was slightly smiling.

Back in the classroom, the room is still very lively, and the students are still excited about Senior Yi's arrival.

Seeing Bo Xiyun coming in, many people asked curiously.

"Xiyun, do you know senior Yi?"

"Senior Yi just touched you!"

"What's your relationship?"

Bo Xi Yun explained how they met before the competition to his classmates once again.

"We're nothing special."

At most, they were just a senior and a junior.

Bo Xiyun also explained emphatically: "It's because the gossip that the senior don't like to touch people is not credible."

But the students still felt very novel after listening to it.

Someone even said, "By the way, on the day before the holiday, Bai Song caused trouble, and it was XiYun who was framed, right?Senior Yi and Xi Yun had contact at that time too."

At the back door of the classroom, Hu Peng, who had just walked in, immediately showed a displeased expression when he heard Bai Song's name.

Although Hu Peng and the others were not at the podium during the break, they also heard about Senior Yi's arrival.

Now, seeing so many people praising Bo Xiyun because of senior Yi , Hu Peng scoffed.

That's because senior Yi didn't know what Bo Xiyun had done.

If he knew, would he let such a disgusting person get close to him?

Thinking of this, Hu Peng is ready to go forward and teach those who talk about Bai Song behind their backs a lesson.

But before he could move, the teacher had already walked in.

"Quiet!" the teacher knocked on the desk and said, "Sit down and get ready for class."

Hu Peng could only endure it, and returned to his seat indignantly.

The classes in the winter camp are very comprehensive, covering various subjects, and there are also some interview skills.

Although Bo Xiyun had already obtained the qualification for recommendation, but after listening to the class, he still benefited a lot.

There is also evening self-study in the winter camp. Although there are no strict requirements, most of the students will come to participate. After all, this is already the winter vacation of the third year of high school.

What's more, there is senior Yi watching the evening self-study.

The teaching assistant had nothing to do on the first day of his tenure, but on the second day, the winter camp suddenly had a lot of people, and even other classes wanted to come to class one.

After all, Yi Shen watched the first class in his evening self-study.

When the students discussed after class, they often talked about this matter.

What is even more controversial is that at this time, there is an exception——

A student from No.1 Middle school was placed in Class 3.

"Isn't Class 3 for students from the schools in the Li Dong District? Who from our No.1 Middle school went there?"

"Yeah, I passed by Class 3 yesterday, and I didn't see any familiar faces."

"Maybe it's because they're not familiar faces. It's someone who recently joined our school."

"Who is it?"

"Bai Song."

Many people weren't familiar with this name, but as soon as his identity was revealed, everyone remembered.

"Oh, is this the real son of the Bai family who replaced Xiyun?"

While talking, many students looked around, and they were relieved when they didn't see Bo Xiyun in the classroom.

It's not that everyone wants to discuss something behind Bo Xiyun's back.

It's just that the matter of the Bai family is really sensitive, and the students don't want to poke at Bo Xiyun's heartache.

"Why doesn't he come to class one? Could it be because Xiyun is here..."


Some students with better information immediately denied it.

"I heard people say that he went to the third class for the Seventeenth High School."

Everyone was curious: "What happened to the Seventeenth High School?"

Among all the high schools in Q City, No. 1 Middle School and No. 17 Middle School have the best grades, but this is not like the reason for Bai Song to go to Class No. 3.

"Didn't his student status be transferred to the No. 1 Middle School? Why in the winter camp, he went to the Seventeenth Middle School? You have to learn from both sides?"

"Oh, it's not for study, it's for Xu Xinyi from Seventeenth Middle School."

"Ah..." Everyone was stunned, "That seventeenth high school belle."

Many people have heard of the name Xu Xinyi even in No. 1 Middle School.

She is beautiful and has a good family background. Since she was a child, she has won various awards. When there are any activities in the 17th Middle School, even when youth activities are held in the city, she is basically the host and acts as a facade.

But there are still people who don't understand.

"What's the relationship between Bai Song and the school beauty? Could it be that they are in love? I haven't heard of it!"

"It's not love, it's a step forward."


"Oh, it's because the Bai family and the Xu family want them to develop a relationship, so they are put in the same class."

"Cultivate feelings?!"

The students were dumbfounded.

"What age is this, and you still engage in arranged marriages?"

"Then to change the word, wealthy marriage?"

"Come on, this word is more embarrassing..."

These lively discussions in a classroom did not spread outside.

In the adjacent office building, the interior is extremely quiet.

The leader who came to greet him had just left, and there was only a slender and stern figure left in the spacious and bright office.

Yi Zhongshen was sitting alone at the table, holding a tablet in one hand, looking at the piles of data on the computer screen on the table.

In the past two days, except for the frequent visits of the leaders, Yi Zhongshen was not busy. Whether it was the Municipal Education Bureau or No. 1 Middle School, they were very surprised that he could come to the winter camp, as if he had picked up the first prize for nothing.

After all, just having such a role model standing here can already play a huge role in motivating people.

This teaching assistant position does not have any heavy tasks, and the teachers are responsible for teaching. Yi Zhongshen's main purpose is to watch the self-study at night, and he doesn't even need to come during the day.

But in the past two days, Yi Zhongshen has been working full time and has been in this independent office during the day.

There are few people in the school and the internet speed is very fast. Yi Zhongshen runs data and builds models in the office. He sits by the window and can just see classrooms in the adjacent teaching building around the corner.

In the past two days, he was looking at the familiar front row position.

Where Bo Xiyun is sitting.

However, the boss doesn't care about his worship, Yi Zhongshen said straightforwardly: "Is there anything else?"

What this means is, hang up if you have nothing to do.

Knowing his temperament, Gu Sheng hurriedly said, "Yes, by the way, it's Xiyun's business."

Yi Zhongshen's gaze suddenly turned away from the screen he had been watching.

"What's the matter,?"

"Do you remember what I said two days ago, I bought some P-Uni's stationery for him, and I delivered it to his class at the winter camp."

Gu Sheng said.

"As a result, the child told me today that the students were very excited when they saw the manuscript paper of P University, and asked me if I could give some to the students."

"In fact, everything has already been given to him. He must be free to distribute it freely. I didn't expect him to come to me to ask me. It's so polite."

Gu Sheng couldn't help but sigh.

"The kid is really good."

Yi Zhongshen didn't speak, but the flat pen in his hand turned half a circle smoothly and gracefully between his long fingers.


"Tell me, do you want me to give you something else?"

Gu Sheng asked excitedly.

Yi Zhongshen put away his tablet and was about to go out to have a look, when the office door was suddenly pushed open.

A student hurried over.

"Yi Shao... Teacher, something happened outside! Come and take a look!"

Yi Zhongshen got up and walked out, but his eyes stopped on the student for a moment longer.

This face.

This person is Hu Peng's bench mate.