
Rejecting the Big Shot

Bo Xiyun had been transmigrating into one world after another. He just wanted to recuperate quietly but kept having weird interactions with a big shot. For example, the note he passed to the God of Studies offhandedly resulted in weird expressions from fellow classmates who told him, “You are still infatuated with him? You have no chance.” Bo Xiyun: “…I am secretly infatuated with him?” Holding the note, the God of Studies who had been quiet the entire time suddenly spoke up, “That’s not true.” Bo Xiyun sighed in relief. He just didn’t know how to act in a love drama. The God of Studies continued low and cold, “It was you who rejected me.” Bo Xiyun: “……” The consequence of rejecting the God of Studies was finally realizing what the true meaning of being passionate was. There’s nothing wrong with being passionate, just that it was tough on the waist. In the next world, Bo Xiyun became bankrupt, and when faced with a contract, thoroughly rejected him by saying— “I don’t want to be a kept man, I prefer love on an equal footing.” Such a cold-faced big shot who was used to his status as the top of the food chain will definitely not be willing to be in an equal relationship. Bo Xiyun just wanted him to get angry and leave. He looked into this pair of eyes, so similar to the God of Studies, and felt lingering trauma. His waist hurt. The other party stared at him silently, his voice calm, “You had agreed previously to be my provider for three years and didn’t want to be in a relationship.” Bo Xiyun, “……” The consequence of rejecting the big shot was, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen nights, one night less and it wasn’t three years. Even after paying off this world’s debt, there was still the next world on the list. In the end, Bo Xiyun finally realized. He may be cold and distant but when he falls, his passion has no end, like the sea. (Synopsis from NovelUpdates) (It is not an official translation, just a fan translation. Thank you for your support.)

Maya_3D · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
84 Chs

Refuse to Confess (8)

Yi Zhongshen's sudden arrival made the already silent room even more rigid.

Bo Xiyun subconsciously took a step sideways to block the scattered papers on the ground. Before he could figure out how to explain, Gu Sheng who was beside him spoke first.

"There is something wrong with the air conditioner in Xiyun's room. I just came to help him fix it."

As he said that, Gu Sheng also casually took half a step forward, and happened to stand in front of a piece of paper that floated a little farther away.

That position allowed him to block Yi Zhongshen's possible sight at the door.

"Zhong Shen, have you finished washing?"

Gu Sheng's tone was very ordinary, as if nothing had happened.

"I just said I wanted to ask you, where do you want to go for supper tonight?"

Taking advantage of this time, Bo Xiyun lowered his body and picked up the manuscript paper on the ground.

After a moment of silence, Yi Zhongshen answered in a low voice from the door.

"Ask my junior."

Gu Sheng glanced at Bo Xiyun, who was lowering his head and concentrating on tidying up, and sighed helplessly: "The younger brother must not be free, and I have to choose in the end."

He took out his mobile phone: "Let me search for nearby recommendations."

After searching twice, Gu Sheng started talking again, as if thinking of something: "By the way, Zhong Shen, have you changed your bedding?"

Yi Zhongshen didn't speak, but Gu Sheng knew the answer.

"Don't take it seriously anymore, let someone change it quickly, otherwise I won't be able to deal with Aunt Su."

He urged Yi Zhongshen to go back to the room, and after Yi Zhongshen left, Gu Sheng closed the door and leaned back against the door, only then did he finally breathe a sigh of relief.

All the scattered things on the ground were put away, and the envelope just now was nowhere to be seen. Gu Sheng looked at Bo Xiyun standing there obediently with his fingers clasped, and his heart softened a little.

"It's okay, don't worry, Young Master Yi probably didn't see it."

Bo Xiyun opened her mouth: "I..."

"I know," Gu Sheng reassured, "Don't worry, I have no other intentions. Just now, I was afraid that young master Yi would misunderstand, so I sent him away without telling him."

"He himself is quite repulsed by scandals, and today he is in a bad mood. When he suddenly saw those papers, he might think too much."

Bo Xiyun was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect the other party to say that.

He knew that the scattered papers just now were indeed easy to cause misunderstandings, coupled with the "I like you" note in the evening, and the secret love rumors that had spread before, it was even more difficult not to think about it.

But Bo Xiyun did not expect that Gu Sheng would have such a reaction.

Second young master Gu is Yi Zhongshen's good friend after all, but now, he is so thoughtful for Bo Xiyun's sake.

In front of young master Yi, he defended Bo Xiyun impeccably.

Bo Xiyun obediently responded, and sincerely thanked: "Well, thank you senior."

"No need," Gu Sheng waved his hand, "It's none of your business."

He explained a few more words.

"Maybe it's inherited from their family. Uncle Yi is also a very dedicated person. He doesn't like to listen to other people's gossip. He thinks it will be bad for his lover."

"It's just that Zhong Shen seems to be more obvious recently, especially sensitive to things like scandals. I don't know, I thought he really liked someone."

After speaking, Gu Sheng laughed again.

"Just kidding, how could it be possible for a straight guy like him."

This relaxed tone made Bo Xiyun relax a lot. Immediately, Gu Sheng asked curiously.

"However, Xiyun, why do you have these draft papers? Did you leave them before the competition?"

Although Gu Sheng is also single, he humbly feels that this is the example that straight men should learn from.

It's like looking at these treasured autographs now.

Others may misunderstand, but Gu Sheng will not.

"Well, it's a draft written by Senior Yi before the competition."

Bo Xiyun finally had a chance to explain.

"At that time, senior Yi came over on the weekend and accompanied us for two nights of self-study. If we had any questions and we went to ask him, he will help explain it. The draft is left at that time."

"So you kept them," Gu Sheng said, "Want to organize them as notes?"

"The notes have been sorted out."

Bo Xiyun said, he took out the envelopes again, randomly pulled out one of them, and showed it to the other party.

"Keep the manuscript paper because these papers were brought by Senior Yi from his school, with the name and school badge of University T on them."

There are red horizontal lines printed on the snow-white lined manuscript paper, and the school name of T University is clearly displayed on the top.

"At that time, I felt that T University was quite out of reach."

The young man was slightly embarrassed.

"The teacher taught us every day before, so we can set a target school to motivate ourselves."

Bo Xiyun spoke seriously, while carefully putting away the paper.

"So I saw these manuscript papers and collected them all."

This idea is also very understandable.

After all, this is Uni T.

Who hasn't dreamed of it?

Gu Sheng listened, but frowned.

He suddenly asked, "Did you always want to be admitted to T University?"

Bo Xiyun thought for a while: "No, I don't know which school to choose, but I think the top 2 schools are very good."

Gu Sheng patted the back of the chair, and immediately answered: "Right! In fact, the other school in TOP2 is also very good."

"As I said before, you are fourth in the country this time. It is definitely not just T University who sent you guaranteed invitations. It is estimated that P University will also send news soon."

"To be honest, if you really want to talk about physics, the Department of Physics of P University is actually the number one in the country."

Gu Sheng's words were serious.

"Choosing a school is such a crucial matter, you must think carefully about it."

Bo Xiyun was stunned: "...P University?"

He thought about Gu Sheng's reaction before explaining, and even thought that the other party would not believe what he said.

But he never expected that Gu Sheng would say that.

And Gu Sheng was already dialing the phone.

The phone was picked up quickly, and Gu Sheng hurriedly asked, "Hey, boss, are you still in school?"

"Tomorrow, you can help me go to the school's cultural and creative center to buy something, such as postcards, bookmarks and key chains. If you want to wear a Uni P name, the name must be conspicuous, the bigger the better. Buy one..."

Gu Sheng glanced at Bo Xiyun and thought about it.

"Buy a box first, there is only half a year left, it should be enough. Okay, um, thanks."

This set of movements was so smooth that before Bo Xiyun could even react, Gu Sheng had already hung up the phone.

"There should be some time before the confirmation of recommendation eligibility, just in time for you to learn more about these colleges and universities and compare them."

Gu Sheng said with a serious face.

"Like this, to be honest, I didn't intend to belittle the next door. The manuscript paper must be easy to use at P University. Just try it and you'll know."

What are those manuscript papers of T University?

We have new ones here, use them casually, a whole box!

Bo Xiyun: "..."

He was a little dumbfounded, completely unable to understand, and it took him a few beats to react.

Maybe this is...

The comparison between top universities?

Gu Sheng exhorted again, and then left temporarily.

After a while, after the room was tidied up, the three of them went to have supper.

It was past ten o'clock when he(BX) came back from supper. When he walked back to the hotel lobby, the warm air in the room couldn't help but relax him a lot.

"The hotel is still warm."

Gu Sheng let out a comfortable sigh and pressed the elevator button.

"It's getting late, go back to your room and rest early."

He remembered that Bo Xiyun had been really busy all day today, and said: "If you can't do it, go to bed first, Xiyun, it's okay to pack your luggage tomorrow."

The three got on the elevator, and Bo Xiyun responded, "It's almost done."

"I'll go back to bed after reading today's questions."

"Look at the questions?" Gu Sheng was surprised. Didn't he finish the exam? "What questions are there?"

Bo Xiyun said: "Some competition books."

"Are you still studying today?" Gu Sheng asked, "It's the first day of vacation, don't you want to rest?"

"It's okay." Bo Xiyun smiled and said, "It's the same as usual, it's no different when you're on vacation, I'm used to it."

Gu Sheng was surprised when he heard it.

He and Yi Zhongshen were in the same class and had just graduated from high school for a year.

Which high school student didn't go crazy after vacation? There are no exams after this holiday.

An example like Bo Xiyun who would keep to his usual schedule is simply rare.

"So serious..."

When the elevator arrived at the floor, Gu Sheng was still sighing, but he heard Yi Zhongshen who had already walked out first talking to someone.

"After reading the questions, it is best to fall asleep half an hour earlier than usual."

Yi Zhongshen's voice was still low and slightly cold, and there was not much temperature to be heard.

"It's too cold today, you're motion sick again, your body needs to rest."

Motion sickness?

It was only then that Gu Sheng remembered that when Yi Zhongshen was choosing a supper shop just now, he asked to be nearby, so he could walk without driving. Could it be because he was afraid of his junior getting motion sickness?

When he was in a daze, Yi Zhongshen had already sent him to the door of the room.

The boy responded obediently: "Okay."

And Gu Sheng has always been very good at focusing on the key points. Until Bo Xiyun entered the room and closed the door, Gu Sheng still had doubts in the corridor.

"Hey Zhongshen, how can you make people so tired?"

"What were you doing in the car?"


Early the next morning, Gu Sheng managed to get up early in the morning, yawned and went downstairs.

The hotel's breakfast is quite famous, it is a traditional Cantonese tea, which has attracted many guests.

Going down to the restaurant on the first floor, Gu Sheng walked in and saw Yi Zhongshen already sitting at a table by the window.

Not far away, there were some young guests who also came to eat, watching him quietly.

Gu Sheng was not surprised by this situation, walked over to pull out the chair and sat down opposite the person, he couldn't hold back, covered his lips and yawned big.

It wasn't until he rubbed his eyes vigorously that Gu Sheng finally regained consciousness and greeted him feebly.


But the person on the opposite side obviously didn't appreciate his precious greetings after he got up after all the hard work. Yi Zhongshen looked at the menu in his hand without lifting his eyelids.

"Get up, that's the position of the junior."

"Ah... Junior?"

Gu Sheng was so sleepy that he lost his mind, and his reaction was half a beat behind.

"It's so early, Xiyun hasn't woken up yet, let the children sleep more..."

Yi Zhong took a deep sip of tea and said lightly, "He has already run three kilometers."

Gu Sheng was completely awakened immediately: "What...how many kilometers?!"

"When I came out in the morning, I happened to meet him going for a morning run." Yi Zhongshen said deeply.

It was too cold in the morning, and there was still a dusty morning fog outside, so Yi Zhongshen stopped Bo Xiyun who was about to go out, and took him to the hotel's gym.

The child's health is not good, and his physical strength needs to be strengthened. It can be seen that he has no foundation before, and the exercise should have started recently.

But he has a kind of resilience in him, and he insisted on jogging for a full three kilometers even though he was panting.

In the end, it was Yi Zhongshen who reminded him not to act too hastily, so he didn't continue.

I won't be brave either.

Oh yes.

Yi Zhongshen silently counted the boy's characteristics, took another sip of tea, and his Adam's apple rolled slowly.

It is also easy to get red ears.

Not only the white and soft ear tips, but also Bo Xiyun's collarbone and fingertips are also red, perhaps because his skin is too thin and tends to be tender, even if it is not rubbed by foreign objects, the thin red produced during exercise will also be very conspicuous.

Quietly gorgeous.

Gu Sheng was still in a daze, immersed in shock: "My God, morning run during the holidays, is this still a high school student?"

Until he was stared at by Yi Zhongshen and vacated the seat opposite the table and sat on the other side, Gu Sheng was still a little stunned.

He shook his watch, in disbelief: "It's only seven o'clock, boss! Even the morning run is over, when did you two wake up?"

Gu Sheng knew that Yi Zhongshen was extremely self-disciplined, and his daily schedule was so strict that it was almost abnormal, but he didn't expect that a child like Bo Xiyun, who looked innocent and weak, would have such perseverance.

In addition, after the holiday last night, he also have to read the exercises.

He is so self-disciplined that he hardly looks like a high school student.

"No wonder Xiyun didn't eat much for supper last night, and stopped moving after drinking some porridge."

The more Gu Sheng said it, the more he felt it made sense.

"Does he still think that eating too late is bad for his health?"

"Snacking at night is just not healthy."

Yi Zhongshen made a judgment indifferently.

"Don't spoil him."

Gu Sheng: "??"

He still wanted to say something, but found that he really had no confidence in front of these two people.

...he stayed up late last night.

Gu Sheng was choked for a moment, and at this moment, Bo Xiyun also came over.

The boy changed from yesterday's school uniform, and put on a set of casual clothes of his own. The fleece jacket is white with cream and light blue patches, making him look even younger. Perhaps it was because he had just exercised, and he looked in good condition, and his light-colored thin lips were more bloody than yesterday's paleness.

The boy's soft hair was still a little wet, obviously he just went back to take a shower.

Yi Zhongshen looked at him calmly, and sipped the last bit of tea from the bottom of the cup.

Seeing Gu Sheng, Bo Xiyun was a little surprised: "Senior Gu came down? I thought you would be late...Then I'll ask the waiter to bring breakfast."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and went back. Only then did Gu Sheng realize that Bo Xiyun was not coming from the guest room, but the front desk of the restaurant.

"Hey, Xiyun wasn't here just now, did he save breakfast for me?" Gu Sheng was surprised.

Yi Zhongshen: "Yes."

Because the hotel's morning tea is too famous and there are too many guests, the hotel's daily supply time is limited, and it will end after nine o'clock.

And if the staying guests get up late, they need to register in advance, and the hotel will deliver refreshments to the room after the guests wake up.

Gu Sheng touched his nose.

He is indeed used to staying up late, and it was rare for him to get up so early today because he was afraid that his elder brother would check his bed.

Bo Xiyun came back soon, Gu Sheng thanked him and sighed.

"Xiyun is so careful."

Bo Xiyun shook his head, feeling nothing.

But Gu Sheng said: "I have met someone with a similar schedule to yours before, in the dormitory next door to ours, who goes to bed at eleven o'clock on time and wakes up at six o'clock every day. He introduced himself at the beginning of school, and he said that he is very self-disciplined. I still admire him."

"It turned out later that he didn't allow anyone to move after going to bed at eleven o'clock, and when he got up at six o'clock, he was so noisy that he could wake up the whole dormitory, driving his roommates crazy."

In contrast, although Bo Xiyun also had a very regular schedule, he did not feel superior at all, let alone force others to cooperate with him.

Instead, try to be considerate of others as much as possible.

Not only this breakfast, but also supper last night. Although he was not used to eating so late, he didn't disappoint anyone.

(Note: like he didn't ruin the mood or something)

That's why Gu Sheng praised him so much.

"Ah," Bo Xiyun understood Gu Sheng's meaning, he thought about it, and felt a little embarrassed, "Actually, I also have bad habit."

"?" Gu Sheng asked, "What?"

Yi Zhongshen also raised his eyes and looked over.

Just listening to the boy.

"If it's just temporary, it doesn't matter how I adjust it, it's uncomfortable."

Bo Xiyun's schedule was not intentional, it was established to achieve some purpose.

It's just that he likes the feeling of being in control.

"But if something is constantly going to be unexpected and out of personal plans, I can't help but want to end it as soon as possible."

Bo Xiyun's original intention was to express that he is more selfish, and he is more used to taking life in his own hands.

But after hearing this, Gu Sheng realized another important point.

"Hey, then don't you not want to fall in love anymore?"

After all, feelings are one of the hardest things to control.

"For example, if you want to read a book, your partner suddenly proposes to go shopping. Isn't this a common thing?"

Bo Xiyun didn't expect him to say this, he just shook his head: "I haven't thought about love."

Although he was only a high school student, Bo Xiyun rarely received confessions.

But he never considered accepting a person's continuous influence on him.

This is completely out of his control.

Yi Zhongshen, who was sitting opposite him, paused imperceptibly, and silently tightened his long fingers holding the teacup.

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "Actually, just find someone who has almost the same as your habits?"

"For example..."

Gu Sheng just wanted to say Yi Zhongshen, after all, the two have the same self-discipline.

But remembering Yi Zhongshen's repulsive attitude towards the relationship rumors yesterday, Gu Sheng suddenly stopped, swallowing Yi Zhongshen's name back dangerously.

But in the middle of the sentence, there was no way to get stuck here, so Gu Sheng could only change his words indiscriminately and say.

"Like me."


There was a noticeable silence at the table for a moment.

Aware of Bo Xiyun's surprised gaze, Gu Sheng laughed dryly: "Haha."

He took a sip of water to cover up, and was just about to say something to end this topic when he heard Yi Zhongshen say something.

"Since it's the same."

The boy's voice was calm, expressionless.

"Ten kilometers first tomorrow morning."

"Cough, cough, cough...!!"

Gu Sheng drank this sip of water and almost choked himself to death.

"No, cough, no need, cough... I'll buy a ticket and leave today!"

Bo Xiyun looked at him worriedly, handed over a few tissues, and then heard Yi Zhongshen say.

"Don't listen to him."

Yi Zhongshen drooped his eyes deeply, and lightly sipped his tea.

"Not going today."

The mist of the new tea seemed to soften his sharp and indifferent complexion a bit, Yi Zhongshen said deeply.

"If you want to do morning exercises tomorrow morning, I will still do the same time."

Gu Sheng barely suppressed his choking cough, but because of Yi Zhongshen's voice, he couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

It was also tomorrow morning, how could it feel that the ten kilometers that Yi Zhongshen had just told him was like a death-kill order.

Turning his head towards Bo Xiyun, he showed no evil intentions.

It even makes people think that it is the tone of the reporter.

It is the plan to join Bo Xiyun in advance.

Yi Zhongshen was still looking at Bo Xiyun, his eyes stopped at the young man's white ears that were slightly covered by the wet hair.

"The redness hasn't faded yet?"

Bao Xiyun touched his ears, he knew that his skin was thin, and it was easy to get red and hot after exercising.

"It should be fine in a while."

He sighed secretly, he was too good to be like the other party.

During the same exercise time in the morning, Yi Zhongshen ran an extra five kilometers with ease.

Bo Xiyun thought about it, but didn't notice that his gaze was still on him.

The soft ear tip was rubbed by his own fingers, and the thin blush on the white ear was smudged, making it more eye-catching.

It's even more colorful.


Bo Xiyun heard the other party's suggestion.

"I'll teach you how to adjust your breathing."



Do tell me if you find any mistakes. It was sitting in my drafts for such a long time because I had no time to edit it. Anyway, thanks for reading.