
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Two Duels

I walked into the enemy encampment and I felt a rush of excitement as well as terror while I did it with Dr Robert by my side.

we had to win this two vs. two fight because that would probably be the only way that we would be able to have peace with this race.

when I made it to the entrance of the enemy encampment I could tell that these people were very warlike.

the entrance of their encampment was a massive gate where I saw two guards that wore a set of body armor that had spikes along the shoulders and wrist areas. when the guards allowed us inside I noticed that their tents had spikes out of them and the torches that they use to light their encampments were made of a very sturdy black metal.

when Dr. Robert and I we're inside the encampment the guards guided us to a wooden stage that they had made. the stage had wooden beams around it and a wooden ceiling. the either thing was made out of dark oak.

as I made it to the stage the guards stopped moving and I noticed that there were two dragonborn standing on the stage waiting for us.

the first dragonborn that I saw going left to right was a male warrior that were very heavy dragonborn armor and wielded two longswords. the second dragonborn that I saw was a female mage that were magical robes that glowed a bright red color but unlike me she did not have a grimoire.

"so you are the two people that the dwarves have sent to fight us. do they not have the balls to fight their own battle?" the male warrior said as he pointed both of his longswords at me.

"don't count us out yet. the dwarves wanted us to fight you because they didn't want to waste their time with you themselves. you are all insignificant specs in the universe. you have the brains of little children; do you really think that you can compete with my massive intellect I know things that you don't even know exist yet that is how unintelligent of a species that you are" Dr Robert said to both of the champions that we were to fight as he opened his vest and showed the vast variety of different colored potions that he had at his disposal before he started to juggle them.

"let's just get this fight over with. I want to get our job done so we can go home and get paid for the work that we have done" I said to both of the enemy champions as I opened my remorse which began to glow black on the inside but the outside and cool load a cyan blue color.

"alrighty then I want to take this cocky man and show him some respect" the female champion said as her hands began to glow with a red aura.

"I will accept those terms. it will make my victory all the sweeter because of the wait time." the warrior said has he placed both of his longswords into the hills he had on his back before stepping off of the stage and waving his hand at me to follow him.

I followed him to a bench that was located to the left side of the fighting stage; and I sat down beside him watching the battle.

"this is going to be interesting to watch." the male dragonborn said while he laughed.

"I am sorry but I honestly do not believe that she stands a single chance against him his intelligence is truly beyond this world" I told him as I looked with a massive grin across my face.

then I turned around and looked at the battle that was about to begin between the female mage and Dr. Robert.

"do not expect me to go easy on you just because you're a woman of your species"Dr. Robert said as he threw a black colored potion at her feet.

when the potion made contact with the area around her feet the black mix made a bouncy substance around her that when she moved her feet onto it it would not allow her to move any further.

"what kind of mixture did you just throw at me?" she asked in rage and anger as I saw a small blast of fire leave her mouth.

Dr Robert made a massive tactical role to his right that allowed him to avoid the fire stream completely.

"if you must know that is a sticky substance from my home land known as gum. it is a pain to get off of whatever surface it comes into contact with." he said as he began to juggle a blue as a second white colored potion.

"the sticky substance is nothing but a mere annoyance" she said as she shot fire around her feet and shattered the gum that was keeping him in contact with the wooden surface.

as soon as the gum was destroyed Dr Robert threw his blue colored potion at her.

when the potion came in to contact with her wrists they began to be covered in an icy shard that slowly grew to her arm and kept expanding.

"come on lady I can keep this going all day. my high level intellect has allowed me to make potions that you have never seen or cause potions that you have seen to do unforeseen effects." he said as he put his hands behind his back and watched the ice slowly in case her body until it had covered her entire arm and down to her stomach.

"to ensure my survival I will concede this fight the human has beaten me" she said as the ice made it to her knees and she began to lose balance.

then I saw Dr. Robert throw a white potion at her chest area and the ice begin to melt away.

I rose from the bench and helped the female dragonborn to where I was sitting since it was my turn to fight now that her battle was over.

I then opened my grimoire and the male warrior Drew both of his longswords.

"I will not be as easy for you to defeat as she was for your partner" he said as he pointed his right long sword at the the dragonborn that Dr. Robert fought.

"ice wave barrage" I said as one of the a of my grimoire began to turn.

as the waves of ice almost reached his body he then twirled both of his longswords to cut the ice waves in half.

"come on I was expecting more from you. are you going to be weak like every other woman and then I have had to combat in my life".

"do not count me out yet. I will show you what I am truly capable of as an ice wizard". Mike are more than flipped to a different page and I began to cast a dual casting spell.

"black ice mine paired with black ice wave".

after I casted both of my spells at the same time the area around the warrior champion that I was fighting became covered in five different black ice mines and the black ice waves began to rush towards him but in a much faster manner than last time.

he then twirled both of his longswords to create a wall in front of him that caused all of my ice waves to shatter into tiny little pieces until they became dust.

then I noticed he jumped a good height so that he could avoid the black ice mines. when he landed in between myself and the ice mines he quickly swung his swords at my feet which caused me to lose balance and fall off of the ring.

"that wraps up our fight and I win just like I said I would" I heard my opponent say as he looked down at me from the edge of the fighting ring.

then Dr Robert came and helped me up onto my feet.

"as we were told since the dual ended with one win a piece on each side we have to come to a compromise that will benefit both parties." Dr. Robert said as he looked at both of the champions that we had fought.

"we cannot discuss these terms with you only the leader of our people can do that?" the male warrior said to Dr. Robert.

then I saw a female dragonborn walk down from a throne onto the fighting stage.

"what is it that you want from us then as your part of this agreement that we have to now make?" the leader of the dragonborn asked all of us.

"we want you to make a pact with us to unite with the humans, elves, and dwarves against Commander Zog and his forces." Dr Robert said to the leader.

"we can do that but if we are going to join you our end of the agreement is that you have to destroy a dragon statue that commanders out keeps in his possession when you are attacking his fortress." the leader said to both of us.

"why do we need to destroy this statue for you?" I asked.

"because the statue that Commander Zog possesses allows him to control all descendants of dragons. so whenever you destroy the statue my people will be free from his control forever."

"we accept those terms" Dr Robert said is he offered his hand to the dragonborn and they both shook hands out of respect.

"this is going to be the start of a great friendship between our people" the dragonborn leader said as she took Roberts right hand and lifted it up with her left together as one.