
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Do They Want Our Help

I looked very intensely at the size of the forces that I was going to have to help this city combat in a short while; and I was truly worried about the situation at hand. despite the fact that I had a vast intellect when it came to war I was quite lacking without my alchemy potions since I do not know how to use any weapons. the only weapon that I was a master at was the weapon of science since I did possess all the knowledge that I learned in my previous life.

"all right the first thing that we need to do to help strengthen their defenses will be your job to do Alecia" I said to her as I looked at her while we stood on the outer wall of the city.

"yes; I know what it is. please give me a few seconds so that I can prepare my spell".

I then saw her walk further down the wall and begin to cast her spell as her grimoire glowed a black color.

after a few moments I noticed that the water in the moat began to rise and turn into a massive black wall of ice that grows all the way up to the same height as the outer wall.

as she finished her spell casting and closed her grimoire I made my way to her with a look of satisfaction across my face.

"you are truly a very powerful wizard. they should never underestimate the power of an ice spell."

"that drained a good chunk of my mana though". she said while gasping for air. "let us hope that it lasts long enough for rent magic to recharge; since that wall will not last forever."

"well now that that is done we can allow the soldiers to defend the city for a little bit longer until we have to get physically involved in the combat" I told her as I walked away from the outer wall since the main reason we were there was to activate her spell that would buy us more time.

I then helped her down from the wall by getting on the ladder and allowing her to rest on my shoulders which was surprisingly easy due to her lightweight.

"now that that is done we can defend the city a little bit longer on our own. I thank you for the help you have offered us, but we can handle it from now on." the head of the city guard said to both of us with a look of arrogance across his face like he was only saying what he had to say, but he didn't mean a single word that was coming out of his mouth.

I let her the Garrison where they had rations for the soldiers on a table all packaged up.

when we made it inside of the Garrison they handed each of us one of the ration packages, and then he told us to take a seat.

sat down in one of the open benches and as I opened my package she set down on my right side.

the rolled up pieces of food that they had given us included a cut piece of chicken, a few slices of cheese, and also a slice of bread.

it truly was not that impressive as a set of food that I was going to eat but I ate it anyway since I knew I would need my strength for the battle that was quickly approaching this city.

after I ate the rations I was given I made my way to the front of the Garrison and I asked the guard if he had any alchemy ingredients that I could use to make potions for the battle that we were about to take part in.

"yes we do have an alchemy garden in the back area of the garrison hall." the guard said to me as he pointed at the door that was against the center rear wall.

so I made my way to the garden area and I was surrounded by a large variety of different colored plants, vines, and fruits. I then picked a lot of the plants that were there before placing them in my bag.

when I made it to the other side of the garden I saw an alchemy room that I used to make multiple different colored potions out of these ingredients that I had picked from the garden.

"wow so this is the talent that you got with the choices you made as the candidate for The Reincarnation Protocol. your skills are truly amazing." Alecia said as I saw her walk within my line of peripheral vision on my right side.

"please stay back I don't want you to get hurt by any of the mixtures that I'm making. also the smells are quite strong when I am dicing and cutting them up before they get turned from a solid into a liquid state for the mixture process.

after I finished making all of my potions; I made my way back to the front of the Garrison Hall and I was able to hear the shattering of ice in the distance which meant they had begun their attack on the massive ice wall that she had created with her grimoire.

"come on now that my potions are all made let us join them on the front lines and do our job" I told Alicia as I grabbed her by the hand and quickly made my way out of the garrison hall and to the outer wall of the city.

when we made it to the wall I noticed that the giant wall of black ice that Alecia had made was beginning to have cracks in it. all that that told me it was that they were about to shatter the wall as a whole and make their way to the main outer wall of the city; and the battle for the city was about to begin.

only a few moments passed until there was a clear opening in the wall of black ice. as the enemy army began to pour through the opening that was about eight feet wide that they had made the dwarven archers began to fire the crossbows in a flurry of shots.

the bolts began to kill all of the dragonborn came through the opening in the wall of black ice.

after the dwarves finished firing their first folly of crossbow bolts I grabbed a clear colored potion and threw it at the opening in the gate which then became covered up with a set of oak branches that were wrapped in barbed wire.

"how are you able to make a potion that produced barbed wire?" Alicia asked me as she looked at me with shock and surprise after looking at what I had made to cover the opening that they had created in her massive wall of black ice.

"I will explain the details to you later when we are not in the middle of a heated battle. this potion does not last forever it will only buy us a few minutes at most. then again considering how stupid most people are it might last at least half an hour".

the battle continued with the enemy forces screaming in tear as they tried to break through the opening they had made when they came in contact with the barbed wire that was in their way now thanks to my potion.

after some time the lookout came back and whispered something to the captain of the guard before he came and talked to me.

"it seems like the enemy has waved the yellow flag of compromise. usually this flag means that instead of allowing the battle to continue in a way to save as many lives as possible both of the attackers and defenders get to choose to champions to do a two on two dual. the side that ends up winning the duel will be declared the victor. if there ever is a tie in this contest then both sides get to make a agreeable demand and a pact is signed to confirm the trade." the guard said to me as he guided us down to the main gate and walked us out of the city.

"I will take it then that you want us to be your two champions in this contest that you speak of?" I asked him.

this was either going to be the easiest mission or the most painful one that I had participated in since I began my new life that is all that I knew when I left the security of the city and walked towards the enemy encampment.