
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Final Battle Preparation

as the carriage approached the Eastern gate of the dwarven capital city I noticed a massive line of food rations and weapons being moved into the city. I suppose that the dwarves were preparing for a massive attack against Commander Zog and his forces.

due to the massive supply lines that were in front of us it took us quite a bit to get inside of the city.

when we made it to the Royal stables everyone left the carriage and went their separate ways except for Prince Binyail and myself.

when I opened the door of the carriage so that I could get out Binyail began to speak to me.

"if it is not too much trouble I would like you to accompany me as my private bodyguard in the meeting with my father and the other leaders of this alliance that we have created against Commander Zog."

"sure I won't follow you to the meeting. after all I personally want to defeat Commander Zog along with my group of friends that I told you about." I said to him as I got out of the cart and waited for him since I believed that it was impolite for a commoner to walk in front of a royal.

after he got out of the carriage I followed him from the Royal stables to the council changers where they were having their war meeting. when I made it to the council chambers I noticed that there were human guards, elven guards, as well as dwarven ones standing outside of the chambers. I was truly excited at the fact that the guards did not stop me from entering this time; I was assuming that was due to my appearance change.

"you know we can attack him head on with one massive attack. while his army is much larger hours is much more versatile and skilled than his." I heard a very deep voice say as I entered the chamber.

"well look who finally showed up" the eldest of the dwarf sunset to Binyail as he entered the room in front of me.

"stop being rude to your brother we are in a very serious situation right now. we do not have time for your petty behavior towards each other." king Austroon said as he pulled his eldest son's hair to get his attention. "Binyail please give me your report on the meeting you had with the snake men."

"yes Father" Binyail said to him as he bowed.

then he explained everything about the snake men and the different types of agreements that he had to make to ensure their support against Commander Zog.

"that is quite a tall order that they asked of us; but thank you for doing your job son".

then the king went back to discussing the plan that he had to attack commander's Zog's fortress.

"so my plan is that we will take a small group of people to attack him directly through the use of a secret passageway that are Intel division has gathered. while the rest of us will seize the castle from the outside and occupy the majority of his army."

all of the other races began to murmur and debate about things for a few more minutes until King Austroon made them all go silent since he was not done speaking.

"our Advanced group of adventurers have also made a pact with the dragonborn but unfortunately they are unable to participate in the fight since they are bound by a statue that Commander Zog uses to control them. so they have just decided to stay out of the fight as a way to assist us.

now that that is all taken care of we need to have the elite team that is going to attack Commander Zog set up."

after he had said that every race began to say things out loud about how their race should be the one to deliver the final blow until he pounded on the war table to make them all go silent.

"I have already decided who will be doing this task for us. first off the group needs to be small because if the group is too large it will draw too much attention away from the main battle. secondly they need to be people who have actually fought Commander Zog in the past since experience is very important in battle.

so the three people that will be attacking Commander Zog directly are Dr. Robert The Imperial Alchemist of the human empire. the second person in his group will be Alecia the moon elf Ice wizard. the final person in the group will be Gilltrude the dwarf dragon guard warrior."

unlike all the other times that he went silent the people did not argue since I was assuming that they agreed with everything that he had said.

after the meeting was finished the king only asked for me and his sons to stay behind after he allowed everyone else to leave.

"yes Father did you need anything else before the battle?" Binyail asked.

"I just wanted to tell you that this may possibly be my last battle. if I do end up dying in the battle my final request is that you all put your petty hatred for each other as well as hatred for the commoners of this land aside for the sake of our dwarven empire." the king said with a look of seriousness across his face as he placed his hands on his eldest and middle child. "to you Gilltrude; I am truly grateful that you have come into my youngest son's life. I have a feeling that you are going to end up being the best thing that has happened to him."

the king then handed me a scroll and told me to meet with Dr Robert as well as Alecia at the entrance of the special forces section of the city.

"good luck and may the gods protect you my friend" Binyail said as he bowed to me before I left the room.

so I did as he requested and left the palace so that I could meet up with them. when I made it to the gate I saw both of them waiting on me.

"I will take it that since you are here we are going to start our assigned mission then?" Dr Robert asked as he looked at me while I approached both of them.

"yes it is time to go" I said as I handed Dr. Robert the papers that the dwarf king had given me.

after looking at the stuff that I had given him Dr Robert went to the stables and got a horse so that we could leave the city in much needed haste. Alecia and I followed him to the stables and got on our own horses.

"I cannot wait to see the look on that assassin's face as I got him and have my fun with him just like he did with me" Alecia said as she and l followed Dr Robert out of the city on horseback.

the final stage of this part of this new life that we had all been offered was about to begin. either Commander Zog was going to die and the world you brought to peace or we will be the ones defeated and the villains will be able to rule this world thanks to The Reincarnation Protocol.