
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

The Weak Ones Must Parish

I could feel the sticky and moist water from the swamp seep through my shoes as I began to follow Dr. Robert through the swamps that led to the villages of the lizard men.

the swamp had a set of thin black trees that had a pink colored fruit on it; and a lot of tall grass for us to pass through on foot before we were to reach our destination.

"so before we make it to the lizard men's villages I have a question that I wanted to ask you?" Dr Robert said to me with a look of seriousness across his face.

"yeah what is it?" I asked him as we continued to walk through the swamplands.

"I know that this might sound crazy but I wanted to know if you possibly had any relations in this new life?" she asked me as he stopped moving through the swamps.

I then suddenly stopped out of the surprise of what he had said and begin to laugh at him.

"wait are you telling me that you like like me? you know more than just friends".

"truthfully I cannot tell you what it is I am feeling between us but I know it's something that I've never felt before since in my previous life I never had any type of relations with the opposite sex other than just business".

"oh just business huh and no pleasure there is absolutely no fun in that. if we end up surviving this mission I am going to have to change that so that you can feel the pleasure of having sex for fun instead of just business". I told him while I laughed and continued walking through the swamps.

we both went silent after that because we didn't want to attract any unwanted attention.

I could hear the lizard women walking around and picking fruit from the trees that grew in the swamp.

"remember you need to make sure that we stay absolutely quiet. if they hear us we will not be able to make it to the village" Dr Robert whispered into my ear so that the female lizard men were unaware of the position that we were located at.

we moved quite slowly until we made it past the area of the swamp where they were working and we hid within the bushes nearby until all of the females returned to their villages.

I followed Dr. Robert until we made it to solid ground within the swamp. it felt truly relaxing to finally be on solid ground where my feet were not constantly being soaked by the moist and damp waters of the swamp area.

"now will you follow my lead no matter how crazy it sounds?" Dr Robert whispered to me.

"yes I trust you with my life or I would not have agreed to join as a member of your team for this mission that we were assigned by the dwarf adventures guild." I whispered back to him.

"then follow my lead. I have thought of a way for us to get our job done without relying on stealth" he whispered to me as he rose from the bushes and made sure that I was also standing up as well so that they would notice us.

as we rose from the bushes the lizard men began to screech and then only a few seconds later five other lizard men came out of a building and surrounded both of us with their Trident weapons pointing at both of our chests.

"what do you think you are doing here?" one of the male lizard men said that had red colored scales.

"we are here to challenge your leader to a trial by combat. do not deny that you have this custom all warrior type people have this kind of a custom." Dr Robert said in order to make sure that need lizard men would not try to instantly kill us both.

"do not tell us about our customs we know them better than you filthy human. if you want your funeral to be sooner rather than later who am I to deny you this request" he said as he began to move both of us through their village so that we could make our way to the leader.

the lizard men's villages were quite simply made out of wood with straw roofs which told me that they were not very advanced in architecture.

when we made it in front of a building that was larger than the rest of them the lizard men that had captured us ordered us to stay there and they had one of the men enter the larger structure.

when the lizardman soldier came out of the large structure behind him I saw a massive lizard man that looked quite muscular. I could see his muscles throbbing up and down while he was moving and he had in his right hand the axe that we were told about by the individual that had given us this assignment.

"so I have been told that you want to challenge me to combat. is this true?" he asked Dr Robert as he walked until he stood right in front of Dr. Robert.

"yes I challenge you to a one on one duel. the only catch is that I will not be battling you it is my moon elf friend here that will be battling you".

Dr Robert then stepped away and allowed the leader of the to take a look at me.

shortly after Dr. Robert head backed away the leader of the lizard men began to laugh.

"I do not see what is so funny. can you please enlighten us to why you were laughing so intensely." I said to him.

the lizard men leader then looked at Dr Robert. "are you serious this is what you want to fight me! I was expecting more than just a scrawny ass bitch of a elf."

"I would not underestimate her skills if I were you. just because she isn't as physically fit as the average person doesn't mean that she will not put up a good fight against you" Dr Robert said.

"I guess it truly doesn't matter because either I will kill you or Commander Zog will. I suppose it doesn't matter when you die or who delivers the final blow to you; just as long as you die in the end."

"can we begin this fight because I do have other things that I want to do today?" Alecia asked him impatiently.

"all right little miss elf; if you are in such a hurry follow me" he said while he waved his hands at me to follow him.

I followed him until we made it to a massive circular dome that I was supposing that they used as an arena.

when I entered into the arena I saw a large group of lizard men filling the stands. they were of multiple different scale colors; which meant that this was a very big deal for them as a race.

"I hope you don't mind the viewers that we have. they are here to watch me defeat you improve my worth as the head leader of the lizard men."

the crowd began to cheer as he thrusted his weapon up into the air in three quick motions.

"I don't mind that they're here because that means that they are also here to watch me slaughter you and take your head back to our leader" I said to him as I open my grimoire and it began to glow.

"Black Ice Wave Barrage" I said as I released my first spell at the lizard man leader with a decent amount of willpower behind it to increase the strength of the spell.

then he swung his lightning axe which cut the first three ice waves in half, but he was unable to react fast enough to stop the last two from coming into contact with his body.

the last two black ice waves cut across his stomach area.

"do you really think that these two small cuts around my stomach will hurt me I have endured much worse torture as well as combat that was much harder than dealing with your filthy ice spells." he said to me as he rose and began swinging his weapon out of blind rage.

"do you not know about the strength of black ice magic? why don't I show you why you should never underestimate black ice magic".

then I flipped the pages of my grimoire and cast my ice mine spell, but this time instead of the insignias that I was placing on the ground being blue they were black which meant that my spell had been upgraded.

he then began to furiously attack me and I was dodging every swing that he was throwing my way followed by placing down a black ice mine until I had him completely surrounded by my spell.

"move your body even an inch and you will die my my black ice mine spells".

"you may have covered my straight up escape routes but you forgot to think about one thing the air!" he exclaimed as he jumped out of where I had placed all the black ice mines around him.

as he began to descend and thrust his lightning axe while he was dropping down on too of me; I used micro Mart to cast Black Ice wave which severed his head from the rest of his body.

I lifted his head in the air to prove my victory and all of the lizard men began to cheer surprisingly.

"why do you think that they are cheering?" Dr Robert asked me as he walked up behind me since the fighting was now over.

then I saw a blue scale colored lizard walk up to me and he bowed his head at me.

"thank you very much for defeating our week leader. when you did this you have made us stronger by getting rid of the weakness within us as a species. as originally agreed you are free to leave and you may take whatever souvenir you wish as a reward."

"all that I need is his head as proof to our leader that he is dead". Dr Robert said to the blue lizard as he bowed to him.

they gave us a bag to put the leaders head in and allowed us to leave unscathed.

I was truly interested to see if we had made new allies against Commander Zog; or if they were going to be loyal to him till the very end. I suppose that only time would tell.