
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Our First Assignment Together

I got tapped on the shoulder by a dwarf and turned around to see him pointing at agework that was on top of a box screaming to get everyone's attention like it was of the utmost importance.

all of the attention in the room was suddenly shifted by this dwarf that was wearing much fancier armor than most of the adventures which meant he was either very wealthy or he knew someone of great influence.

"King Austroon has ordered for the adventurers to assist the dwarf nation in this conflict against Commander Zog and his orc army. before you begin to think that our cities are untouchable he is already destroyed the human capital city of White Falls; so he will be coming for our capital city soon" he shouted in a very booming voice so that everyone in the adventurer's Hall could clearly hear him.

Robert and I walked up to the front of the group so we could get a good look at him after I tapped him on the shoulder and pointed at the man that was shouting.

"you will be assigned different tasks depending on your ranks as adventurers. the task will vary if you are a solo adventure or if you are part of a team".

then I noticed that he pointed at two of the side discs against the left wall of the adventurer's hall before he continued his speech.

"if you are a solo adventurer you will report to the desk on the left side of this wall and if you are part of a team you will report to the desk on the right side. the king will pay you for any lost items during your assign missions since we are fighting for the survival of our kingdom." he said before he stepped down and walked out of the adventurer's hall ignoring everyone that tried to stop and ask him questions.

the adventurers all began to rush to their assigned lines like it was a gold rush or something. since I was new to the area I tapped Robert on the shoulder and began to ask him what we should do about the situation.

"well I mean we were looking for work first off; and secondly if we do this we will be doing both of the things that we are here to do. we will be making money and we will also be helping defeat Commander Zog in our own way." he told me with a very adamant voice while he waved his hands around to show that he was very into doing this since we both knew that we need money if we were going to survive this new hand that fate has dealt us in our new lives.

"once again you are right." I sent to Robert as I grabbed him by the hand and made sure that he was with me when we got our position in the right side line.

it took us around an hour to make it to the front of the line and when we did I saw a female dwarf that had a set of leather armor on as well as a sword and shield on her back.

'all right what is your team name so that I can look up your rank and what skills you have that way I will be able to assign you a suitable task to help us in this conflict against Commander Zog and his orc army" she said to me.

"our team name is The Dark Moon Squad" I told her at a very slow pace so that I could make sure that she heard every syllable.

the female dwarf began to look through a set of papers that were on the table that she was standing behind.

"all right I see that you guys register for diamond or higher if you want to take the risk. since you are a team of two I am going to be assigning you both the mission of killing one of Commander Zog's subordinates. the Intel that we have gathered says that he is the leader of his lizardman subordinates."

"okay is there anything else that you need us to do with this mission?" Dr. Robert asked as he leaned on me and looked at the female dwarf that was behind the counter.

"well if you want to know about his combat I will be able to tell you what little bit of information we have gathered on that topic. first off he is of the Red Scale tribe. they are a group that specialize in combat they have a very warriors mentality in life. secondly he uses a lightning axe and can also cast healing spells on himself or his allies. I also am going to need both of you to bring me his head as proof that he has been defeated before we pay you for your services" she said before she handed a document to me and then told us about the teleporters that were used to get around the dwarf Kingdom more swiftly before asking us to leave and begin our assigned mission as soon as possible.

Robert and I walked out of the adventures guild and looked at the paper when we made it outside. the paper had on it some directions through the swamps that separated the dwarf kingdoms northern border from the territory that was occupied by the lizard men. it also had two forms of identification that we were to go by in case we were captured and tortured so that we would not reveal our secrets to the enemy in this current grand conflict.

I handed him the paper so that he could look at the map as well and give me his thoughts on the mission that we have been assigned as a pair.

"well it would be smart to use the path they have given us but at the same time this path might be compromised. we need to make sure that we are constantly on our toes once we enter the marshlands that separate this Kingdom from the territory that the lizard men occupy.

I followed Robert until he made it to a building that was guarded by a dwarf that was sitting in a chair right in front of the entrance. this building was quite small in diameter. it looked like it only had two rooms but it had a lot of height to it.

"how can I help you?" the guard asked as he rose from his chair in order to stop us from entering the building.

"we have permission to use the teleporters so that we can get to the northern wall so that we can get close to the lizard men's village." Dr. Robert said as he handed the papers to the guard.

"let me see those papers then"

regard took a few seconds to look at both sides of the paper and then he handed them back to Dr Robert and allowed us to enter into the building and walked inside behind us.

"now you are going to have to tell the human mages exactly where it is you're wanting to teleport to. you will be going one at a time just so that you know" the guard said to both of us with a very serious look on his face.

I looked around and noticed the high quality architecture within this building it was quite tall with two full metal arches crossing in the dead center of the room's ceiling. from the center I saw a chandelier that was made out of iron and had gas lights on them.

then as I looked down at the floor I saw a statue of a male dwarf with a crossbow on his back that went all the way up to the ceiling against the center rear wall.

there was a rail that separated the area where we were in from the floor where all of the human mages stood. one of the female mages that was in a white robe told me to go to the portals that were against the left wall of the higher up area that I was in.

I followed her instructions and walked along the rail until I made it to a circular platform that had symbols around the edges.

"now please make sure that you say where you're trying to go clearly so that we can make sure that you teleport to that location" she told me as I saw the symbols begin to glow a royal blue color.

"Northern wall on the border of the dwarven territory" I said very clearly so they could hear me before the entire teleporter was enveloped with a blue barrier and I quickly vanished from the building that I was in just a few seconds ago.

when I finally could see things other than the blue barrier that was around my body I noticed that I was no longer with Dr Robert. I was by myself behind a dwarven gate. it felt truly shocking that despite the fact that the dwarves had no magic with the alliance they had with the humans that they could travel so far so quickly.

I waited for Dr. Robert to show up on the teleporter, and he did we both walked through the gateway out of the security of the dwarven territory not knowing what we had stepped into other than a swampy marshland that was owned by the lizard men under Commander Zog.