
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The Loud One and the Mute one

it has been a few days since my very first job of stealing the jewels from the Imperial household.

since that day I have become a member of the local thieves guild. in this new life that I have with the thieves guild there are only four rules that all members must follow:

1. you are not allowed to kill anyone since we are not a guild of assassins.

2. we do not do large jobs, so all of our revenue comes from personal jobs that you accept from the master thief in your guild house or private ones that you set up yourself.

3. while we do steal from others you are banned from stealing from individual members of the guild.

4. the beggars around town are also useful for giving you information if you are willing to give them a little bit of money in exchange so do not harm them in any way shape or form.

as long as I followed the rules of the thieves guild I would not be expelled from the group. once you get expelled there is no going back. I was truly surprised when I found out that the town that I had joined the thieves go then was the main guildhall. the land had five guild Halls throughout with one in each Nation and there were two of them that were ran by the many elves that do not live in cities.

the guildhall that I was in was located at the basement of a smithing store. the blacksmith would not allow anyone to enter into the basement unless they knew the password.

when I had finished my first job I was guided down the stairs after the lady that I gave the item from the last mission to. she guided me down the spiral staircase that was barely lit up by oil lamps until we made it to a massive open area. the open area had a large dining table with a large variety of fruits, vegetables, and meats spread across it. the room had a large amount of excitement flowing through it as everyone was cheering and eating the food on the table.

"this is our dining hall. in the room to our left we have the merchants that are owned by the headmaster thief of the whole guild. they are there so that you can buy various items that will make your missions easier that are not found in other stores. through the door on the right side of this room we have our living quarters. finally in the room ahead of us we have our kitchen and our guild hall masters living quarters."

"this place seems to be quite packed with a lot of members." I told her as I attempted to look up and see everyone despite being a halfling.

"yes we have plenty of members within this local guild Hall. just remember to follow the rules that I told you about and everything will be fine. now that I have let you in you are free to do whatever you want in here you just need to remember the password is the phrase silent step" she told me before walking over by the living quarters and leaving me alone to do as I pleased.

so the first thing that I did was go to an area of the dining table where no one was and sat down to eat since I did not want to draw attention to myself being the newest member of the guild. after I sat down at the far right side of the table I grabbed a few green apples that were close by and began to bite on them one of the time.

while I was eating the apples I noticed two other members come over and sit in front of me.

the first member that sat down was a tall male human that was clean shaven and had jet black hair as well as white eyes. the second person was a male dark elf with green eyes. he also had dark brown hair that seem to be very thick and coarse that went down to his shoulders.

"hi my name is Paul, my specialty as a thief involves tracking and stealth." the human said to me after sitting down.

I waited for the elf to respond but he stayed silent and did not give me his name.

"do not worry about my friend, he is actually mute and unable to speak because he got his tongue removed as punishment for a crime he committed a very long time ago." Paul told me after I spent a few seconds staring at his friend out of surprise since he did not give me a response when he sat down across from me or introduce himself.

"we were needing a third person for a job we wanted to try to do. I thought since I hadn't seen you before that you were new and could use whatever help you could get to develop a reputation for yourself as a thief."

"well you work correct I am totally new to the thieves guild. so I do not have any connections or friendships developed yet. just out of curiosity what job is it exactly that you guys are wanting to do that you need a third person?"

"we are going to actually be stealing information on the guards and their schedules from all of the main human towns. since there are three of us if you join us for the job. we can each hit up one human city. we are looking for details on guard formations and schedules so that we can better prepare all around for different jobs that we will be committing in the future." Paul told me as he leaned in on the table.

"if it is okay with your partner, then I will join and help you. in the end I guess I don't have much of a choice since I am new to the guild."

then the mute dark elf not in his head up and down as a sign that he approved of me joining.

"we will need to know what kind of skills you have that will make you an asset to this team" Paul asked me in a very quiet voice so that attention was not drawn to us I was assuming.

"I possess the skills of Shadow step, thief's vision, and many more useful skills." I said to him as I leaned in as well.

"also so that you know what Frank can do Frank specializes in illusion and alteration magic".

"like it will come in handy for him on his missions. anyways; since I am joining you which city am I going to be hitting up for the documents that have the guards details and formations on it?"

"I will be hitting up the capital city, you will be hitting up the city of white Falls, and our other party member will be hitting up and encampment on the border between the human kingdom and the dwarven kingdom."

"that sounds good, I do not need to be in the Imperial City for a job anyway since that is where my last job was committed."

"make sure that you get plenty of food and rest we will be setting out on our job tomorrow at eight in the morning. when we finish we will all meet back here in three days. however you go about committing your thievery is up to you as long as the end result is the same and we do not kill anyone." Frank told me as he and the new dark elf grabs some meat from the table that was in front of me and walked away.

I finished eating my fruit before I made it to the side of the guild where the beds were. as I made it into the resting area I looked around until I found an empty bed and quickly got into it. as soon as I hit the soft bed mattress I passed out since I knew that tomorrow would be a busy day for me.