
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Potion Making

I made it to the entrance of my store opened my door to allow my new students inside. after we made it in I locked the door behind me so that we could begin their first lesson in the arts of alchemy and science.

"all right we will begin your first lesson after we all introduce ourselves so that we can get acquainted with one another, and explain the main reason why you are interested in learning the arts of alchemy and science from me." I said to all of them as I walked behind my table in the main room of my store.

"my name is Lee. the reason why I am wanting to learn from you is to possibly find a cure for my father. she is very sick and death is knocking at his door unfortunately, so I need to learn as much as I can as quick as possible" the Chinese looking lady said that she stepped forward and bowed at me.

then after Lee had bowed at me the elderly man stepped forward and began to speak

"my name is Charles. the reason why I am here to learn from you is that I want to use my last few years to advance mankind as far as I possibly can. because I do truly want to make it easier for the next generation".

"reason why I am here is mostly for monetary gain since my family is very poor and barely survives each day. my name is Truth."

"all right it is going to be an interesting journey working with each of you individually, and also when I have to work with you as a group. always remind yourself of your motivation and the reason why you were here it will keep pushing you forward and allow you to reach new heights, but make sure that you do not get too overwhelmed by what drives you keep yourself grounded and in the moment while you work" I told them all as I waved my hand for them to follow me as I walked into the back room.

when I made it to the back room I turned to the right of the table and opened the cabinets that were against the right wall. all went to one side of the table and I carried the wooden mannequin to the table and placed it on the top.

"so the first thing you guys need to understand is the basics of the human body and how everything works so that you have a better understanding of what items you put to fix any injuries or scars." I told them as I turned around and grabbed small jars that had different colored liquids inside, and place them on my side of the table but; they were away from the body.

after I had arranged everything on the table I told everyone to gather around the table but to stay away from my side of the table. when they gathered around I began to speak to them in a teaching manner.

"now let us begin with giving you knowledge of the limbs. first of all if you want the remedies that we make to apply faster if you want to aim it towards the vein and rub in a circular motion slowly until it is completely absorbed by the skin" told the students as I turned both of the arms up so that they could see the fake veins.

"interesting, I always thought that you just would continually rub back and forth. I truly did not know that there was a legitimate art to how you get this done more effectively" charles said with a look of surprise across his face.

then as I was about to begin explaining more to them about the human body and other ways to make the remedies more effective I heard a knock at the main door of my shop. when I heard the knock I told them that class would have to wait, because in business customers always come first.

I walked to the front door of my store and saw Alicia standing outside. so I quickly unlock the door and allowed her in so I could see what it was that she was wanting from me.

"I am here to buy some items from you. do you mind if I have a look around your store?" she asked me as I opened the door and she walked into the building.

"well what are these people doing here?" she asked me as soon as she made it into my store.

I explained everything to her that I thought she would need to know about them being my students and wanting to learn alchemy and science from me.

"well that is good at least for you since you are slightly closer to your overall goal" she told me as she began to walk around the store and look at things.

"exactly are you looking for Alecia? if you do not mind me asking so that I can assist you and make your shopping experience more efficient."

"I am mostly looking for healing items as well as any elemental resistance potions that you might have for sale, since I am not going to always be able to survive off of luck or the use of my spells in my life as an adventurer".

"then might I suggest that you buy my purple mist potion that weekends all status effects for a total of five minutes. I do suggest also that you buy my white colored potion. this potion is a potion of rejuvenation."

"if I wanted to buy five of each; how many silver will that be for me?" she asked me while she was scratching her head.

"the total would be thirty silver pieces. if I include the small discount that we had agreed upon when we first met then the total would drop down to twenty silver pieces"

"all right then I will accept this trade" she said as she began to grab her pouch that was on her waist.

"the potions will be ready in about twenty minutes. I will be making the potions in the back for you" I told Alecia as I waved at my students to follow me into the back while I made the potions.

"I will need you Charles to go to the backyard garden that I have behind the store building and get me some ten Red Vines, five blue roses, and finally five sets of the white petals from a dandelion plant. when you get back we will begin the process of making the potions".

then Charles walked out of the door that was against the rear wall of this room and I began to ask the other two students to put the mannequin back and get out the chemistry items that were needed to finish this order of potions.

Lee put everything away while Truth gathered the tubes and other items that were needed for us to finish this process and placed it on the table.

when Charles came back with the items that I had asked I began showing them how to make potions using raw ingredients.

the first thing that I did was take the vines and used a small knife to cut them into tiny pieces. then I place them in a bowl. the next thing that I did was take the blue roses and crushed their heads and mixed it with the vine pieces.

"you will need to keep stirring this until you no longer see red or blue and it's just a purple paste. after that is done we will put it in a bottle and place it on top of the fire in the room so that it will cause the solid paste to melt into a liquid" told them before doing what I said we had to do.

"whenever we get a next order for potions; I will allow you all to make the potions."

then I did the same thing to the parts of the dandelions until they were paced like and; then put them on top of the fire so they could liquidate as well.

after the thirty minutes were up everything was liquid instead of solid on all of the potions that she had ordered.

"now take these to our customer, and bring back her money to this room please" I told Truth as I gave him the tray to hold and bring it to her.

he quickly came back after a few minutes and I knew that this was going to be the start of something quite beautiful.

while everyone had their own specific reason that they were here they could eventually become something much greater than themselves. the most important thing though is that I am one step closer to progressing mankind in the arts of technology and science.