
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The Dumb One and the Intelligent One

I began to hear a loud bell ringing which caused me to wake up from my rest and go completely stiff for a few seconds due to the shock; since no one told me about the morning bells.

"what why are we waking up to ringing bells?" I said in a moaning voice as I Rose from my bed.

"that must mean that you are new here." I heard one of the other members say.

"The guild always wakes us up super early so that we have time to go and survey and scout the areas that we are going to be stealing from soon" I heard a female voice say as she walked by me.

"every second matters in the life of a thief" someone else said as I got out of bed and began to walk out of the sleeping quarters.

after I made it out of the sleeping quarters I noticed that Paul and the mute dark elf that I was to work with on my job today we're both at the bottom of the stairwell waiting for me.

"well it looks like someone finally woke up" Paul said to me as I walked towards him.

"sorry I'm usually more of a night person. I was truly surprised by the morning bell a few minutes ago."

"since we are now all here let us depart and return as soon as we get the job done. out of all of us you probably have the furthest to travel so good luck".

we all walked up the stairs and left the shop that the guild hall was under. after I made it out of the store I left the group and headed towards the poor part of town so that I could get information from the beggars about how to get to the town of White Falls.

I strolled my way through town until I made it to the docks. the area was quite massive and I could smell the salt water from the ocean which was surprisingly relaxing. the docks were sealed by a gate; which had a guard standing at the entrance.

"what is your business here today halfling?" the guard asked me as I approached him.

"I am here to offer some money to the poor" I told him with a serious look on my face so that he know that I was not joking or trying to just get in with a lie.

"all right then, have a good day and enjoy your time with the poor" he told me as he unlocked the gate with the key that was on his waist. then allowed me to enter the docks.

I walked along the coast that was away from where everyone was porting their goods and I noticed that there were a lot of poor people living in torn tents and sleeping bags.

"a silver coin for an elderly war veteran turned beggar." a bald elderly man said to me as he approached me.

"yes I will offer you two silver pieces if you can give me some information" I told him as I showed the two silver pieces in my hand after grabbing them from my pouch.

the elderly man looked at me with a large amount of shine behind his eyes when I showed him the coins.

"what information do you need sir" he asked as he bowed to me.

"I need directions to the human city of White Falls".

"you can take the main road from here and turned right at the imperial capital. then you will have to go deep into the black forest. the town of White Falls is on the other side of this forest."

after he gave me the information I handed him both of the silver coins and he politely bowed at me and said thank you.

I left the town and followed his instructions which brought me to the town of White Falls in three days. even though I was behind schedule a bit I knew that as long as I succeeded it would be fine since this was not any official mission just a side mission to help with possible future missions and make money in the process.

when I made it to the front gate I paid the card since I was new to the town.

I could hear all of the people in the town run back and forth while they were doing their daily routines. the first thing that I did was walk down each of the main roads so that I could get a decent knowledge of the guards marching patterns before I was to steal the item for my job.

as I made it down Eighth street, I noticed that as I passed a store that had a very massive line of customers the blue necklace around my neck began to glow. I wondered why it began to Glow and I walked into this line; and waited my turn to enter the store.

when it was my turn to finally enter the store I noticed that the owner had a book on his waist that glowed blue as I walked up to him.

"yes is there something I can help you with?" he asked me as he stopped what he was working on after glancing at my necklace.

"yes I want to discuss things with you sir involving one of your books" I told him so that I would not draw too much attention to us.

"Lee please come here" he said as I noticed a look of urgency on his face.

then a tall thin female with very white skin that looked Chinese in origin walked up beside him.

"Lee I am going to be discussing some private things with this gentleman for a bit. while I am doing that can you please help all the other customers."

"Yes master Roberts I can do that for you" she said that she bowed to him.

after all of that he asked me to follow him up a set of stairs and I did so that I could meet him. when I made it to the top of the stairs he unlocked the door and allowed me to enter into the room behind him.

the room that I had entered was just a simple bedroom with one bed and a table that had two chairs.

"I am sorry if this was not as fancy as you were expecting but these living quarters are all I have at the moment besides my shop." he told me as he sat down in one of the chairs.

I then sit down in the chair so that I can begin my conversation with him but, before I was able to begin speaking he spoke first.

"so you are a candidate of The Reincarnation Protocol are you not?" he asked me with a look of seriousness across his face.

"then if you are guessing that I am a candidate for The Reincarnation Protocol that would make you one as well".

"yes in my previous life I was known as Dr Robert. I also was a scientist and one of the most intelligent people alive; what about you"

"Robert huh; well in my previous life I was actually a thief not by choice but by requirement to survive. my parents had died a long time ago and I had to take care of my little brother and sister whatever means necessary to get that done"

"I'm assuming that you noticed my book glowing that is how you noticed me"

"truthfully I saw that my necklace started to Glow as I approached your shop. so I entered out of curiosity trying to figure out why that was."

"the reason you were able to find me was that this book on my waist is my AI".

"are you saying that my AI is my necklace and that was how I was able to locate you?"

"yes I am; and just so that you know there are other people that were a part of our reincarnation protocol. I have met with the female of our group she is a moon elf ice wizard."

"that is good that you have met another one. I am going to be in this town for a few days to get my next job done if you ever want to meet me again while I am here."

"all right then I will look for you if I need you. do you mind if I tell the other candidate about you.?"

"yes you can inform her about me since I have no evil intentions and the more people that I can relate to the better that my new life will be".

"all right then I will do that." Robert said to me as he rose from his chair and began to walk out of the room.

I quickly followed him and then left the store excited because I had a new friend in this new life that I could relate to since we had both been reincarnated.

the air around me felt very thick and intense because of the new mission that I was to undertake as I left the shop.