
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Politics Are Truly Unjust

both of the dwarf princes and I were outside of the council chambers waiting for the verdict that the council would come up with on the matter if we are to help the wood elves or not.

"I am truly hoping that you will go to war. I could always use with a good battle against these orcs" the eldest prince said to us all while we leaned up against the wall waiting for them to allow us to enter the council chamber.

"I mean truthfully I do not want to go to war but, we may not have a choice since Zog the Destroyer wants to annihilate every other race other than orcs." Binyail said as he looked at me with a look of worry across his face.

"leave it to Binyail to be the one who is the worry wart out of the three dwarven princes" the eldest son said as he bopped his head on his youngest Brothers to get him to calm down I was assuming.

"come on you know we can take down any filthy orc when it comes our way considering that dwarves are a superior race unlike orcs" the middle child of the three princes said.

"yes we might be a superior race to them but violence never solves anything" Binyail said in a very humble voice.

"in the end it doesn't truly matter what you all think. the fate of all dwarves is decided by the council; and not by your personal opinions or agendas" I told them all so that they would stop arguing amongst themselves and also to save Binyail from any more embarrassment at this moment.

"we do not need to listen to anything that you say. you are just a filthy commoner after all. we do not owe you anything since father has already paid his debt to you for saving our sorry ass little brother by allowing you to be a member of the legendary dragon guard." the middle child of the prince's said to me as he began to look down on me.

"I will not allow you to belittle my friend. it does not matter to me if he is born as a commoner, or nobility, or even royalty. all dwarfs have the same opportunities in my life." Binyail said to his brothers as he stood in between me and them.

the eldest of the princes then pushed Binyail aside until he hit the wall and fell on the floor.

then I drew my greatsword out of the scaberd that was on my back and prepared to attack the eldest prince. I did not care what it would mean for me because I came into this world pretty much alone; and I will never allow anyone to harm my very first friend in this new life.

"you dare to draw a weapon on the firstborn of the royal household. you are truly a stupid dwarf, but then again you are my youngest brother's friend. he is a failure as a prince that is why father made him be our diplomat instead of training him in combat."

the guard of the door came rushing over as he heard all of us yell at each other and he tried to stop the confrontation but the eldest Prince began to yell at him and tell him to stay out of the way.

"this commoner needs to be put in his place. since father is not here to pass judgment I will take it upon myself to do it since I am the eldest of his sons."

the guard then stood still and allowed the prince to attack me since he had no authority over any of the prince's actions except for the actions of the youngest he was the one that required the most babying out of the three of them so I began to notice.

the eldest Prince grabbed a set of throwing knives from his waist to his hands. "now it is time that you learn your lesson you filthy commoner!" he yelled as he threw one of the knives from each hand at me.

I swung my sword in an attempt to Parry the knives. while I was able to Parry the one that he had thrown towards my left shoulder; I was unable to Parry the one that he had thrown towards my right wrist.

when I failed to Parry the second throwing knife my wrist began to bleed and I dropped my great sword. after I dropped my sword I fell on to my knees since I no longer had enough strength to swing my great sword.

he approached me and threw another pair of knives at my knees to intensely increase my pain and agony.

"this is why we are better than you. we are trained since birth to be the very best at whatever we do. it does not matter what it is about. it could be politics, Battle tactics, persuasion of other races, and much much more." the prince then kicked me until I fell on my side and he continued to kick me repetitively to inflict more damage to me around my chest area."now admit that you are weaker than us you still see commoner. admit it! admit it! admit it!".

I've been heard the council doors open and the eldest prince suddenly stopped beating me up as I heard the council members speak.

Binyail Rose from the floor and helped me up so that we could go into the council chambers now that they were open.

"just ignore my brother. he is truly an ass." he whispered to me as he was helping me limp my way to the council chamber.

as he helped me get into the chamber the members all began to whisper as they were looking at me and the bruises that were around my chest area.

"why are you so bruised Gilltrude?" King Austroon asked me as he saw Binyail helping me limp my way into the room.

"your eldest son took it upon himself to beat me up and put in my place as a commoner after I gave him my opinion about the topic we were discussing" I told the king as I tried to bow at him in my wounded state.

"Is this true my sons"

"no father; he is lying to protect his own hide" the oldest one answered his father before he bowed.

"what about you? what is your opinion on the matter son"

then the middle son walked up and bowed at his father before speaking his mind on the situation. "my older brother is telling the truth and this commoner is lying."

"then my verdict is that he must be lying about it since both of my sons have given their opinion about the matter. the youngest of them has no say in the matter since they are close friends so his opinion would probably be biased"

then I heard the council members start to murmur among themselves.

"just so you know Guilford as a measure you are going to be confined within our prison for three days for lying to me about my oldest son. I will tell you how the meeting goes once your three day prison sentence is over".

the king snapped his fingers and the guards took me by my wrists after putting shackles on them.

as one of the guards began to walk me out of the council chambers I saw a look of worry on Binyail's face while both of his brothers had an evil smile across both of their faces while I was being dragged away.

the guard walked me out of the palace and down the main road until we made it to the dwarf prison. all of the other dwarves began to throw rotten fruit at me and speak very nasty words about me since I was being dragged in public to the prison.

when I made it into the prison I could hear the dripping of water and smell the scent of rotting food. the guard threw me into the last cell and lock the door after undoing my shackles.

I was truly upset because I came to the capital to warn the king about the invasion of Zog the Destroyer, but yet I had moved from an elf prison to a dwarf one in such a short amount of time just because I wanted to defend my only true friend in this new life.

when I looked around in my cell I noticed that there was nothing but a small wooden bed for me to sleep on in the top left corner. there also was a bucket in the far top right corner.

so I got onto the bed and contemplated about my decisions that I had made in this new life wondering if I was ever going to succeed with my noble intentions that I had for this new life or if politics would always triumph over my perseverance.