
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Should I Trust Humans

As I entered the city, I noticed that all of the common folks were walking back and forth in a haste with their daily lives and routines of going through the same motions all of the same time.

"so what do you want to do first in this journey that has been given to you?" my pet that asked me.

"the first thing on my list of things to do is that I am going to go to a local magic item shop. then I'm going to look at any ice scrolls that are that and see what will be available for purchase. then after that I'm going to get into a group of adventurers so that I can make a honest living."

I began to look around at the buildings that were on the main Street of the town. the buildings varied in types and size but, they were mostly shops for different types of items. I passed by a blacksmith shop, a clothing store, a food store, and finally a mage's store that was supposed to have scrolls arcanes and other magical items.

I made my way to the magic item store and entered it so that I could find some ice scrolls to increase my spell capacity.

I did my best to avoid contact with anyone as I was walking into the mage's store since I was there to quickly look at the ice scrolls and leave after buying a few of them.

inside the store I saw a massive variety of scrolls against the right wall. and to divide the scrolls I noticed there were elemental symbols that sectioned them off based on the elemental damage or type of scroll. against the rear wall I noticed there was a large variety of different arcane stones. finally, against the left wall there were a lot of mythical creatures in cages. the counter in the center was where the salesman was at to offer help to those who needed anything and to finalize any purchases made.

as I made it over to the ice scroll section of the store, I began to look at the many options available to me. I went through a large variety of scrolls looking at their effects on them trying to decide how I should make the decision of which scrolls I want to buy. after looking at multiple scrolls and different types of scrols I decided to only buy two of them.

after I chose the scrolls that I wanted I went to the front desk and handed them to the owner of the shop.

"well that is a good eye you have there for ice spells. the cost will be ten silver."

I got the money out of my pouch and handed him the ten silver pieces that he requested.

"thank you for your business, come again soon" the shopkeeper said to me as I placed the two scrolls right beside my grimoire in its pack.

after I walked out of the store I made it to the end of the main highway and saw a symbol of a bow, sword, and magical staff hanging above a massive building's door. under the symbol it spelled the words adventurer's guild.

I entered into the adventurer's guild building and made my way to the front desk to sign up for membership if that was possible.

"hello ma'am how may I help you?" a female human asked me as I approached the front desk of the entrance room of the adventurer's guild of the town.

"I would like to join The adventurer's guild."

"what type of adventurer are you." the lady behind the desk asked me.

"what types are there, if you don't mind me asking so that I do not make the wrong choice?" I asked her as I leaned in on the edge of the table.

"well the types vary from treasure finder, to beast exterminator, to dungeon explorer, and finally border guard"

"am I allowed to be more than one type?" I asked her out of curiosity.

she pulled out a piece of paper, looked at it for a few seconds; and then look back at me. "yes you can be more than one type, but since you will be only a copper plate you will only be allowed to take on one type of mission until you get promoted in rank."

I got lost in thought for a minute or so thinking about which type of adventurer I should try to become. based on what would lead me to my goal quickly, which is to become someone of great influence in either a city or the human empire because wealth equals power.

"I have decided that I will be a dungeon explorer type of adventurer."

"okay give me a second. I will come back in a second with your copper badge and some paperwork for you to fill out. if you could wait for me by sitting down at one of those chairs over there that would be great." she said as she pointed at the chairs that were against the right wall and then went to the room behind the counter.

as I waited for her to return with the items that I needed I walked over to the right side of the room and set down in one of the wooden chairs. then I opened one of my scrolls as well as my grimoire. when I got to a blank page of my grimoire and placed the first scroll on it the text from the scroll disappeared and then transferred itself onto my grimoire. I did the same thing again with the second scroll.

I now owned six ice spells that I could use. the first one was very simple it was just an ice needle barrage. the second one was a simple and medium durability ice wall. my third spell was ice resistance enhancement. the fourth spell was ice mine. the first one of the two new ones that I had added was ice cloak. the final one is ice healing aura.

the last spell might seem a little crazy but due to my affinity for ice magic I have a very high tolerance to it if not almost completely immune to it so standing in ice for long periods of time is actually helpful instead of harmful to me. I was never told that by anyone but it just felt natural. I was guessing that was to my affinity for ice magic in my new life.

then after I did that I placed my grimoire back into its carrying bag and waited for a few minutes so that the lady from the front desk could give me the paperwork that I was to fill out.

"here is your paperwork."the front desk lady told me as she handed me a piece of paper to fill out and an ink pin. "thank you very much" I told her as I filled out the information on the sheet and handed it back to her quickly after receiving it.

after she examined the sheet she gave me a copper colored badge and told me that I needed to put it somewhere where people would know what rank I was by looking at it or if I showed it to them.

I put the copper badge that I was given on the side of my bag where my grimoire was put inside of.

"is there anything else that I can help you with today Miss?" she asked me.

"yes I would like to get my first job if that would be possible"

"we only have dungeons to be explored at the moment that are close to this area. unfortunately due to your level you are not permitted to solo dungeons of any kind. so before I allow you to proceed you will need to join a party."

"great since I have no connections that might be a problem. I will try to find someone and, I will come back when my party is formed"

I walked around to other groups of adventures that I found in the building to see if I could join them or if they could help me with my mission that I need to do.

"sorry Missy this is a man only group. women are just too much trouble in a party of men." one group leader told me when I asked if I could join them.

"we do not explore dungeons we only slaughter monsters" the next group told me.

"my men and I will only join if there's guaranteed high quality loot. if you can't promise US that leave us alone" another group of mostly men told me as I ask them.

I was very upset and depressed because no one wanted me to join their group and help me start my life as an adventurer. I guess that reputation is everything in this line of work. since I had no experience, I have no reputation; and thus no one would join me or allow me to join them.

after I sit down and stopped asking around I waited for almost an hour until a female human walked up to me and began talking to me.

"the word on the street is that you are looking for a group to do a dungeon run with. is that true or am I mistaken?" she asked me as I was looking off in the distance out of frustration and she sat down in the chair to my right.

"I don't know should I trust this human" I thought to my companion.

"do you truly have a choice. is there anyone else offering to help you or have you join their group of adventures?" my bat companion thought back to me.

"yes if you must know you are correct" I told the female human that was speaking to me as I looked at her.

"then come join me with my group of adventurers and we will see what everyone else thinks about you joining our group." she said in an exciting voice.

as she rose to her feet, I followed her to her groups table. when I made it to the table, I noticed four people that were around this table that was in front of me.

"hello everyone I want to introduce a new person that I am interested in making a member of our team. you know the drill everyone introduce yourself and tell our new guest what type of fighter you are."

"hello my name is James. I am the team's rogue and I specialize in dagger and poison combat." he said as he stood up and shook my hand.

James was tall, skinny, and tan skinned. he wore a set of leather armor with a hood over his head and I noticed that he had daggers on his waist and a belt of different potions in a pouch on the left side of his body.

"I don't even know why I'm giving you my name I don't even trust you yet so you don't have my respect to earn my name. the boss wants me to tell you my name. you can call me Steven. I am the group's tank and I willed a mace and shield." unlike the last person the group's tank did not even shake my hand.

Steven was medium high with thick black hair and black eyes. he had a thick build and also he had a scar around his right cheek that stood out when you looked at him and made it clear that he was not inexperienced in combat.

I could tell that it would take quite some time to earn his respect when I looked at him.

"hi my name is Jessica and I am the team's cleric. I focus mostly on faith enhancement spells and Faith healing spells as well."

Jessica was tall and skinny with red hair and green eyes. she wore robes and carried a staff with her.

"I am called Alex and I serve as the groups blacksmith and chef. I do not fight very much but when I have to I can use illusion magic." he said as he stood up and shook my hand.

as I looked at Alex I noticed that he was short and stubby but he also looked like someone who was not afraid to do the dirty work of the group. he had a full grown blonde beard. his hair was long and blonde and went down to his shoulders.

"and I am the group's leader Sarah and I am the party's berserker. I build a massive hammer" the lady that introduced me to the group said as she sat down in the spare chair that was around the table.

"well I will suppose that it is my turn; now my name is Aleesia. I am a wizard and all of my magic is ice based. I use aggressive magic, defensive magic, as well as healing magic." I told the group as I bowed and then stood straight back up shortly after I waited for a few seconds.

"I say that she should join our group" the leader said.

"I agree" Jessica said.

"I agree"Alex said

"I disagree" Steven said.

"well it is decided then. since most of us want you to join you are welcome to join our group. just make sure you go up to the lady at the front desk and tell her that you have joined our group and then we will be on our way on the dungeon that we are going to be exploring today." the leader said as they all began to rise from their chairs.

I walked over to the lady at the front desk and told her that I was joining the group and that it was a majority vote and that we were going to be setting out soon to begin our exploration of our dungeon for the day.

I was finally filled with excitement and anticipation. I truly could not wait to test out my new ice spells and this was the first step on my journey to true wealth and power.