
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

My New Lease On Life

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I woke up and saw that I was in a square room with a glass floor that allowed me to see my reflection. I was baffled and shocked that I was alive. I was supposed to be dead but yet somehow I was still alive. had I failed my suicide off of the ceiling of the hospital building.

when I walked around the room for a bit I saw a blue digital looking man that was wearing a three-button-up suit and slacks with dress shoes show up in front of me.

"hello there I am an AI. I am supposed to represent the era that you are from to put you at ease. my purpose is to let you decide what you will be reincarnated as."

"reincarnated! what do you mean by that?" I asked as I stepped back out of surprise and a bit of terror. "I am supposed to be dead

"do not be alarmed Miss. you have been chosen to be a praticipent in The Reincarnation Protocol. when you were about to die I took your soul and brought it here so that you could live on. unfortunately your body was destroyed so you must have a new body".

"a new body what do you mean by that" I said in surprise when the AI told me.

"your original body no longer is intact so I am here to give you your options so you can decide what species you will be what class and specialization you will choose within that species so that you can begin your journey."

"why was I chosen might I ask?" I asked the AI out of suspicion because I have no earthly idea why I was selected out of any other human that died that day.

"you have been chosen because of a specific characteristic that I was looking for in the candidate that I am to support." the hologram told me as he was moving his hands and explaining the situation to me.

"so you are telling me that I am one of eight candidates that are each being represented by a different AI." I said while I was pacing back and forth trying to figure out why exactly I was chosen.

"the characteristics that I was mostly trying to search for were intelligence and creativity. you also should know that not all of the candidates will be there to help you; some will not help anyone but themselves. out of the eight candidates we have chosen four of them for their positive characteristics that they displayed in their previous life to be the heroes of this world. the other four are chosen based on evil deeds and things of an illegal nature that they have done to represent the evil in this world."

"so why should I accept this anyway I just wanted to end my miserable life when everything was going wrong that could have gone wrong for me. what makes this world worth living in for someone like me." I said as I sat down on the floor and continue to think of why I should have been spared in the first place.

"you should accept this because it is a second chance at life. it is a new world for you, and because my only purpose for living is to make whatever your desires for this world are to become a reality. how does that sound to you?"

he then sat down next to me and waited for my response.

"well since I have nothing else better to do since my normal life is now over I might as well see what this world has to offer and what I can get out of it in the end" I said as I rose to my feet.

"your first choice that will determine your new lifestyle will be what species are you going to be a member of."

after the AI said that a digital display of the different races I could be a member of showed up around me in a full 360 circumference. the races I saw were half demon, moon elf, succubus, half elf, human,and blood elf.

I spent a few minutes looking at the different race options that I was given and contemplating what I should do. after being lost in thought for quite some time I finally made my decision.

"the race that I am going to choose is going to be a moon elf." I told him and then the displays disappeared and another set of options showed up for me to look at.

"the next part for you is going to be the kind of moon elf that you are going to become." the AI told me as I looked around the room. "your options are going to be to be a wizard, warrior, assassin, archer, or a sorcerer."

"what is the major difference between a wizard and a sorcerer if I might ask before I make my decision"

"the difference is that the wizard uses a grimoire to make his spells stronger as well as sacrificing specific items instead of draining mana from themselves. the sorcerer uses mana from himself to cast his spells out of their hands, and mostly focuses on elemental based spells or illusion spells."

"I am going to choose a wizard as my class"

then as soon as I made my decision those screens disappeared and there were a few more that took their place.

"now the next thing you must choose is what type of wizard are you going to be. your options are support, primal, or summoner."

"my decision is primal" I told the AI in a quick haste since I knew that I didn't want to summon things and I never was good at doing supportive type roles in my former life.

"now you must choose what element you were going to be focusing your spellcasting on"

then I saw a bunch of elements show up around me. the elements were fire, lightning, ice, earth, water, dark, light and air.

"I choose the element of ice"

"your next thing to do will be to choose a name for yourself in this new world".

"Aleesia" I quickly said because I knew a decent elf name that I wanted to use because of some of the romance novels that I had written in high school.

"okay now for us to finalize it all you will have to decide where you want to start at in this new life. the moon elves usually do not live in groups they usually live in a large variety of locations. you are allowed to start anywhere other than a dwarven city. is there any specific species that you want to be near?"

"I want to be near a human city so that I can use what I know about humans to my advantage. so that I may climb the social ladder and get some things done with my influence that I will have in this world in due time."

"which human city are you going to want to join?"

"start me out in a small city. I do not want to attract too much attention to myself when I am getting to know the world around me."

"I will put you in the city of White falls. the city is a medium-sized town. so big enough to get whatever goal you have set for yourself started but not so big that you will pull too much attention to yourself."

then a blue light enveloped me and I disappeared from the chamber I was in and I spawned outside of a city that had brick walls. the city had waterfalls running down the sides of the city walls.

as I looked around I noticed there was a bat right beside me.

"hello there I thought I would let you know that I am your companion. we share a telepathic link with one another to where we can communicate with each other through our thoughts. no one else will hear us and what we say. my purpose is to fulfill whatever your wishes are and since you chose Moon elf as your race I turned myself into a beast like companion."

"let us hope that this journey is a fun one. I am hoping for the best so let the journey begin that will change my life forever." I told my companion as I looked around at this new world.

the bat stood on my shoulder as I walked through the field in front of the main city gate knowing that my true adventure is just about to begin.

I looked at what I was wearing and noticed that in this new life I was of medium height. I had on a tunic that was a night blue shade and then I had on brown boots and brown bracelets on my wrists. I had a bag that was on my back and in the side of it I saw my grimoire. I opened the grimoire case to look at it. the grimoire was colored black with a white spine and a large white snowflake in the center of it with a bunch of small ice shards surrounding the large snowflake.

as I opened my grimoire I noticed a few simple ice spells that were in it. the the book had a lot of blank pages that did not have a single spell name or description on it.

"how do I obtain more ice spells if I might ask?" I asked my companion telepathically as we made it to the gate of the city.

"the ways that spells are added if you have a grimoire is that you find them in ruins, on tablets, or scrolls, and you can also buy certain scrolls at the magic stores that are in the many different cities of this world."

as we approached the gate to the town the guards yelled at us and told us to stop.

"you have to pay the toll if you've never been in the town before. the toll adds up to fifty silver pieces since you have yourself and that bat with you."

I grabbed out my pouch that was on my waist and paid the man the toll and he allowed me to go into the city. I truly felt excited and terrified at the same time about the unexpectedness of my new life as a moon elf wizard because I truly did not know what this new life had in store for me.