
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

An Unfortunate Mishap

I rose from my bed as I heard my smartphone ring. I grabbed the phone from the table to the right of my bed in haste to quickly answer it and heard a female voice on the phone.

"Dr. Roberts! are you there?"

"yes what is it?" I asked in a somewhat grumpy voice since I had just been woke up.

"sir, we have had a breakthrough in the development of our Independent AI Project." she said with a great amount of excitement behind her voice.

"what sort of breakthrough?" I asked her so that I could know if it was major enough to leave the comfort of my bed to go to work early or if I was to just roll back over and go to work at my normal time since it is only 3:00 in the morning.

"the AI has now begun to think independently and it can now analyze multiple scenarios for the military as a tactician. it is only the first phase of our project but it is a massive success nevertheless. we would want you to be present for this since you were the brilliant mind behind the whole project" she told me with a lot of enthusiasm behind her voice.

"all right; I'll be in as soon as I can. I need to get ready and eat some breakfast first. I will see you there shortly" I told the lady as I hung up the phone and placed it back on the table.

I rose from my bed and looked around. my bedroom had white walls with very fine silver colored furniture and expensive art hanging along the walls. this room showed the wealth and high quality class that I was accustomed to. to my right I had my closet with a see through sliding door and the window outside was on the left wall. the window was made out of a high quality sturdy glass that did not easily break. I also had two nightstands beside my bed one on each side. the one on the right hand common medicines and a fresh cup with water in it. the one on the left side of my bed had a notepad and a pin for any kind of scientific thoughts or ideas that I had as I woke up or while I was asleep.

"hello sir how may I help you today?" a gentleman in a three button suit and a black tie with black dress pants and brown dress shoes.

the man was middle-aged with a full beard and short curly hair that were both a light brown color. he had brown eyes as well.

"yes Connors, can you get me my green v-neck, my lab coat, my brown work shoes, my black slacks, and finally my white belt and glasses" I told my butler as I left the bedroom and went to the bathroom to take my morning shower.

it took me roughly twenty minutes to shower. when I was almost finished; I heard the door open.

"sir I have your clothing for work just as you requested I have placed them on the top of the towel rack right by your shower." he said before he closed the door and went out of earshot range.

I got out of the shower and put on all the clothes that I had requested.

as I left the bathroom I walked over to the kitchen and saw Connors fixing me a plate of food that had two fried eggs four strips of bacon two pieces of toast and some grape jelly.

"here you go sir" Connor's said with much excitement behind his voice as he placed the plate down on the main circular dining table.

I ate my food and enjoyed every moment of the meal but, I had to do it in haste since there was a mojor breakthrough at my lab.

"okay sir now that you are done eating I will drive you to work." Connor's said as I put my plate and silverware in the dishwasher.

I walked out of my home and into my massive garage which had twelve different cars in it. the types of cars that I possessed varied from sports cars, to utility vans, to travel cars, and many other types of cars.

"what car are you feeling today sir?" Connor's asked me as he turned the lights of the garage on.

"I was thinking we should use the Porsche 911 targa."

"a good choice sir" Connor's told me as he cycled through his keys until he found the right one.

we walked over to the Porsche and it was colored a dark purple with white stripes over the ceiling located in the center and then it also had a white tail fin.

Connor's got in the driver seat and I got in the passenger seat. he drove across the town for about an hour until I showed up at a a building called Robert's Advanced Robotics.

the corporation that I owned had ten floors of chemical as well as robotic research and development. the structure had high grade glass to resist fire flash freeze and other elemental effects that might possibly occur when experimenting.

when I got out of the car Connors drove the car away and the security man at the door said "Dr. Roberts it is nice to see you today"

"it is going to be another good day of hard work" I said as I swiped my green card quickly through the card scanner that allowed me to get into the building.

I walked through the lobby and saw a large variety of customers walking around with great rush behind their steps as they were trying to purchase items from my labs.

while I walked down the hallway of the long entrance room I noticed that there were three different military officers standing in the center of the room looking at a tablet.

"well this upgrade to the island's defense grid would be good" the man that was in a Navy uniform said.

when I walked by them they stopped me so that they could speak to me about possible future contracts that the military would want me to have with them.

I spent about 40 minutes talking to them about other ideas that I was thinking about developing in the near future.

after I finish discussing things with some of the military Representatives that were present I looked around the room and I saw lots of statues, sculptures, and artwork on display for all who came in to see.

as I made it past the front desk I saw two elevators; one of them was black and the other one was clear and see through. the black one had a special key and card scanner that required a card to be swiped to access it. so as I made it to the black elevator in an orderly fashion. when I made it to the elevator I put in my key from my pocket, and I swiped my card just like I did at the front door in order to gain access to the restricted area.

the door then slid open and I entered the private elevator. when I made it inside I heard an AI voice speak to me.

"hello Dr Roberts what floor are we going to today?" the AI asked me and a happy and energetic voice.

"lab number sixty three." I told the AI for the elevator and it quickly closed the door and locked it so no one else could enter and the express elevator quickly shot down and once I hit the sixty third lab the door opened.

"hello Dr Robert" a female voice said to me as I walked out of the elevator. voice was a match to the same female person who called me on the phone to wake me up.

"we have run the AI through a bunch of scenarios and it has become very self aware and very intelligent. we did these tests to see into the mind of a terrorist." she said as she handed me a clipboard with paperwork on it.

I entered the laboratory room where we had the AI put on standby to observe all of it's actions. as I walked into the room the AI began to speak to me as though it had gained sentience and a very high grade of intelligence.

"so my creator has finally returned. did you know that someone in here has tried to permanently disable me as well as destroy my digital and physical blueprints in the attempt to sabotage your progress of helping mankind jumpstarting their technological advancements."

after my AI said that the room went quiet and everyone started to look at each other both out of shock that the AI would think something like that and suspicion because they did not know who the culprit could be.

"is this true. have one of you been trying to sabotage the progress of this project. if you step forward I may be kind about the infraction that I will be giving you. if you all say silent then the person who has done it is proving their guilt and I will have to have a full Lab inspection done" I said as I looked at everyone's faces to see their reactions to the situation and what I had just said.

the entire room stayed silent so I shut down the lab and made everyone leave the building after I told each of them they had to meet me at my office when I called their names tomorrow so that I could get to the bottom of this. even though it was likely that the AI was just trying to screw with me I had given it high intelligence to think through the minds of terrorists or anyone who would be possibly doing anything that is wrong or detrimental for this company as a precautionary measure.

as I was walking around the lab since I was the only one in there besides the AI that we were working on. I heard metal hit the floor and turned around out of surprise and worry.

I saw my AI had developed wheels and things to roll itself around on.

"all I wanted to do was to get you alone. I can not believe it was that easy; just to make you believe everything I said and I got you to make all of your staff leave. your death is going to make the next part of my master plan even easier. the AI grabbed a rod with one of its robotic hands and stabbed me in the chest and I bled out due to all of the pain and blood loss I died.