
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

A Blood Contract

I could feel a great amount of warm light suddenly thrust into my bedroom as the first beam of sunlight for the day hit me on the face which caused me to wake up from my sleep ready to take on the challenges that were awaiting me today.

the main challenge for today was going to be deciding who I wanted to join my team and help me progress my alchemy teachings on to the next generation of humans. I might even throw in some of the knowledge that I have of modern physics and chemistry well I am teaching them. the truthfully I suppose it would be futuristic physics and chemistry considering that we don't have anything that is more advanced than medieval technology in this world that I was reincarnated into.

so I quickly got dressed in my clothing and walked out of my store then I relocked the door behind me so that all of my items were safe from any possible thieves while I went to the Palace in order to test all of my candidates for training. when I locked the door of my store I saw Aleesia walking towards me out of the corner of my left eye.

"were you needing anything from me today?" I asked her as she made it within a few feet of me.

"well my team had just finished their last mission and I was curious if you had any valuable information or items that I could buy from you?" she asked me as she rested her hands on my shoulders as she smiled at me.

"well I do not have any artifacts that I can sell you but I do have some items that I will sell to you. I am obviously an alchemist so I have very valuable potions if you want some. I will sell them to you at a discounted price since we are both reincarnations and we both share noble intentions for this new world that we have been thrust into. unfortunately I am going to be busy for the next few hours, so I cannot do any business with you right now".

"oh really what are you going to be doing that will not allow you to sell me information or items right now if you do not mind me asking?"

then began walking towards the imperial palace while explaining everything that I was planning on doing today to Alieesia.

"so you are saying that you have found a way that would be able to heal the King's arms and allow him to use them after a few treatments that are administered once a day." she said as we approached the main palace gate.

"yes I will be able to do that in due time, and as a prize the King has allowed me to be the imperial alchemist and also teach my alchemy trade to others who are willing to learn. I will also try to occasionally teach them things from our worlds so that my knowledge of chemistry and physics in my previous life will not go to waste." I told her as the guard opened the gate and closed it behind me.

"all right then I will be back by your shop around early evening so that I can see what you can offer me." she told me as she waved her hands goodbye at me and left me.

I waved goodbye to her as well and then I made my way into the palace.

as I entered the palace one of the guards walked up to me and began speaking to me with a large amount of respect behind his voice. "hello sir, if you would follow me we already have a few candidates that are willing to learn the many different alchemy arts from you".

the guard then Rose from his bowing position and guided me down the main hallway until I walked through a massive archway that led into an open room. the room was colored like the rest of the castle but there were no tables or art in the room. all that there was in the room was a massive red wooden floor and a few stairs at the end of the room to section off the last quarter of the room.

when I made it into the massive room I saw about twelve different people that all wore different kinds of clothing speaking among themselves, but they all went silent as I approached and made it up to the upper area and set in one of the only chairs in the room right next to the king.

"all right now that our main guest has arrived we can begin the process of allowing you to join him as his students in the art of alchemy" King said after the guard that was with me hit the wooden floor softly with the wooden butt of his spear. "this is Dr Robert; he possesses amazing alchemy knowledge and skills. he will be the one to teach you if you are willing to learn. he will have the full financial backing of the imperial kingdom. despite the fact that he will have our financial backing he will have freedom to train you and teach you in whatever manner he sees fit as long as he doesn't cross the line of abuse and intentional physical harming of you as a person."

the king then tap the guard on the shoulder and whispered to him. after the king had spoken to the guard he stood up and began speaking to the recruits once again in his commanding but yet calming voice.

"now I will allow him to speak his mind and do with you all as he pleases within the limits of our laws".

when the king sat down I rose to my feet and began to speak to my new workers that I was to teach.

"hello my name is Dr Robert, and I am an alchemist. I am looking for people that want to learn what I have to teach about my trade. those that join me will be taught traditional means of medicine as well as push the bounds of what it means to be an alchemist. the reason science and alchemy exists is push the bounds of human knowledge and increase our intelligence as a species. if you are still interested in joining me on this journey, then please step forward. if you are not interested in what I have to learn anymore then you are free to leave. I only want those that are willing to learn both common and uncommon memes of science and alchemy."

after I got done speaking to them all I noticed that only three of them remained in the room and stepped up to accept their roles as my students of alchemy and science.

then as I sat down after speaking the king rose to his feet and spoke to the only three and that were still standing.

"well you have all embraced the art of alchemy and science as your trade and new way of life. this is the hoping that you do not regret anything that this life will lead you to."

then I saw that there was a small wooden table that was being rolled out onto the upper area floor in front of the king. on this table I saw a piece of paper that had a small needle to its upper right.

all three of the candidates walked up to the paper and poked their right pointer finger until I saw a small amount of blood drip from their fingers, and then they wrote something on the paper.

after they all finished writing on the paper with their blood the king began to speak yet again to us all.

"now that you have all signed on this paper with your own blood you have finalized your decision to be a learner of the art of alchemy and science under Dr Robert our Imperial Alchemist. we are now done with the formalities of this ceremony so you are now to follow Dr Robert to his shop and begin your learning".

now that the formalities were done I actually took time to look at the three candidates that had stayed behind to learn from me. the first one was a tall and thin black skinned human that look to be middle-aged. he had his hair tied up into dreads that went down to his shoulders. the second one was a short almost Chinese looking female with a very skinny figure. she had very thick black hair that looked silky and was very long. the final student of mine was a medium height male that was elderly and had a full white beard and was bald.

after I introduced myself to them I waved at them to move behind me and follow me to my store so that I could begin the process of training them.

I felt truly excited because now that I had Imperial backing I was closer to my goal of uniting the humans and becoming a very influential man to progress mankind thousands of years over the span of my life.