
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

I meet the Queen

"make sure that you memorize the inventory that we possess in this store" I told all of my students as I gave them a written list to read that had all of the items that I had in the store.

I saw Lee read the paper quickly and look back up at me.

"not everyone can read sir. I can my mother has taught me since I was a child but, that does not mean that everyone in this room can." she told me after reading the paper.

"can all of you read?" I asked both of my male students.

"I only know how to read simple words sir" Charles said.

"I cannot read at all if you must know" Truth told me.

"Lee I do have a request for you then. can you please teach them how to read on your break if that is possible?"

"I can try to do that if you want me to, but I can make no promises." Lee told me as she bowed to me out of respect.

"well as long as you try that is all I ask. because if everyone can read it will make all of you more useful to everyone around you. remember in the end the more useful you are to people as an individual the more serious they will take you."

"what is the next thing that you're going to want us to do sir?" Charles asked me as he opened the door of the store to the public.

"all right everyone's jobs for today has been decided. Charles I want you to handle all money exchanges today. Truth I want you to focus on herb gathering and garden maintenance today. finally, Lee I want you to run the store and help all customers with what they need while I am gone."

"where are you going?" Lee asked me.

"I need to go to the palace and give the king his daily antidote for his burn injuries." I told her as I grabbed my bag and put the same exact mixing items that I'd used on the king the first time that I healed him inside of it. "all right make sure that you do your best while I am gone. if you have any problems just tell me when I get back and I will help you fix whatever issues occur while I am gone. it will only be a few hours before I make it back."

I then been quickly ran out of the store so that I could make my way to the imperial palace without any other questions being asked that would keep me from helping the king; after all the king is the one that gave me the money to open my shop so I owe everything to him.

I truly am excited about helping him since it will lead to more influence and power. in the end my goal will always be to further mankind as quickly as possible through the means of technology and science.

the king had actually gained full function of his upper arms through my healing methods since I had been healing him for a total of five days now.

when I made it into the Palace I quickly made my way to the king's bed chambers.

"so you have come to heal him yet again sir" the captain of the guard said to me as he bowed to me out of respect.

I knew that I was on my way to achieving my goal since I had earned the respect of many people within the Imperial palace.

"see I told you that he would be here to help me. this is the young man that I told you about that has been coming here every night for the last few days or so and healing my arms." the king said to a very tall female as I entered his bed chamber.

"young man I want to thank you very much for healing my husband's burn injuries. because of what you have done to help my husband he has been a lot more happy and upbeat about life; so thank you very much" the queen told me.

"it is my pleasure your majesty. I am but a simple Alchemist after all" I told the queen as I put my bags down and bowed to her.

"yes but you are not just any common Alchemist. my husband has named you The Imperial Alchemist. that is an honor that is rarely bestowed upon anyone. truthfully we have not had an imperial Alchemist for at least three hundred years." the queen told me as she Rose from the bed and stood at the end of it.

"your majesty may I begin today's healing process for your husband's arms?"

"yes you can. would it be fine if I stayed so that I can watch the process?" she asked me as she sat down in the chair that was on the right side of the King's bed.

"it is okay with me if you want just please do not make any noise because it could be distracting. if I am distracted in any way while I am doing my work it might actually not work or possibly backfire" I said to the queen out of respect while I looked through my bag.

the queen then began to look at me in wonder while I mixed the remedy. after I finally got done making the mixture I put the cream that I had made on the King's upper arms so that he would be able to move his arms completely in due time.

as I was finishing the application of the paste there was a loud knock at the door of the king's bed chambers.

"come in" the king said.

the door was swiftly open and the captain of the Guard was standing there in the doorway. he was having trouble catching his breath as he walked through the doorway.

"forgive my intrusion your majesties. I just thought that you would want to know about the urgent news that we had received by bird message. I would not have bothered you during your healing treatments if I didn't think it was of the utmost importance."

"yes of course. now what is it that you want to tell me Captain?" the king said while swinging around his lower arms and wrists.

"this letter that came in today states that all of the elves races have formed an alliance to take down an ork commander known as Zog the Destroyer. it also mentions that Zog has attacked the camp of the wood elves but he failed due to the interference of your son Frank and a dwarf commoner known as Gilltrude. the final thing that the message says is that they are looking to make an alliance with us as well as the dwarf kingdom to take down Zog".

"well that is definitely negative news. I will have to gather all of the members of Imperial Cabinet. all of our major decisions have to be made by them."

"I will ask all of the cabinet members to meet in the meeting hall." the captain of the guard said as he bowed to the king and left the bed chamber.

"well since I am done healing you your majesty I would like to go back to my shop." I said to him as I bowed and began to pack my items.

"actually Robert as the Imperial Alchemist you are a part of my cabinet so you need to be here for all major meetings."

I then stopped packing my bags and I grinned with my back to the king so that no one could see my face. I had finally done it got in such a good connection that in this new life my path to the top was all but guaranteed.

"can you please take him to the meeting area Sarah?" he asked the queen.

she then rose from her chair and bowed to her husband before guiding me out of the bed chambers. the queen then guided me to the same exact room where he had made my title as the Imperial Alchemist officially a few days ago.

I waited in the meeting hall for about half of a hour until I finally met other members of the cabinet. the age range of the members were quite vast from very young to very elderly. there were a total of different members to The King's cabinet.

the air became very thick as everyone passed by me. the area felt full of tension, rage, greed, and ambition. I had not felt this level of intensity since my previous life. I truly missed the cutthroat feeling that surrounded me because that meant that these people all knew about the arts of business, politics, and deception.