
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Not All Royals Are Evil

"we have been spawned around a lake. do you know where the main pathway to the dwarf capital city is?" I asked the AI as I looked around at the area near. "wait a second; I am going to have to give you a name so that I do not slip up and call you AI when in the presence of others. it could cause a massive issue if they discover what an AI is before they are ready. in most fantasy or medieval worlds anything that is misunderstood is considered sorcery, if there is some type of dwarven cult or church they might kill me if they find out about you. so what is a name that you would like to be called by?" I asked and then put my hands behind my back and paste back and forth to help myself think of a name that would work for my AI companion.

"I have thought of a few female dwarf names, the first name is Harsosily, the second name would be Dodelyn, and the final name is Doovelsa." she said as she walked the edge of the lake shore and looked in the water.

"I like the name Doovelsa. that is the name that you will go by from now on. now we need to find our way to the dwarf capital so that I can begin my new life and achieve some of the goals that I have set for myself in this new life that you have offered me due to The Reincarnation Protocol. so the first thing that we need to do will be to make our way to someone of importance or whoever I can go to that will lead me to the military in the capital city once I am there."

"well then follow me to the capital city. it is on the other side of the forest that is located on the far side of the massive open field that is behind us."

"before we get going, are there any major dwarven customs that I will need to know about to ensure my success and that no one suspects that I am actually from another world?"

as I began to walk across the open field I saw a massive forest. Doovelsa walked beside me as we walked through the forest and began to explain the differences between each of the dwarven cities.

"the capital city is obviously the largest dwarven City. they have a midnight curfew for the citizens. since you want to join their army you're probably going to be assigned to city patrol first. the second dwarven City is mostly full of merchants and businessmen since it is in the dead center of the dwarven territory. the final dwarven city is inside of a mountain and it only has one entrance, but I doubt that you will be going there since it is mostly filled with dwarven thieves and assassins that are for hire." she told me as I began to walk through the forest.

I could hear the birds chirping and noticed there were some bears sleeping near me as we walked down the main pathway of the forest but all of the animals left us alone. as I began walking down the main pathway I heard a male voice scream out of fear in the distance.

"here take my money, just let me get out with my life I have a wife and three children waiting for me at home." a deep male voice said in the distance that was too far away for me to see it but I could hear all that he was saying.

I walked through the forest trying to close my distance from the voice that I heard that was in trouble. as I got close I saw five dwarfs surrounding a single dwarf.

the dwarves that were surrounding the one that I had heard had a large amount of armor and high quality weapons, but despite their appearance the way that they acted made it quite obvious that they were not nobles or wealthy enough to possess this high grade of armor legally. which means that they are most likely thieves or bandits.

"let us stop this, that is one of my requests for you. come on we need to save this dwarf who is in trouble because saving someone who is in trouble is always the right thing to do". I quietly whispered to my companion as I drew my great sword from my back and rushed them with a large amount of rage filling my entire body.

"stop right there!" I yelled as I made it to around seven ft or so from the thieves.

"well, well, well! it looks like we have ourselves a hero. boys show him what we do to heroes who get in the way of our business" the guy who looked like he was the leader of the group due to the fact that he had a menacing presence seeping from him and also an aura of command. he also wore fancier armor and had a great shield as his weapon on his back. he snapped his fingers and two of the men stopped focusing on the hostage and turn to me when they heard him snap his fingers.

"I always love these hero types. they always seem to come at the perfect time and they all end up making such great things to play with as well as torture to the absolute limit." one of the men said as he drew his bow and aimed at me.

"all right but when we are done; the main torture will always end up being done by the boss remember that that is the rule of being in this group" the second one said as he pulled out both of his daggers and began to close the distance that was between us.

I rushed at the one with the daggers and swung my great sword in a horizontal slice too quickly try to finish him off but, he carried my attack with his daggers. then he quickly tried to jab me as a reaction but I sidestepped to the left in an attempt to try to get behind him.

As I made it to his back I noticed an arrow that was being shot at me so I quickly swung my sword and blocked it. after which I heard a scream and then noticed that the other enemy had fallen and there was a cross bolt stuck in his chest.

"what was that, who is there? show yourself you coward!" the second person with the bow and arrow said as he started to back away out of terror of the unknown. since he did not see the person who had shot and killed his companion he turned around constantly trying to watch the area around him with a look of dread on his face until he bumped into his boss and fell to the ground and dropped his daggers.

"get your ass backed up you lazy piece of shit!" the dwarf leader yelled as he kicked the guy that had fallen on the ground.

I heard another sharp noise coming from the woods and then I heard a member of this group of bandits scream before he hit the ground right beside me.

after the bolt killed one of them I ran at the other one and swung my sword and chopped his head off while he was still confused about what was going on around him.

"well it looks like you're the only one left you useless scum. picking on people who are of no threat to you, when you do not have any good or valid reason to do that." I said as I pointed my great sword at the dwarf bandit commander.

"it is your time to die you have gotten in the way of my business and now you made it where I'm going to have to recruit more men do you know how long that's going to take; you useless dwarf swine."

I saw him pull out a dagger in one hand and a great shield in the other and take a very aggressive stance before he started attacking me; but every time he would swing I would just simply sidestep again and again. I knew that I was not going to be able to dodge forever.

after I had dodged quite a few of the commander's thrusts with his weapons I heard a quick burst of shots from the woods and they hit the commander and pinned him to a tree in all four limb areas so that he was unable to move.

"come on Doovelsa, you can come out of the forest now that we are finished fighting these guys. thank you for the support, it was very appreciated." I said as I went to knock the leader of the bandits out.

"I hope I did my job well" she said as she walked out of the woods and put her crossbow on her back.

"thank you very much for the help. if there is anything I can do to repay you for this kindness that you have shown me sir, I will do all within my power to do that".

I turned around and noticed that the man that was tied up against the tree had freed himself from the ropes that restrained him.

"well sir I am new to the area I was trying to make my way to the capitol and I wanted to become a solider of the dwarf army." I told him as I was looking around to see if there was anyone else that would cause us trouble.

"well I might be able to help you with that considering the fact that I am Binyail the third son of the dwarf King Austroon. just let me reclaim my clothing and belongings from the chest that these filthy bandits store all of their stolen items in. when we return to the capital and then we will give them out among those who need the items that are stolen. when we get to the castle in the capital city I will introduce you to my father and that will be how I will help use my connections to make your transition smoother and a little less more intense than the normal dwarf citizen that wants to become part of our army.

after he got his clothing and put them on the prince made sure that everything they had stolen was in a wagon and we rode the wagon together as a group outside of the forest.

when I looked outside of the forest I saw the dwarven capital it was very massive a lot of the buildings were white but you could also see golden gems on the outline of the buildings ceilings to represent the wealth that this city possessed as the dwarf capital of this world. we rode the brick road out of the forest for quite some time until we saw a massive stone wall with one entrance point. the entrance point to the city was guarded by six dwarf guards that had shiny silver armor and each carried a variety of different weapons.

the guards made us stop and examined everything we had inside and started asking questions until the prince spoke stop them from treating us like we were just normal individuals.

"do you know who I am. I am the third son of King Austroon. these people saved my life today let them pass now!" the prince said with what seemed to be a large amount of arrogance and pride in his voice.

when he said that the guards completely stopped and began to apologize to him for they had forgotten what he had looked like.

the guards allowed us to pass and I finally had made it into the capital city. I knew that my life was about to begin in the capital city. no matter how long it will take I will climb the ranks and I will become a very powerful individual so that I have more control over my destiny as one of the chosen few who are reincarnated.