
From The Top of the World To the Bottom

"well Rachel you know that you owe me money. either pay me the money that you owe me soon where there will be massive consequences that will require me to make a regrettable decision that I know you will not like and I may not appreciate since you are good for business" a tall male with a very deep voice said to as he had me pinned to the wall of the girl's bathroom.

the man who pinned me to the wall had on a three button suit as well as a dark green tie. his hair was wavy and short. he dyed his hair to appear silver.

"I will have the money in due time I should have at least a third of what you need by tomorrow. will that work for you David." I said as I tried to get him to release the grasp that he had on me against the rear wall in the female bathroom.

"I will give you until tomorrow evening to return me the first amount of the money that is all of the time that I will be giving you, or I will find another way to collect the money that you owe me" David said to me as he laughed and let go of the grass he had on me against the wall and walked out of the room with what seemed to be a large amount of arrogance seeping from his body.

as I walked out of the bathroom I saw my cousin against the entrance door of the hallway. she wor e a black top and skirt, as well as red heels and giant hoop earrings. she had green eyes red lipstick and long loose black hair that flowed all the way down to her middle back; and seemed to shine with a very bright or around her as people passed by her.

"well cousin you seem to take your sweet precious time in the bathroom even longer than usual; and knowing how long you take that seriously is saying something Rachel" she told me as I approached her and we both walked out of the door of the main campus building.

"well Sarah if you must know I had a meeting with someone when I was in the restroom and that is why it took so long"

"was it one of those questionable meetings that you always seem to keep having?" she asked me as we turned left of the building and walked down the sidewalk to the dorms.

"it was a meeting about a business proposition if you must know. someone wanted to see if I would give them money for services that would benefit me".

"benefit you; ha that's funny" she told me as we made it close to the dorm.

as I looked around I noticed the dark sky, and knowing that it was going to rain soon I quickly rushed to the inside of the dorm so that my hair would not get wet. my cousin quickly followed me for the same exact reason I was assuming.

when I made it to the dorm I saw three females sitting on the steps blocking the entrance to the main entrance of the dorm.

"well look who has finally come to the dorm you're going to have to find another way into the dorm you sassy little bitch." the main girl in the middle of the group said to me as my sister and I approached them.

"Yeah you tell her Aubrey." the girl to her left side while she laughed at me.

"come on cousin they're not worth all the trouble. we can just make it around to the back and enter through that door."

"you're right they are not worth all this trouble" I said as I turn to the right and went around the right side of the building to make it to the rear door.

when we made it to the rear entrance of the dorm; I walked down the hallway and could hear a large variety of different girls gossiping and spreading rumors about other girls and guys like college girls always do.

my room was the fourth door from the rear entrance of the dorm. I entered my room in order to change clothes while I saw my cousin wait outside for me to get dressed for our weekly visit into the city with our family, and I can also stop by my publishing house on my way into town to see if my novel had been approved for publishing or not. I truly hope that my book had been approved because I really did not want today to be yet another depressing day since I had already had a bad start to my afternoon with the meeting that I had in the girls bathroom.

my dorm was only one room with a bed in the top right corner my TV was against the center left wall and right under the window that was in the center of the rear wall I had a small wooden desk with a laptopon it.

after looking around I entered my small closet and grabbed a set of clothing that would be slightly professional since I was going to the publishing house today.

I put on a one piece dark blue dress, some black wedges, and I put on some red lipstick before I grab my purse from my bed and walked out of the dorm room.

"are you ready cousin is there anywhere that you need to stop when we are in town before we meet our family for our weekly dinner together." my cousin asked me as we took the rear door out of the dorm to avoid the three prissy females that were sitting on the front porch.

"yes can we stop by my publishing house and see what the progress on my new romance novel is before we go and meet with the family for our weekly dinner" I said with a large amount of excitement as well as a small amount of fear in my voice because I did not know what to expect from the publishing house.

"well do not get your hopes up too high because you never know, they might accept another writer's work and give them their contract for new romance novels; but I do hope the best for you cousin."

I walked off of campus and down the main highway for about seven minutes or so until I made it to the publishing house.

when I entered the publishing House it was very full of life and energy people were moving around really fast back and forth between multiple machines doing their work. I walked to the front desk to talk to the administrative assistant for this publishing house.

"hello Miss, how may I help you?" she asked me as I approached the front desk.

"yes I am here to check on the status of my application for my book to get published."

"okay I'm going to need to know the name that you go by as well as the name of the book or the series you were trying to publish." she told me as she was typing away on the computer at the front desk.

"my pin name is Rebecca Storm. my serious name is The Vampire and His Slaves."

"oh I see your information here ma'am it tells me that your book has been declined a contract due to its profanity and it's intense amount of violence. I am truly sorry ma'am."

I turned around and walked outside with a depressed look on my face due to the fact that I did not get accepted by the local publishing house. let's just hope that my day does not get any more depressing or it might just not be worth living at all with the money that I owe and the fact that my novel was declined as well.

"well that's a bust, let's meet our family at the diner and see what they have been up to." my cousin told me as we walked out of the publishing house and down the main road to the local diner.

when I made it to the diner, I noticed that there was an ambulance outside and they were putting someone into the ambulance. on the outside of the ambulance I saw my mother, my two older brothers, and my younger sister.

"oh Rachel! my mother cried to me as I came close to her. "it is terrible your father has had yet another heart attack and is going to the hospital"she said crying to me.

"then let us go to the hospital to see if he is okay" I said to my mother as I began to see the reactions on all of my family members faces due to the recent mishap that had be fallen our family.

my cousin and I followed my family to the van that was parked on the far left side of the diner, I quickly got in the backseat as soon as the door was unlocked and we drove to the nearest hospital whenever we all were positioned inside of the van.

as we made it to the hospital I quickly got out of the van and made my way to the inside of the hospital; bobbing and weaving trying to avoid contact with other people so that I could quickly check on my father.

when everyone had made it inside I heard my mother talked to the lady at the front desk to tell her who we were here to see then the lady asked us all to sit down in the lobby, she would tell us when he is out of being examined; and when it is safe for us to go see him.

I sat down and thought to myself why does today have to be such a bad and negative day? first, I had the rough meeting in the bathroom that is going to end up causing trouble for me in the future if I don't pay the man what I owe him. Secondly, I do not get accepted into the publishing house I wanted, and finally my father had yet another heart attack. if anything else goes wrong today I'm just going to end it and hope that for the next life that I live that it will be meaningful and not a waste of my time. I thought to myself while I waited for about forty minutes for the doors open and a nurse to come out to give us an update on our father's heart state.

"Smith family; can you please come to room number 216c?" a young and slightly chubby nurse asked us as she entered the hospital lobby room.

we all left the lobby and made it to the hallway where my father was located. I looked into the room that my father was staying in, and noticed he was not moving at all.

"Smith's we came here to tell you that your father has died and we didn't know what to do with all of his belongings. we will give you time for grief and let you decide what to do with his belongings. I am truly sorry for your loss" the nurse told us when we made it to the room before she left us to grieve.

I ran out to the hallway and found my way to the stairs because I knew of only one way to end this horrible misery of a life that I was living. I made my way to the top of the hospital roof and I quickly looked over the edge knowing that I was going to jump and my life would be over finally. when it ended there would be no more pain, no more suffering, and no more sadness. hopefully in the next life I will actually get something that will be good for me as a life rather than this horrible shit stain of a life that I had been living.

I ran to the edge and jumped off but I did not scream because I knew that this life was finally done I closed my eyes and then hit the hard concrete sidewalk pavement and died.

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