
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

My First Patient

the breeze that I felt from the afternoon wind was crisp but yet relaxing as it flew past me when I made it to the gates of White Falls.

first I need to get noticed in this town so that I can be near people that are important. that will allow me to gain influence over what store for this city and possibly the entire world in due time. after all I am the smartest man alive. I thought to myself as I was walking down the main road of the town.

I noticed a large group of people that were all crowding the intersection at the end of the main street. so I rushed to where everyone was standing so that I could see what was going on and what was causing all of this fuss and chattering that I was hearing while walking down the main road.

when I made it through the group of people; I saw a medium height female human laying on the ground and she did not move. she had a few cuts and bruises on her lower arms. the next thing that I noticed was that her clothing had been torn in multiple places revealing a lot of skin for the world to see. she did not react to anything that people were saying when they were looking at her because she was unconscious.

I took off my coat that I had over my thin leather armor and threw it on top of her so that people would stop looking at her and both laughing as well as talking about how inappropriate she was dressed with each other.

after I tossed my coat on her, I then asked one of the citizens that were nearby where the local inn was located. after someone gave me the location I lifted her up and carried her to the local inn which was located at the end of main street right beside the adventurer's guild.

a lot of people began to look at me with a large amount of disgust as I carried the female into the inn and asked the innkeeper for a spare room.

"well what kind of perversion are you going to be doing with this woman" a tall and thin man said to me while he was swinging a pint of ale around as he approached me.

"I will allow you to stay in room number five" The innkeeper told me as he handed me an iron key.

the drunk then began to swing at me with fury and rage.

"are you going to ignore me!" drunk yelled at me as he was swinging his fists.

I ducked him so that I could make my way to the room, and began to head towards the stairs that were in the back of the building and completely ignored everything that he said to me as I walked up the stairs the room that the innkeeper had allowed me to stay in.

when I made it to the room The innkeeper came from behind me and, opened the door for me so that I could carry the female into the room; and put her in the bed.

"sir is there any cyan thorned roses and red berries that I can have to make a remedy for this poor female's injuries?" I said to the innkeeper before he left the room after I had put the female fully stretched out on the bed.

how did I know what ingredients that I would need to make the remedy that would fix the ladies injuries; I thought to myself. it must be a side effect of my reincarnation the fact that I am an alchemist and a chemist gives me a natural knowledge of remedies and other things involving natural herbs.

"I don't have any of those ingredients here in my inn but, you can go to the herbs shop and buy them there. you can find the building four buildings to the right of this building" the innkeeper told me as he walked away and went down the stairs.

I closed the door and used the massive iron key to lock the door to ensure that no one could come and harm her while I was gone. after that I put the key in my pouch that was on the right side of my waist. then I followed his instructions and made it to the herbs shop.

when I walked through the front door I saw a massive variety of plant components from seeds, to stems, to pedals, and also the roots all against the left wall. against the rear wall I saw a vast amount of different glass containers and testing tubes. finally I saw against the right wall a large collection of books that varied in size and what topics they covered. in the dead center of the shop there was a wooden table where the owner stood so that he could get whatever the clients wanted to buy from him.

"I need four cyan thorned roses as well as twenty red berries please and please make it quick since a young lady's life is at stake." I told the shopkeeper as I entered the shop after running from the inn in a haste. "when I am done with curing the injured lady I will return and pay you what I owe you for these herbs. I will be staying at the inn and curing her there as well if you need to find me".

"I agree with those terms. I will check on you if you do not make it back here by morning." the shopkeeper told me as he grabbed a bag and put all of the herbs inside and handed it to me in a rush.

after he gave me the herbs I ran back to the inn and avoided everyone that I came across on my way so that I could quickly make it to the room and try to save the girl.

the first thing that I did when I was inside of her room was place the herbs on the table in the room and then I pulled the chair from the table to the right side of the bed. next I took off the rest of her clothes and examined the cuts that were all over her body.

when I checked the lady's body I saw a lot more cuts all over her body than I had seen originally. the cuts were also a few inches above her ankles. I also noticed shackle marks around her ankles as well as her neck. finally I noticed a large number of bruises around her chest and stomach area.

after I had examined her body I grabbed the bowl that was on the table of the room and squeezed the juice out of the berries and used the knife to chop the leaves into small pieces. I mixed them all together until the mixture became a massive purple paste.

the final thing that I needed to do to heal her was use my finger to run the liquid paste through her cuts and bruises to speed up the recovery process. after I had finished doing that I left the room and locked the door again so that I could got a fresh set of clothes for her from the innkeeper.

"exactly how are you going to pay me for my services, if I might ask?"

I then handed him a yellow potion that I had on my utility belt to pay for the expense since I knew that it would be worth a decent amount of gold.

"this potion is a regenerating potion that I made. it should fetch a decent price for you; at least enough to cover the expenses." I told him and then I made it to the herbs store and gave him a white potion to cover my expenses that I owed him.

as I made the payment I walked back to the inn and noticed that the innkeeper had sold the potion to someone already.

"that potion that you gave me was worth a lot more than what you owed me. do you want the leftover coins back?" he told me as I walked by the counter of the inn.

"I will take them back after a few days just subtract one extra room for me to personally to stay here"

"Also what is your name so that I can write you down in my client book?" the innkeeper asked me as he grabbed a book from a shelf behind the counter.

"Dr. Robert is my name" I told him as he gave me a key to the room right beside the one the lady was resting in.

I dressed the lady in the clothes that he had given me and then went to my room after locking the door. as I looked outside I noticed that it was sunset so I went to sleep in order to get the rest I needed for I did not know what tomorrow would hold in store for me.