
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Two Heros Meet

I rolled over in the bed that I was in when the early morning sunlight hit my face from the cracks that were in the door to the room that I was sleeping in. after a few minutes of tossing and turning I finally rose from the bed so that I could go check on the female that I had saved yesterday.

when I left my room to check in the room that was right beside mine. the door was wide open and no one was in the room. so I walked to the front area of the inn and looked around for the female that I had saved. she was nowhere to be found so I walked over to the table ware I saw the innkeeper organizing some of his inventory.

"what happened to the lady that I rescued and healed yesterday?" I asked him as I walked towards him.

I noticed that he was going through books and sorting through items that he put them inside the cupboard that was behind the desk.

"she left early this morning after asking me who had brought her here, so I gave her your name. she told me to tell you thank you for helping her and that she might come back to pay you back for your kindness. if you do not want to wait I had her write down her living address so that you could go meet with her in person".

"all right thanks for the information. do you know of any work that can be done in this town. given the fact that I am new to this city I do not know where I should get started on making a living."

The innkeeper looked into one of the drawers that was in his desk; then he pulled out a set of papers and put it on the table.

"these are a list of different job requests that have been sent here. they usually involve construction or sometimes manual labor. if that is not a problem for you I will give you one of these and you can go to the address on the form to do your work?"

he handed me the four job forms that were on the table and each of the piece of paper I saw had an address for the job. the manual labor jobs included helping the town guard clean the slums of their trash, helping a merchant move his items for sale into his new store location, doing some basic math for a minister of the local church in order to keep his finances in check, and finally to go to the Lord of this town's castle as a gardener.

I chose the simple task of helping a merchant move his items into his new store because I do not need that much money only enough to buy myself some alchemy ingredients and mixing tools so that I can begin helping people that are in need of healing or curing of diseases. after all I am the smartest human alive since no one else has a PhD in physics, chemistry, and robotic engineering.

after I grabbed the job I wanted I gave all the other ones back to the innkeeper.

the paperwork gave me the address for the shop that I was going to help the merchant move his stuff into, but since I was new to this town I searched for one of the guards outside of the inn and asked him for directions when I saw one.

"yes the place you were looking for is on eighth Street. the streets with even numbers are on the right side of main Street and the odds are on the left."

when the guard had given me the directions to the merchant's shop I noticed a female Moon elf wizard that was walking right past me. when I looked around her I saw a short female that was not solid and was see-through. I was assuming that no one else could see her because no one was reacting to the fact that there was a short female ghost like figure that was sitting on top of this Moon elf's shoulder. as I noticed the AI my alchemy book began to light up with a dark green aura around it's pages.

I opened the book and I saw writing being generated with the green aura around it. the writing said that the moon elf that I saw was another candidate for The Reincarnation Protocol.

after that I quickly closed the book and asked the guard who that was and if there was any information he could give me about her as I pointed at the Moon elf that was entering into the adventurers guild beside the inn.

"oh her she is a new adventurer that has joined our town. she is a wizard and she uses ice magic. that thing on her shoulder is a bat and it is her companion. Her race is moon elf" the guard told me as he was moving his hands around to get his point across.

"do you know her name?"

"no I do not but you can always go to the adventurers guild and ask since she is the only moon elf in the area. when you ask them for the name of the Moon elf wizard they should know who you're talking about."

after the guard had finished talking to me I decided to get my job done first that I had chosen and then search for the other candidate of The Reincarnation Protocol when I am done with my job for the day.

I walked to the street that the guard had told me about so that I could do the job that I had taken and I saw a merchant standing near a wagon about halfway down the street. I am assuming that he was waiting for someone to help him do the work that he had sent out.

the street was very long and narrow and there were buildings every eight feet or so with only a few small alleys in between. this part of town seemed to be fairly maintained but, the people did smell that well since in this world only nobles, royalty and, special individuals enjoy the luxuries of a bath more than once a week unless they want to go to the public bath areas which as I was told are not always in the best of conditions.

"sir I am here to help you move your merchandise" I told the middle aged looking man as I handed him the paperwork that he had offered the innkeeper.

"well thank you very much for doing this today the first thing I need you to do is I need you to grab this table with me and help me move it into the front room of this new shop of mine".

"yes sir" I told him as I lifted the end of the table that was on the outside of the cart while my current employer grabbed the side from within the wagon.

the building that he was making into his shop had three rooms on the main level and a set of stairs against the rear back wall that led into what I was assuming to be a sleeping area.

it took me about twenty minutes to help the guy move all of his different items and furniture into the store. after we had moved everything in the first room of the store; I helped him rearrange everything and set it up.

after we arranged all of the furniture he went outside and asked me to help him grab some carpets and signs from the box that he had put on the driver side of the carriage. when I completed my the job it was midday and, he paid me thirty copper pieces for the task that I have done for him today.

I grabbed my pouch and put the money inside and then went to the adventure's guild to see if I could get information on the moon elf wizard that I had saw on my way to my work for the day.

when I made it to the adventurer's guild I saw a large variety of different humans in the waiting area. they all had on different grades of armor and a large variety of weapons. I asked a tall male human that had a massive bow the was as large as he was on his back about the moon elf that I had seen earlier today, and if he knew where she frequently visited so that I could find her.

"yes I know who you are talking about she frequently stays in the inn if she is not on a mission with her group of human friends that she parties with constantly."

"thank you very much for the information it is appreciated." I told the human archer as I shook his hand and left the adventures guild to head for the inn.

when I made it to the inn, I saw the moon elf in a small eating area against the right wall of the inn. I walked up to her and introduced myself.

"hello I am Robert, how are you doing today?" I said to the Moon elf as I offered my hand to her.

she shook my hand and then began to speak "hi Robert I am Aleesia".

I came very close to her and began to whisper in her ear in order to keep what I was saying out of everyone else's ear range. "I know that you are a candidate that was chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol."

she scooted out of the chair she was in and backed up a small amount of steps after hearing that from me.

I know that I am going to have to have friends in this new world. if I was to have a friend they might as well be a fellow candidate for The Reincarnation Protocol.

after a bit of time she began to relax and came close to me to whisper in my ear. "I was wondering how long it was going to take for me to run into a fellow candidate. are you a good candidate or an evil candidate?"

"I am a good candidate and I am an alchemist" I told her as I sat down in the chair across from where she was originally sitting.

when I sit down I was ready to get to know this person and I was very excited since I finally met someone who was also reincarnated. I was just hoping that this person was going to help me rather than get in the way of my success.