
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Letter of Urgency

after the entire group had had their fill of our jokes and comedy with each other we all got organized and began to make our way back to the dungeon entrance that Tisha had found while following their leader's orders.

"well at least there were no enemies on our way to the dungeon that we had to confront" the party leader said as we were about to approach the entrance.

as we approached the entrance of the dungeon that was at the bottom of a stairwell I saw a pair of glowing hexes on both sides of the door and began to wonder if it was a puzzle or a trap to keep others out of the dungeon.

Tisha use your thieves vision to see if there are any traps or spells guarding the entrance to the dungeon" Kulvar said he stepped away from the door.

I then noticed that Tisha's eyes began to glow a dark yellow as she looked at the door and then went back to their natural color.

" yes the door has a poison gas trap on the right knob as well as a ice ray trap on the right and left buttons at the top of the door. also be extra careful because there is a trap switch right in front of the door that brings out spinning saw blades to sever the body."

then everyone followed our party robes instructions on what not depressed when we open the door and we entered the dungeon hoping to find a great amount of loot for our own use or possibly for wealth.

when I made it through the door I noticed that this dungeon was just one massive room. the floor of the room was made of stone tiles. the massive Stone ceiling was supported by eight stone columns that had jewels running down them. the room was actually well lit by a pair of oil lamps running down each of the columns every foot or so.

the room had loads of treasure and rare items scattered around it but in between us and our success stood a dragon that was white and stood at least eight feet in height.

"everyone get into your ready positions. this dragon stands in between us and our victory." Kulvar said to all of us as he prepared an attack of his own against the dragon. "Earthly Vines of Binding".

then the dragon was binded by the Vines that he cast and it did not last long because as soon as he was bound he thrust found in a quick motion which caused the vines to break.

the dragon then breathed a stream of white lightning from its mouth which hit Kulvar directly in the chest and then knocked him back until his back bounced against the rear wall.

after he came in contact with the floor I ran over and pulled out my grimoire so that I could cast my cryo healing spell to help him recover from the lightning damage he had received.

"what did you do to him? why can he not move?" our groups Archer said to me as he saw Kulvar standing still in the beam of Cold light.

"do not worry about Kulvar. I cast a healing spell that will put him in stasis and then heal him over time. when he is at full functionality he will be able to join us in the fight. so let us just focus on the fight at hand while he feels himself" I told him.

then our rogue activated her stealth skill and vanished from sight. after she did that our archer began firing arrows at the gaps that were in the dragon's natural armor.

then I cast ice mine on the floor around the dragon's feet while it was distracted by everyone else's attacks.

"lord of the dragon this way!" I yelled at Tisha after I saw her make a few quick swipes at the back of the dragon's rear left leg.

the dragon advanced trying to get out of the reach range of Tisha and her daggers. as he got out of range of her weapons he stepped on two of my eyes minds and his front legs as well as his feet were encased in ice.

"Lightning Streaming Strike!" I heard kulvar yell and I saw three quick strikes of yellow lightning attack the dragon which caused it to yell and scream and pain as they came in contact with its body.

the dragon fell and hit the ground. then he stopped moving; I was guessing that the intense cold and quick amounts of lightning were too much for the dragon to handle.

after the dragon was confirmed dead I saw covert chop the body parts up into smaller pieces and he then asked us to put them all in different bags so that we could dispose of the body.

when are we all had put the different body parts in magical bags we disposed of the bags outside of the dungeon and burnt them except for the one that contained the wings and the tail.

"why did we keep the bag that had the wings and the tail; if you do not mind me asking" I asked Kulvar after we had burnt the body parts.

"the reason why we kept the tail and the wings is that they are a quite rare smithing material that can make very powerful weapons or armor of the dragon class".

we all divvied up the gems and diamonds that were in the dungeon amongst ourselves, and I was able to get a pair of magical bracelets from this dungeon.

I then heard a bird as we left the dungeon and noticed that there was a bird flying towards us and it landed on our party leaders shoulder. the bird had a letter attached to it's feet. so our leader grabbed the letter and read it to herself. she had a look of dread across her face.

"well guys and girls I am going to have to leave the group." you said as he was gathering all of his items and supplies together so that he could move out.

"why do you have to leave so swiftly and we were about to go on another dungeon quest?" I asked our leader.

"I have been summoned to support my father in the council of elves. which means I must leave right now no exceptions. because the council of elves are only summoned together when there is a great crisis about to occur".

"Do you know what the conflict is about or who is behind this new conflict?" I asked her when I heard what she had to say about the letter.

"well now that we are finished with our mission the timing of this meeting could not be more perfect for me. let us go back to the town of white falls, and I will go my own separate way to meet with my father for the council of elves." Kulvar said as he walked over to the boat that they had used to get onto the island.

their boat was actually quite nicer and fancier than the one that I had steered to get here for my former teammates that betrayed me on this island.

that Island will always be in my memory as both a good and a bad one. because that Island held both betrayal and new friendship.

I then just got on the boat of my new allies so that I could get back to the town of White Falls and get paid for another completed mission.