
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Imperial Alchemist

I rose from my bed that I had placed in the upstairs area of my shop wondering what today would hold for me. I know that I need to go and fix the human King's injuries. other than that I had no idea what was going to be in store for me today as I rose from my bed and got dressed.

after which I walked to the left wall of my bedroom where I had placed my keys and grab them off of their hook. as I walked out of my room I turned around and locked the door so that no one could come into it while they were looking around the shop today.

I made my way down the stairs and placed and over all of the items that I had on display and then said "Advanced merchant barrier" after I said that I saw a blue barrier show up around the item that my hand was on and thin white chains were generated around it to prevent others from stealing it.

I opened the door of my shop I had put my barrier around all of the items ready to serve the public for another day.

when I was opening my door and they're already was a fairly long line of customers waiting for me to open my shop; the total amount of customers were roughly around twenty. I was truly curious as to of how I had become so well known in such a short time of running the shop. I suppose that I owe thanks to his majesty for spreading the word of the skills that I possess.

as soon as I had fully open the doors the customers began to slowly walk into my shop.

"please everyone be patient and get into single file so that I can help you in the order that you arrived at my shop" I told my customers as I made it to my table.

when I said that some scattered around the shop looking at things while others stayed in a single line and waited their turn to speak to me.

"sir I need a remedy for war cuts and bruises for my son" I heard the first person in line say that was an elderly gentleman.

"how deep and severe are these war cuts and bruises that I am giving you the remedy for?"

"they are moderate but the pain that comes with them are quite intense sir" he told me as I saw a look of worry across his face.

"okay then I will be selling you a moderate grade white colored mixture. if you give me a second I will go and get it for you. Also it will cost you one silver coin." I told my first customer before I turned around an walked to the canister that had the white mixture in it.

I deactivated the barrier and chains around it and poured a small amount of it into a bottle that I grabbed out of the drawer underneath after deactivating its barrier. I then reactivated the barrier and put the canister back on the shelf.

and I returned to my front desk and I handed him the potion he exchanged it for a silver coin. "thank you very much for this help that you have offered me today" the elderly man told me as he began to turn around and walk out of the store.

"thank you for your business; come back if you need anything" I told him as he left my store.

I then helped the remaining customers that were in line for items from me and it took me at least 3 hours to finish helping the line of customers out. the reasons for their visits buried from sickness, to fatigue, to war injuries, and finally aging. I had not completely mastered a high enough quality potion to halt the aging process or restore youth but I had made a potion that actually slowed down the aging process.

when I finally finished all of the customers my shop was quiet once again and I set on the wooden chair that I had behind my table in order to catch my breath since the day was a very busy day and I had made eighty silver pieces today so far. I grabbed the remedy for the king's injuries so that I could help heal him today just like I did last night.

then I closed my door for at least an hour so that I could go on my dayily lunch break.

when I locked up my shop door and placed my keys in my left pouch on my belt before going on the road. as I strolled down the road I began to notice that there were a large variety of different aromas being flooded into my nose.

the smells were pleasant at certain moments and disgusting at others. I suppose that is because of the type of society that I live in now. since they don't always take care of themselves on a daily basis like most people did in my previous life.

I walked to the Palace so that I could heal the king a little bit more so that his arms can start to move again in due time.

"what are you doing here?" the guard of the palace gate asked me as I approached him.

"I am here to give the king some medicine. I am the new alchemist in town; I am assuming you have heard of me and my potion making skills." I said with a large amount of arrogance behind my voice to the guard.

"I have heard rumors about a very skilled alchemist that can heal almost anything and even slow down the aging process." he said with a bit of surprise behind his voice and a look of shock on his face. "that individual is you? well then if that is true then you can go into the castle."

the guard then opened the gate and allowed me to enter the palace. he then closed and locked it behind me as I entered.

after I made it into the palace I looked around and noticed a few things that I did not see last time since I was not in such a rush this time. the castle was made with a white brick interior and red carpets on each of the pathways. the castle was well lit, but unlike other areas it was actually lit by a lamp that had a blue flame instead of a traditional oil lamp.

I walked over to the room with Kings bed chamber so that I could apply today's mixture on his destroyed arms.

when I made it to the Kings room I knocked on the door three times so that the king and the guards around would know that I was here since I had nothing to hide from them.

"who is there?" I heard a very commanding male voice say to me from the other side of the door after I had knocked on it.

"it is me Dr Robert. I am here to apply today's dose of the Kings healing medicine".

after I said that the door opened and I entered the king's bed chamber so that I could heal him a little bit more today.

the King was sitting up on his bed and had his limp arms prepared for me to heal him again. I then put a small amount of the same mixture that I gave him last time down both of his arms around the areas of his veins. when I did that the King's fingers returned to their natural tan color, and he was actually able to move his fingers freely. unfortunately he was unable to move the rest of his arms.

"that is all I will give him today. I will return every day and in a few weeks he should have full movement in his entire arm for both of his arms" I told the guard as I started to walk away from the king and walked to the door of his bedroom.

"So is their anything that I can do for you?" the king asked me just like last time since I had started the healing process on his massive burn injuries.

"the only thing that I can think of at the moment is that I actually would want a few apprentices to work under me. I want to teach some people my trade, but please only give me people who are actually excited and willing to learn." I told the king in response to what he had asked me as I bowed to him because even though I was obviously much more intelligent than him he held more higher social status than me so he's still deserved my respect.

"all right then it will be done. I will make it official and send you a group of trainees that are excited about learning your arts tomorrow morning" the king said. "captain please get the scribe and ask him to come here. I will need him to write this down since I do not have full use of my arms yet."

the guard then left and came back in about twelve minutes with the scribe.

"okay scribe right down what I say" the king told him after he cleared his throat. "I the king of the human empire decree that we need at least six willing candidates to report to the castle and meet with our imperial alchemist to learn his art and way of making potions and remedies. we only want those who are willing to dedicate plenty of their time to this venture to join us. so if you do not want to use most of your time on it, please do not join. sincerely the imperial King."

describe wrote down everything as the king spoke and then stopped when the king went silent.

"make sure that you Mass produce these and put the imperial seal on it so that people will take it seriously" the King told the scribe and then described left the bed chamber.

"I am also naming you the imperial alchemist. it will just be a name and not official yet since I cannot produce the papers at the moment. when I do there will be an official ceremony to finalize your promotion."

"thank you your imperial Majesty"I said to the king as I bowed even lower to where I was almost touching the floor with my face out of respect.

I been left the king's chamber and went back to my shop so that I could help the citizens that were in need of my aid.

there was a massive line of people that was backed up to about three stores down. I unlocked and opened my store so that I could help these customers that were in line for my services.

I took care of everyone's requests after about seven long hours, of healing some people myself, getting potions for some people, and also selling basic herbs to others.

when I finished helping all of the people that were waiting for me to open the store, I made my way up to my bedroom so that I could get my rest and prepare for the new arrivals that we're supposed to be in the King's meeting room within the imperial Palace.