
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
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64 Chs

I Can Feel the Tension In the Air

I felt the presence of magic as I got on the other side of the teleportation process and so one of the human mages point his magical staff at me. then he began to question me.

"what are you doing here? I was not expecting anyone to teleport here anytime soon. so if you do not tell me what you are here for I will consider you an intruder and place you under arrest".

I then dropped my sword so that the human mage would not consider me a threat and began to speak to him.

"I am Gilltrude, I am here as a member of the dragon guard. believe it or not I actually got separated from the two dwarfs that were supposed to come here with me."

"if you want me to believe you can you please wait until I check with the captain of the dragon guard" the human mage said as he took my greatsword and then left the garrison with the teleporter.

I waited in silence thinking about what I was going to do now that I was at the original place I was supposed to be while I was waiting on the mage to return. then as I looked around the room I noticed a large amount of dwarves at work some of them were smiths while some were alchemists. they were all pacing around the room looking at documents and moving medium size boxes of equipment.

"well it seems like you finally made it back Gilltrude." I heard the captain say as I finished looking at the area around me.

"captain it is good to see you sir" I told him as I bowed my head at him as he approached me.

"you have proven to be truly worthy by surviving the trial that has been sent your way" he told me as he got close to me.

"wait are you saying that the fact that I survived what I did would count as a trial for me."

"yes we always send our newest recruits into an irregular place for the first teleportation they go through in order to test their skills.

oh and if you do not mind me asking where did you teleport to and what did you have to do to get back to the dragon keep?"

"well if you must know I had teleported to the outskirts of a wood elf city. when I got there they imprisoned me with a handful of other prisoners. then when morning came they had me fight one of their elven warriors but, as soon as I defeated him an orc warhorn."

"so you are telling me that you survived an orc attack on an elf city" the captain said while he was stroking his beard.

"yes and the or c commander was wielding two axes. he goes by the name of Zog the Destroyer. he also said that the attack that he was commanding on the wood elf City was just practice for his skills. he plans to conquer the entire world in due time."

"well if that is true then we need to go back to the capital and talk to the dwarf king about what he wants to do about this Zog the Destroyer".

then after he finished talking to me he whispered to the human mage which caused the mage to power the teleporter.

"I am going to go to the capital now. I want you to come with me and report the information that you gave to me to the king since it is of the utmost importance".

"yes I agree that I should come with you to the capital because I do have other information that the king needs to know about involving the wood elves." I told the captain as I saw him step into the portal and disappear from my sight.

"now it is your turn to use the teleporter" the mage said as he powered up the teleporter after the captain vanished from sight.

after I saw the runes around the teleporter light up I stepped on it and vanished from the garrison at the dragon keep and showed up at the garrison in the dwarf capital city.

"now that you are here let us head to the Palace so that we can discuss our situation with the King of dwarfs." the captain said to me after I made it through the teleporter.

I followed the captain through the city trying to avoid contact with anyone since we were in a hurry to meet with the king.

despite the fact that we were in a hurry everyone kept saying hello to the captain and bowing at him. he then did the same in return so it took us quite some time to make it to the main gate of the palace.

"open the main gate. it is the captain of the dragon guard" one of the guards that was standing in one of the towers said as we approached the gate.

I followed him until we made it into the palace and to the door to the council chambers. just like last time the guards did not allow me to enter the room but allowed the captain to go through it.

"I will speak to the king and you can try to find one of his sons while I am telling him what you told me." he said as the door closed behind him.

so since I was unable to enter the room I chose to head out of the area of the council chambers so that I could meet with one of the princes. maybe in the end I could meet up with Binyail and see what he has been doing lately at least to pass the time.

I walked to the bottom of the stairs and turned to my right then went out of the door that was in front of me. as I left the council chamber area I walked into a garden that had beds of multiple colored roses spread beside the main walkway which was made out of brick. I continued down the pathway until I noticed that Binyail was standing with someone against a maple tree that was in the center of the garden area.

"do you need rescuing again; because I don't mind doing it for you a second time if needed" I said in a somewhat loud voice as I approached him.

he then looked up and smiled as he saw my face. "well if it is not the dwarf to which I owe my life. how are you doing today?"

as I got close to him he snapped his fingers and the other person with him left his side and walked out of sight.

"I am doing fine now that I have made it out of that what else prison that I was stuck in".

"wait what you were in a wood elf prison. why were you in a Wood elf area and how did you escape from their prison?" he said to me with a massive amount of surprise and shock across his face.

so I explained everything that I went through while in the elf city to him. after I finished explaining everything to him I noticed that the captain of the Dragon guard was walking into the garden.

"I have explained the situation to the king and he wants you and all of his sons to meet him in the council chambers before we discuss anymore about the topic of Zog the Destroyer." as he waved his hand at me and Binyail before walking back into the council chamber lobby of the palace.

as I walked through the doors of the council chamber I noticed that the king and Binyail's older brother were standing and waiting for us to return.

when I saw both of them I also noticed that there was another male dwarf had on black armor and had a brown and thick beard. his eyes were white and he carried a mace and shield on his back.

"okay now that we are all here let us begin our meeting about Zog the Destroyer." the king said as he looked at and began to lean on the war table that was in front of him. "so I was told that you have extra information to give me Giltrode".

I walked forward until I made it to the opposite side of the war table as the king and I began to speak with a large amount of urgency behind my voice. "yes your highness. the other piece of information that I need to tell you is that the chief of the wood elves has called forth a meeting of the council of elves that consists of the elders from each of the elf species deciding if they are going to get involved in the war against Zog the Destroyer. if they do indeed get involved with this conflict they also wanted to make a pact between the humans, the dwarves, and the other elf species against Zog and his army of orcs".

"well I will have to consult all of the council members and see what they want to do about Zog. truthfully I want to help but we have protocols to follow" the king told me as he began to stroke his beard and pace around the room.

"please leave the room so that I can call them here" the king said and everyone walked out of the room and the council members each came in after we left.

I could feel the tension in the area as I left the room and the council members entered the next few hours would determine the fate of the world since it was going to take all of us together in order to defeat Zog the destroyer and his army of orcs