
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

White Stone or Black Stone

"now let us begin the 259th emergency meeting of the Kings cabinet. the topic that we will be discussing is whether or not we are going to join the elves in their struggle against the orc Commander known as Zog the Destroyer!" I heard one of the guards yell in order to catch everyone's attention so that they would focus. "also just so that everyone else knows we have a new cabinet member. Dr Roberts he has been appointed as the Imperial Alchemist. he is of common birth but treat him with the utmost respect that is an imperial demand of both the king as well as the queen. will Dr Robert please introduce himself?"

I then walked towards the front of the room so that people would know who he was talking about after he finished.

"hi everyone as he said I am Dr Robert I am an alchemist and I will do my best to support the king in his ventures and on the journey that he takes this country on" I told the group as I did a slight bow to them.

"now the king will stand in front of you all and give his thoughts on the matter at hand" the guard said as he backed away from everyone so that the king could step forward and begin his speech.

"hello members of my cabinet. we are gathered here today to discuss the matter of Zog the Destroyer. it has come to my attention that he has invaded the land of the wood elves and they offended off his forces but not before taking losses of their own."

"it is about time that the elves pay for what they have done to our nation in the past! it truly does not matter what species allows this Justice to happen; if it is the orcs that will do it then fine" I heard one of the cabinet members speak out after the king paused.

"how do we know that we can trust the word of elves? is there any solid proof that we have, and either in official writing by another species or the word of a human that has influence" a different member of the cabinet said to the king.

"if it is that kind of proof that you need then I will provide it. will my son Prince Frank step forward and give us his report about what had happened." the king said as he stepped away so that his son could step forward.

I saw the prince step forward and he had on a set of light armor that was made out of leather and colored silver with blue shoulder plates and knee plates.

"yes the letter is true. I encountered Zog the Destroyer with the assistance of the dwarf warrior known as Gilltrude to whom I owe my life so do not underestimate him just because he's a dwarf. when encountered him Zog made his claim that he wanted to conquer the world and that the age of men has come to an end and the age of the orc as the superior race has begun. zogg also told us that this was not his true force it was just a testing ground so that he could see what he was capable of as an orc Commander. to ensure his survival he captured the what elf chief's son. he may have started his campaign of world conquest with the wood elf city but make no mistake eventually he will attack our lands as well."

"well I suppose since we have an official report from someone of utmost importance we will need to vote on our decision" the second voice that I heard said after Frank got done talking.

the king then snapped his fingers and then two pairs of servants carried vases that had two different colored stones in them. one of the vases had white stones while the other had black ones.

"now we will be holding our vote on whether we are going to join them or not in our traditional manner. if you choose a white stone that means that you want to not fight but, if you choose a black stone that means you want to fight Zog the Destroyer and his forces." the king said as he grabbed a black stone and place it in an empty vase that was behind him.

"now step forward and offer your opinion" the king said as he placed his black stone into the empty vase.

I saw prince Frank grab one of the stones but I was unable to see what his vote was because the chamber members had already made a single file line so they could cast their votes on the matter at hand.

after everyone had made the line I decided to get in the very back so that I had time to think about what was really going on before I made my decision.

now let's think about this if Zog the Destroyer is wanting World conquest I am wondering if he is one of the evil reincarnation candidates for The Reincarnation Protocol. if I was go by that logic that means that he has been chosen based on some evil habit or ideology that he possessed in his former life. I better vote towards fighting just to be safe because if he was a candidate for The Reincarnation Protocol then that means that he will put a halt to my plans of advancing mankind.

when it was my turn to vote I grabbed a black stone since I knew that I would have to help in the fight against Zog the Destroyer as a candidate of The Reincarnation Protocol.

after I placed my stone in the vase with both black and white stones in it; the king then began to speak once again.

"now it is time for the counting we will have the queen do the counting of the stones in front of all of you so that no one thinks that the votes were tampered with any way shape or form."

then as the king stepped back I saw the queen step forth and place the stones on a tray that was right beside the vase that I had placed my vote in. she grabbed the first stone that was white and placed it on the left side of the tray. the queen kept repeating this process of placing white stones on the left side and black stones on the right until the votes had all been counted.

"that is one vote for us to not fight. this makes one vote for fighting. two votes for fighting. three votes for not fighting."

the boats kept going until she had finished and I had felt the tension in the air since the votes would end up deciding my next course of action that I would have to take as the Imperial Alchemist.

the queen then backed away and the King stepped forward to give his announcement on the final verdict that we had voted on.

"the vote has been cast. the Imperial cabinet has made their decision and it is that we will go to war against Zog the Destroyer. prepare yourselves for this coming conflict it will not be easy but with everyone working together despite our racial differences we will achieve victory in the end."

I heard most of the candidates begin to cheer while some began to whisper among themselves. the cutthroat attitudes and tension really excited me because I knew that something great was going to happen soon; hopefully it would end up being in my favor but I could never truly tell what was going to happen in the end will Zog the Destroyer be another villain for the world to conquer on its own or will it be a candidate for The Reincarnation protocol that will bring absolute destruction if myself and the two other heroes that I have met not stop him only time will be able to tell.