
Reincarnation Paradise [EDITED]

Su Xiao is a cold-blooded teenager who’s seeking vengeance for the death of his family, yet things ended up badly for him. As he was taking his last breaths, he heard a voice calling him from dimensions, it was a strange system reaching him, asking him if he wanted to be saved, to be Reincarnated. He just needed to accept a contract, Su Xiao didn’t have any choice but to do so, but he didn’t know what he signed up for!! Traveling through worlds, doing extremely dangerous missions, collecting special items, leveling up, and even killing Protagonists… But Su Xiao wasn’t any ordinary Contractor, Su Xiao was a Hunter! The MC crosses over to: One Piece, Tokyo Ghoul, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Attack on Titans, Akame ga Kill, Hunter x Hunter… Note: If there are words or sentences that you don't understand, you can tell me in the comments.. Thanks :) My Target of this Novel is up to 3000+ chapters or until the last chapter of Raw Novel release!! [1 up to 3 Volumes Novel per Week]

Jack_of_Troupe · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 15: Indigenous Fiction

Jumping from behind Boubo Wang, Su Xiao walked to the pile of carbon ashes. The ashes were already cool and should have been left a long time ago.

Bones are scattered around the charcoal ashes, and the answer is self-evident. There are intelligent creatures moving around.

Picking up a broken bone on the ground, Su Xiao saw a row of tooth marks on it. These tooth marks were left by flat-toothed creatures, and the bite force of this creature was so strong that it could even bite off the bones and suck the marrow inside.

Knowing how to make a fire to cook food, the tooth marks on the bones can show that this is not caused by the same creature, so there is the possibility of group living.

Su Xiao was hesitating whether to track this creature. The other side may have food and clean fresh water.

Just as Su Xiao was thinking, a short scream came from the valley in the distance.

The scream stopped abruptly as soon as it appeared, and the person who screamed without accident was already dead.

"Boob, catch up."

Without food, Su Xiao can't last for long. Instead of hiding, it is better to try his luck.

According to the direction from which the screams came, Su Xiao quickly ran into the valley.

The vegetation in the valley is very low, and the situation ahead can be seen from a long distance.

Su Xiao arrived near the screams, but there were no other creatures around.

After looking around for a while, Su Xiao found a broken sword from a pile of bushes.

After picking up the broken sword, Su Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly. This is the wreckage of a blue-quality weapon, which means that it was the contractor who screamed just now.

Not far from the broken sword, Su Xiao also saw a pool of blood.

There are slight signs of fighting nearby. Su Xiao analyzed that this was a melee contractor fighting an unknown enemy, but he was quickly defeated.

A few drops of blood appeared in the distance, Su Xiao hesitated for a moment, then quickly followed the blood.

The initial bloodstain was dense, and after a while, it started to come and go. After ten minutes, the bloodstain disappeared completely.

At this time, when Boubo Wang came on stage, the smell of blood was like a beacon in the dark for Boubo Wang.

The tracking began, and according to Boubowang's direction, Su Xiao moved forward.

What Su Xiao didn't know was,

He was hitting the red clay area by mistake. As long as he got outside the red clay area, although it was still not easy to survive, it was by no means so difficult.

Su Xiao stopped tracking the blood for an hour. He was lying on a hillside, and a tribe appeared in the distance.

That's right, it's the tribe. This is a small basin. Dozens of low triangular wooden tents are built in the center of the basin. The wooden tents are covered with hay, and a rough carved dead tree stands in the center of the tribe. It looks like a A vine-like creature, this should be a totem, watching this tribe have begun to take shape.

Dozens of upright human-like creatures walked among the tents. These creatures were similar to primitive people, but their skin was black and red, their faces were graffitied with different patterns, and some had animal teeth on their noses.

Different from the primitive people, these indigenous people are tall, the shortest is about two meters, and the taller is even two meters and five.

"Dulu Cabana (unknown language)."

"Bubububu~ (unknown language)."

Boubo Wang, who was lying beside Su Xiao, pricked up, as if someone called it just now.

"Second goods, bow your head."

Su Xiao pressed Boubo Wang's head into the grass, Boubo Wang nibbled his mouth full of grass, and Boubo Wang, who was already very hungry, was surprised to find that eating grass was also a good choice.

Eat grass when you are hungry, eat grasshoppers when you are thirsty, drink dew when you are thirsty...

In the basin, the two red-skinned natives were discussing something. The more the discussion became more intense, they even pushed each other in the end.

The reason for the conflict between the two natives was a pair of bloody jeans.

At first glance, that pair of jeans could not be produced by this tribe. Some contractors were caught by these indigenous people. Su Xiao had already seen the arrested contractors, and there were more than one person.

Two decapitated and gutted corpses were hung in front of the tent, apparently to be air-dried.

According to Su Xiao's guess, the two should be contractors, and the previous screams may have been made by them.

Not far from the two corpses, there is also a contractor. This contractor is still alive, but there are a few big bloody holes on his body, but he will not die in a short time.

This contractor has been cut into a naked pig, with a look of despair on his face, and his little brother is fluttering in the wind.

The contractor was dead. His hands and feet were tied and he was hanging on a wooden sign.

For some reason, Su Xiaoyue saw the other party familiar.

Ignoring the blood on the other party's face, Su Xiao patted Boubo Wang's head, isn't this the brother without umbrella.

It was a miracle that the other party and the Black Hawk didn't die after they were frozen together.

Su Xiao thinks that he is unlucky enough, and now it seems that he is someone else.

The Umbrellaless Brother is the real unlucky one. Before entering the trial of survival, due to a special contract, the Paradise Coins he reserved for emergency use were used up.

Before entering the derivative world, Samsara Paradise will charge 100 Paradise Coins for the contractor to master the language.

Brother without a parachute would not make such a low-level mistake. It was just an accident. He became the only contractor without a parachute among the 500 contractors.

It was bad enough that he was thrown out of the plane without a parachute, but he was attacked in the air.

Brother Wu Umbrella is not weak. With his strong strength, he lifted the ice layer when he was about to land, and pressed the black eagle below.

Although he almost fell to his death, Brother Wusan survived tenaciously, and this moment was enough to move everyone.

Unfortunately, the bad luck didn't end. Brother Wu Umbrella and the two contractors landed one after another. It hurts that the two contractors had conflicts with him.

At the beginning of the battle royale, when Brother Wusan was about to get rid of the two contractors, the red-skinned aborigines appeared.

After that, things were simple. The three contractors were defeated, and the two died on the spot. They were processed into dry food, and the umbrellaless brother was chopped into a bare pig and became the meat dish of the red-skinned indigenous people tonight.

A red-skinned native was rummaging for a backpack near Brother No Umbrella, which was the backpack of the two deceased contractors.

The red-skinned aborigines took out two small bottles from their backpacks, smelled them and laughed. They contained salt and chili powders. The red-skinned aborigines did not recognize the chili powders, but they recognized the salt.

Brother Wu umbrella almost fainted when he saw this scene, why did the two bastards bring seasonings when they survived.


Brother Wusan's voice was weak, and the red-skinned native looked at Brother Wusan.

""Let's use less chili powders when roasting me at night, I don't like that stuff""

The red-skinned aboriginal obviously couldn't understand it, and it just kicked in the face of Brother Wusan.

These red-skinned natives have a sense of ferocity and cruelty with people. Except for the same kind, they look at other creatures as if they were looking at food.

The request to put less spicy sauce powders was rejected, and Brother Wusan was also kicked.

Su Xiao saw this scene, he did not intend to save the other party, but these red-skinned natives couldn't let it go. The reason was very simple, the other party had clean fresh water, He saw clearly before.

Peaceful communication is obviously impossible, so use a knife to communicate.

Su Xiao was lying on a hillside. Although his stomach was already grumbling with hunger, he didn't move. It was not yet time.

Boubo Wang, who was originally lying near Su Xiao, has disappeared, and the passive skill [You Can't See Me] is effective.

The sky was getting dark, and some natives who were hunting outside returned. Su Xiao made a preliminary count and found that there were 43 red-skinned natives.

These natives are strange, all adult males, no females or young children.

This situation shows one thing, this is not a large concentration of red-skinned indigenous people, it may be a temporary camp when hunting outside.

There is also a possibility that these natives were small tribes expelled by large tribes, and women were taken away.

Su Xiao prefers the latter. Judging from the nearby traces, these red-skinned natives have lived nearby for at least a few months, and it is impossible to go out hunting for such a long time.

{T/N: wu san, wu yu, wu umbrella is the same person.. it refer to guy who couldn't buy parachute on chapter 12}