
Reincarnation Paradise [EDITED]

Su Xiao is a cold-blooded teenager who’s seeking vengeance for the death of his family, yet things ended up badly for him. As he was taking his last breaths, he heard a voice calling him from dimensions, it was a strange system reaching him, asking him if he wanted to be saved, to be Reincarnated. He just needed to accept a contract, Su Xiao didn’t have any choice but to do so, but he didn’t know what he signed up for!! Traveling through worlds, doing extremely dangerous missions, collecting special items, leveling up, and even killing Protagonists… But Su Xiao wasn’t any ordinary Contractor, Su Xiao was a Hunter! The MC crosses over to: One Piece, Tokyo Ghoul, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Attack on Titans, Akame ga Kill, Hunter x Hunter… Note: If there are words or sentences that you don't understand, you can tell me in the comments.. Thanks :) My Target of this Novel is up to 3000+ chapters or until the last chapter of Raw Novel release!! [1 up to 3 Volumes Novel per Week]

Jack_of_Troupe · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 14: Survival Difficulty

A faint stench came from under his feet, and the red soil seemed to be soaked in blood.

All the vegetation growing in the red soil area is unusually tall, with dense green grass, and several large trees in the distance are tens of meters high.

Boubo Wang walked slowly in the red clay area, without the unrestrainedness of before.

Su Xiao looked back with lingering fears. The centipede hiding in the soil was too terrifying. If he hadn't sensed an inexplicable sense of crisis, he would have been swallowed alive.

No maps, no directions, food lost, fresh water for up to a day.

The food was lost during skydiving, because Boubo Wang had to carry an umbrella bag, so he took the food in his mouth, and then lost it when he "negotiated" with the Black Hawk.


Boubowang turned to look at Su Xiao, and his eyes were clearly saying: 'Master, I'm hungry. '

"Hold on, you just ate it on the plane, and it's only been an hour. With the fat on your body, it's fine to not eat for two days."

Boubo Wang's body fat can indeed last for two days, but this requires fresh water.

Fresh water is enough for Su Xiao and Boubo Wang to drink for a day, Boubo Wang can last for two days, but Su Xiao can't.

It's not how pampered he is, he needs to fight, and fighting consumes a lot of physical energy.

Su Xiao did not have high-calorie foods. Those foods with small size and high calorie are generally white in quality and very rare.

Contractors will keep that kind of food for emergency use, and no one will sell it.

There is a large portion of barbecue in the backpack behind Su Xiao. This is food, but it is also a recovery product.

[Barbecue with Sauce]

quality: green

Type: Restoration

Effect: Within half an hour after eating, recover 80% of health and recover a small amount of damage.

Rating: 21

Introduction: 1900 Paradise Coins


Restorative products can also satisfy hunger, as last resort, Su Xiao won't eat this.

From this, we can see the importance of intelligence. If he knew that food was so precious before, he would definitely buy a lot of food for recovery.

No one will spread the secret information of the trial of survival, and only inform each other within the adventure group.

What if there is no food? Is there any need to ask, of course, to grab it.

It is foreseeable that in the next ten days, food and fresh water will be the main reasons for the war between the Contractors.

There are ten days left in the trial. If there is no food, Su Xiao's combat power will last for two days at most, and he will become weaker and weaker after two days.

The grassland in the red soil area is endless, and I don't know how far I have walked forward. Su Xiao vaguely heard the sound of water, and if there is water, there is food!

"Boob, stop."

Su Xiao listened carefully to the direction of the sound of the water. After reaching the red clay area, the perception was no longer credible. The giant centipede could mislead the perception, so the perception was not necessarily true.

The sound of water came from the left, and Boubo Wang quickly ran to the left.

Before running far, a small river appeared.

This small river flows among the grasslands, and half-human-high grass grows nearby.

Om ~.

A bee flew by, the bee was not small, the size of a thumb.

This thing can be eaten, Su Xiao may be sure that he has seen this kind of bee on earth, but it is much smaller than this.

The flight speed of bees is very fast. If the nerve reflex speed is not enough, it will never be able to catch this 'little guy'.

Su Xiao's hand pressed on the handle of Dragon Flash's knife, the light of the knife flashed, and the wings of the bee were cut off.

Be careful to pinch the falling bees, this 'little guy' stinger Su Xiao doesn't want to try, it's definitely not good to be stung.

After pinching off the head of the bee and removing the internal organs, Su Xiao threw the bee directly into his mouth, and Boubo Wang on the side was dumbfounded.

Although the bee is raw, it tastes good and is chewy.

"You want to eat?"

Su Xiao looked at Boubo Wang, who quickly shook his head and took two steps back.

Su Xiao secretly said that this kind of bee is a delicacy in the world, and it is almost extinct on earth.

There are four such bees, Su Xiao only caught two, and the other two flew too fast.

Seize every opportunity to replenish energy, Su Xiao consumes too much energy every day.

Pull aside the water plants, and a rushing river appears.

The water in the river is very clear, Su Xiao was not deceived by this appearance, he took out a transparent empty water bottle and filled some river water.

Lift the water bottle, the clear river water changes color after being reflected by the sun, slightly reddish.

Countless parasites are in the river water. If you take a sip, it's hard not to die. This river water is more terrifying than highly poisonous.

There is no hope for clean fresh water, the water is not clean, and there is little chance of finding food.

A black shadow crossed the water, Su Xiao suddenly burst out and stabbed into the water with a knife.

Haw ~.

The strange cry came, and Su Xiao used Dragon Flash to provoke a strange fish in the water.

The strange fish is about half a meter long, with a big head and a small body.

Even if it doesn't take Su Xiao's knife, this strange fish will not live long, and there are at least dozens of creatures parasitic on it.

Throwing the big fish back into the water, even if Su Xiao starved to death, he would not eat this thing, he would die faster that way.

A serious problem arises, the water in the red soil area is not drinkable, and the killed creatures are not edible.

Take out the compass from the backpack. This thing was bought by Su Xiao for 600 Paradise Coins. In the words of the stall owner: 'This thing can guide even in outer space. '

Unfortunately, this white-quality compass that can be used to guide in outer space has failed, and it has been turned into an electric fan at this time.

Su Xiao looked up at the sun in the sky, the sun was shining brightly, today is a good weather.

Find a stick and stick it on the ground. The sun makes a shadow on the stick. Su Xiao puts a small stone at the top of the shadow.

Taking out the pocket watch, Su Xiao waited for ten minutes, the shadow of the stick moved a little, and Su Xiao put a stone on top of the shadow.

Connect the two stones on the ground to get the direction.

"There may be East and West..."

This is the way of the earth's position identification. Su Xiao doesn't know if it is useful here. After all, it is not certain where the sun of this broken planet will rise. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Su Xiao confirmed the orientation, looked around for stones and branches, etc., and piled these things together to form a coordinate to ensure that he could move vertically in one direction.

With directions and road signs, Su Xiao rode on Boubowang.

The first thing to do now is to leave the red soil area, which is a completely forbidden area of ​​life, the sudden appearance of terrifying creatures, the undrinkable river water, and the lack of food.

Don't say that you are here to survive for ten days, you are extremely lucky to be able to live for two days.

After riding Boubowang for a distance, the coordinates behind him disappeared from sight, and Su Xiao again identified the direction and set up new coordinates.

After five consecutive arrangements, Su Xiao finally reached the end of the grassland, the endless green disappeared, and a winding mountain appeared in front.

This mountain is not steep, and the rocks are faintly red, and it seems that they have not left the red soil area.

Soon after entering the mountain, Su Xiao found something, he found a pile of soot.