
Reincarnation of the Soul Emperor

He was once a supreme cultivator, revered by many as the greatest genius of the Ling Clan. However tragedy strikes him repeatedly - his cultivation lost, ostracized by other youngsters and caught up in a sinister plot aimed at his destruction. Having lost everything he kills himself and his soul headed towards rebirth. Surprisingly after his death he wakes up in an unfamiliar world in the body of a young man with the same name as him - Ling Hong. In this life, he vows to become strong enough to protect his loved ones, while exploring the new world.

Weird_Novelist · Fantasy
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31 Chs

A Troublesome Situation

The man nearly shit himself hearing the voice but soon realized that no one was nearby. He took a deep breath and swore to himself to never be arrogant in the future.

Of course, the voice was Ling Hong using his Soul Skill <<Hundred Mile Transmission>> which enabled him to project sound into someone's ears even if they were far away. Ling Hong was not a violent person, so he just did the little trick to scare the guy.

They then walked over to another store to buy a laptop, which was done quickly as Ling Hong once again bought the best one without batting an eye and even bought an additional one for her. Li Xin was worried that he was spending without any thought, so she started to scold him and confiscated the membership card.

But Ling Hong flat out opposed her and said "Now that I have this money, it's better to buy nice things. Money can be earned later, so let me just buy these things for you, okay?"

Li Xin's heart began beating faster when he mentioned that he was doing this for her. She felt moved and directly forgave him on the spot. She then dragged him to a Men's clothing store to buy him some clothes. She had looked into his wardrobe earlier and was shocked at it's miserable condition with only a few clothes.

She happily began to chose clothes for him and in a matter of minutes pulled out quite a few sets of clothes. The shop assistant seemed worried as he did not know if they were going to buy it or was just having fun. Li Xin just waved the Diamond Membership card in front of him and his worries were replaced with excitement.

Li Xin made Ling Hong try on the clothes one by one even though he just said to buy them all. After a tiring hour, he had changed into all the outfits she wanted and finally managed to leave after paying the bill. Even though he was against wasting so much time, the content look on Li Xin's face was enough compensation for him.

He transferred all the shopping bags to his right hand and stretched out to hold Li Xin's hand with the other. She was shocked at seeing him taking initiative but gladly allowed him to hold her hand. Like this, they happily went through various stores buying things like furniture, household necessities like soaps and conditioners and few gifts like toys and snacks as presents for the kids at the orphanage. It was evening by the time they finished everything.

By now, Ling Hong had a mountain of shopping bags on him and Li Xin was worried that he might not be able to handle them all. Hence, she said "I think that's everything, so let's call Dong Yi and go back."

Ling Hong shook his head and said "Not yet. There's till something else to buy."

"Huh? We even bought the gifts that could be bought tomorrow. What is left then?" Li Xin asked.

Ling Hong did not say anything and just pointed at her.

"Me?" Li Xin asked.

"My dear little Xinxin, we haven't bought clothes for you yet. How can we leave before that?" he laughed and wrapped his free hand around her shoulder as he pulled her along to the largest women's clothes shop around.

"Brother Ling, I don't need anything. The clothes here are too costly, I'll just buy them another day from somewhere else." she said in a panicked voice.

Ling Hong suddenly stopped and pilled her even closer. She panicked when he did so ,as they were still in public. Without paying her any attention, he said in a resolute tone "Xinxin, I already told you that money should be used to buy nice things. You don't need to live like before, okay. With me here, I'll get you everything you want."

Li Xin's eyes reddened at his words. She rubbed her eyes and tried to maintain a smile on her face. He patted her head and said "Let's go. Pick out anything you want."

As she realized that there was no way to refute, she just went along with him and bought some clothes that looked good but were not much expensive. Ling Hong wanted her to get some high grade clothes, but she said that she did not want them.

Just as Ling Hong was about to quit persuading her, a voice rang out "Aiyo, if isn't our former classmate Li Xin. With your little money you still came in here? How daring!"

Ling Hong heard the voice too, and turned around and saw a group of 3-4 girls surrounding Li Xin who seemed to be acquainted with her. He was not in a hurry to help her but chose to watch before taking action.

Li Xin had been in a good mood till she heard those girls speak. She was so angry upon seeing who they were. These girls were her friends once upon a time and she used to hang out with them. But during the second year of school, they tried to drug her for Wei Kai to bed her. From then on, she had never bothered with them again.

"Zhao Jing, don't speak nonsense. I wouldn't come if I could not afford to spend. Take your bullshit and go elsewhere." she coldly replied.

"Tsk, still an Ice Queen. What was so wrong with what we did? Back then Young Master Wei wanted to play around with you so if you agreed it would be for your best. I hear Young Master Wei's father is now a part of Golden Lion Group. You really missed out." another girl said.

"If you feel so bad why didn't you be in bed with him then?" Li Xin retorted.

"You-" the girl's face turned red from anger.

By this time, Ling Hong decide not to watch anymore and walked to them.

"Xinxin, aren't you done yet? Let's go." he said.

At the sound of his voice, Li Xin felt relieved and turned to him. The other girls also turned to look who was with Li Xin. They were all stunned upon seeing a handsome man like Ling Hong and thought he was some Young Master. But when they laid eyes on his clothes, they sneered thinking that he was just some pretty boy.

"And here I was wondering were you got such courage from. Isn't it just a pretty boy?" the girl named Zhao Jing said in disdain. But in fact, she was jealous at Li Xin for having someone good-looking like Ling Hong accompanying her.

She then turned to Ling Hong and said in a seductive tone "Hey handsome, just leave that girl and come accompany us. She's just a poor bumpkin, while we on the other hand can give you a lot."

Li Xin nearly exploded in rage. First she mocked her Brother Ling and now she was trying to openly flirt. Before she could say anything, Ling Hong walked to her without sparing a glance at the other girls, treating them as air. He said "Let's go back."

Zhao Jing was enraged that she was neglected and shouted "How rude of you to ignore me! So what if you are good-looking? You still dare come here for shopping without any status!"

She turned to a nearby shop assistant and said "Hey, these two obviously don't have enough to pay for the clothes so why are you still allowing them inside?"

The assistant was put in a difficult position. Though she wanted to interfere in this mess, Ling Hong and Li Xin did indeed dress like commoners while the other group was obviously a group of rich girls. She sighed and turned to Ling Hong with an apologetic look.

Ling Hong knew from the incident before that these assistants could only cave in under pressure from wealthy customers, else they could lose their jobs if they accidentally offended someone powerful. With the situation in Yanjing, finding another job would be difficult.

With a calm face, he said "Don't worry. Call the manager, I have to ask if the shop really allows people behaving like this."

"Ha! You want to meet the manager to complain about us? What a joke, I can do anything I want here and nobody would dare oppose me. Even throwing you out is simple for me!" Zhao Jing spat out viscously. She dared to be so confident because she had been sleeping with the Assistant Store Manager for a while and had even got many clothes for free from him.

But as soon she said that, a rough voice could be heard from behind "Oh? It is interesting how a customer claims that she has control over my store, who gave you the courage?"

As they looked back, a middle-aged man walking towards them followed by a young man. Zhao Jing was very confident at first but upon seeing the young man following the middle-aged man, her hopes crumbled instantly. It was precisely the Assistant Store Manager she had been sleeping with. If he was following another man, then there was only one who fit the bill - the Manager!