
Reincarnation of the Soul Emperor

He was once a supreme cultivator, revered by many as the greatest genius of the Ling Clan. However tragedy strikes him repeatedly - his cultivation lost, ostracized by other youngsters and caught up in a sinister plot aimed at his destruction. Having lost everything he kills himself and his soul headed towards rebirth. Surprisingly after his death he wakes up in an unfamiliar world in the body of a young man with the same name as him - Ling Hong. In this life, he vows to become strong enough to protect his loved ones, while exploring the new world.

Weird_Novelist · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Dinner with the Hua Family [1]

Although she had lost her trump card, she was till confident that Li Xin and the other guy could not afford their purchases based on their attire. She took the initiative and said "Mr. Manager, I was just kidding earlier and got carried off. I was just angry that these two were pretending that they could buy the clothes they picked."

The manager was a smart man and chose to keep quiet as he had neared them earlier and scanned them with his eyes. But Ling Hong had noticed him long ago but stayed as if he had not noticed him at all. As the manager heard Zhao Jing's words, he quickly understood the situation. This girl had some grudges with the other party and was trying to push them out of the store.

As he listened to her, he was quietly observing the faces of the two. The girl looked a bit angry, but still had a confident look against the words of the other girl. What the manager could not figure out was Ling Hong - he seemed very calm. But as an experienced man, the manager saw through the calmness. It was not a simple calm look - It was as if there was a raging ocean constrained to stay still and the wrong move could unleash the full might of the ocean.

Hw coughed lightly and said "This mister here, you said you wanted to see me earlier. What did you have to ask?"

Hearing the words, Zhao Jing was angry that he did not give her face but rather talk to the other two instead. She shouted "Hey, did you not hear me? Why aren't you throwing these people out yet!"

Just as the manager was about to tell her to shut up, Ling Hong turned to the manager with a card in his hand and said "The reason why I asked for you was to know why the store wasn't taking any action against these people who disturb others shopping nearby. So, can you give me an explanation?"

The manager was a bit displeased with the indifference showed and was about to reply when he suddenly noticed the card in the boy's hand. He swallowed his words immediately and said "You are right. I'll get security to show them out."

With a wave of his hand, a few security officers came over and started to drag Zhao Jing away. Confused, she began to scream out "Let go of me right now! How dare you throw me out, I am the Young Mistress of the Zhao Family! I'll make you lose your jobs for this."

The security officers hesitated for a second, but upon seeing this, the manager frowned and said "Causing trouble at first and now threatening my employees in front of me! I'll make sure to blacklist you. Go on, show them out."

Hw turned to Ling Hong and said "Respected customer, it was a fault on our part today. As an apology, I'll give 50% off for your purchases today." He knew there would be some troubles from the Zhao Family for this, but knew that for Ling Hong to hold a Diamond Membership card, he must have some background and hence was afraid to offend him more.

Ling Hong admired the manager's decisions. He seemed like a smart person who was very observant and only made the right moves. Ling Hong nodded and said "Thank you for your gesture. We'll be leaving now,."

He paused for a bit and continued "Don't worry about today, I'll let Uncle Hua know and stop them from taking any actions against you." He then went with Li Xin to pay the bill and left afterwards.

Only then did the manager come out of his shock. He remembered that the boy mentioned 'Uncle Hua' and had a Diamond Membership card. Without a doubt, he was related to CEO Hua Jun! He let out a sigh. Seeing the manager behave in a bizarre way, the assistant manager was puzzled and asked him for the reason.

When he heard the manager's thoughts, he broke out in cold sweat. Back then, he had wanted to help Zhao Jing as she had a fling with him sometimes, but now he was glad. He made a mental note to break up with her soon lest he got pulled into this mess.

As they exited the mall, Ling Hong phoned Dong Yi. Dong Yi was relaxing in the car when his phone rang. Seeing that there was no caller ID, he checked the number and had a fright. "Damn, XXXXXXX799 ? What a badass number, but who's calling me?" he muttered. He answered the phone nonetheless.

"Brother Dong, it's me. We've finished so can you bring the car around?" a voice was heard from the other side. The call ended after that. Dong Yi was in a daze as he realized that it was none other than Ling Hong who had called. He hurriedly started the car and went to pick him up.

It did not take much effort for him to locate Ling Hong, given that he had a heap of bags on him. He opened the trunk and helped him get the bags in before driving back. As he was about to start the car, his phone rang. Seeing the caller was Uncle Sun, he did not hesitate and directly accepted the call. Ling Hong heard some of the conversation between them.

"Hey Uncle Sun, what's up?.....Dinner? There's also someone else with him, is that okay?...….Alright then."

Hanging up, Dong Yi turned to Ling Hong and said "Brother Ling, Master wants to invite you to dinner, he said to bring both of you to Yanjing International Hotel. They are already there."

"Okay." Ling Hong agreed, he also wanted to talk to Hua Jun, to thank him for everything. On the other hand, Li Xin was nervous that she was invited too as she did not know how to react. Seeing her restless, Ling Hong laughed and said "Don't overthink much, I guess it's because you were with me so they wanted to know who you were. This is good too, I have to properly introduce you to Uncle Hua. You don't need to work as a housekeeper anymore."

Li Xin did not know what to say so she just nodded. She was confident in Ling Hong and would support whatever he did. The car soon made it's way to the center of the city, where the high-end buildings were located. A huge 15 story building with the words 'Yanjing International Hotel' came into their vision. Dong Yi dropped them off at the entrance, where Uncle Sun was waiting. Ling Hong greeted him with a slight bow and followed him inside.

Some people were surprised that two youngsters in casual wear was walking in, but they did not dare talk as soon as they realized that it was Uncle Sun leading them. It was very well known that Uncle Sun was the butler of the Hua Family, so they guessed that the two people might be rich people too that were staying low-key.

Under the guidance of Uncle Sun, they took the elevator before exiting at the 10th floor. The 10th floor had only private dining rooms. Soon, they arrived before a large room with the number '218' engraved on it. Uncle Sun raised his hands and knocked two times before opening the door and letting the two of the in.

Just as they walked in, Ling Hong heard the familiar voice of Hua Jun "Little Ling is here, come take a seat!"

There was only a single table in the room and the whole Hua Family was present. Hua Jun and Ling Xiu were discussing something, while the two girls were playing around with their phones. But as soon as they heard Hua Jun, stopped what they were doing and excitedly shouted "Big Brother Ling, you came!"

Li Xin was startled at the scene unfolding in front of her. She had never even imagined that the Hua Family valued her Brother Ling so highly, and even the Young Mistress Hua Meiling who was unsociable seemed close to him, so far as to call him Big Brother.

They were initially excited to see Ling Hong, so they never paid much attention to Li Xin who was following behind him. When they saw the beautiful Li Xin, they were bewildered as they recognized her. Hua Jun saw that she fairly resembled the housekeeper he had sent for Ling Hong. But looking at how she was walking in with Ling Hong and they seemed to long acquainted with each other, he was confused.

Hua Meiling was also startled as she realized that the girl was the Sister Xinxin she knew. She was confused as why she came in with Ling Hong and how it seemed that those two knew each other. Hua Meimei and Ling Xiu did not know Li Xin, so they were quite curious towards who she was.

While they were busy thinking about who the girl was, Ling Hong and Li Xin had already arrived at the table. Ling Hong pulled out a chair for Li Xin to sit before sitting down himself. Li Xin was quite nervous to sit at the same table as the family she had once worked for. Though she used to talk with Hua Meiling, they could at best be considered acquaintances.

Hua Jun broke everyone's train of thought as he asked "Little Ling, who is she?"