
Chapter 22: Which dojutsu is stronger?


Uzumaki residence.....

Naruto was seating in front of the monitor in his research lab.

Naruto: "SIC, so after all this work you've done, we have only found out that the sharingan and Byakugan had more transformations than I knew of?" Naruto was still scanning the pair of "Byakugan " by implementing Chakra to it through his own Chakra strings which was an improved version of the previous one.

(SIC): "Affirmative sir. From our research, we have found out, that it's all about the inputs of Chakra before the 3rd evolution of both of the eyes "

Naruto: "Right it's all about Chakra in the world of shinobi and from the look of the dojutsu's, we can come to the conclusion that although the power that the eyes posses is something quiet different but the source of the dojutsu is the same and what was more is that, it makes it interesting that the power of the eyes are almost balanced with each other but after all the evidence, the byakugan wins by a big margine " he says while he place the Nara clans blood that he got from Shikamaru the other day.

(SIC): "Affirmative sir. The byakugan users will always win against a sharingan owner or the correct sentence should be at the same level of evolved dojutsu, a Hyuga is always on a higher level than an Uchiha " Sic agreed with Naruto.

Naruto: "Yes, I know about the way of how the eyes evolve."

The final stage of the sharingan is 3 tomoe sharingan which most uchihas get stuck at and will never develop further, even so, it is formidable and can give the user faster and better vision and enhance photographic memory but it will never win against a Hyuga in a one on one since the hyuga clan has an almost 360 degree view and can see even in the dark by seeing the chakra with there byakugan.

Then comes the mangekyou sharingan which is a limitation of eternal mangekyou sharingan that has no limits or drawbacks but on the other hand, the evolution of Byakugan is the Tenseigan also known as the Reincarnation Eye.

This 2nd evolution for both dojutsu had their own flows, the Tenseigan must be connected with the altar, while the Mangekyou sharingan user will lose his light but still, the mangekyou sharingan user is still weaker to the one using the Tenseigan because the Tenseigan is almost as powerful as Rinnegan since the Tenseigan has not yet been properly research or utilized and combined making it a bit of a mystery to what it's limits are, which is even stronger than the eternal mangekyou sharingan.

(E.N: Rinnegan is not an evolved sharingan but a special bloodline combination of senju and uchiha, thats what I believe)

Then comes the 3 evolution of the sharingan, the eternal version, the eternal mangekyou sharingan which do not make one lose light and doubles the power of the mangekyou sharingan but the "Byakugan's 3rd evolution is the true Tenseigan which does not need the connection with the altar and No one knows it's limits since it has not been used and seen by many.

So it's come to an easy conclusion of which one is stronger in power... " Naruto was discussing about the pros and cons about the dojutsu but got interrupted by the system.

(SIC): "Sir, you should look at this" Sic called Naruto who was trying to mix the "Sharingan and byakugan"

Naruto: "what is it? it's just the Nara clans bloodline " Naruto looked at the monitor and complained about it because he was not interested in that too much because 'it's just about the shadows which have a lot of weaknesses in it and also has the limit of...' Naruto was complaining and then he saw the extent that could be used with the Nara clans power "Why did the Nara clan never got to unlock the full power of their bloodline? or did they not know about it? "

Then Naruto continued to experiment with different kinds of blood.


Noon time....


Hokage Tower....

Sarutobi: "Inu! go and bring Naruto here from the Academy "

Anbu: "Hai" The anbu despaired



Ninja Academy....

After having a good discovery last night, Naruto was feeling good but the down side of things are, that he was living alone in his house like how he used to be and he felt kinda lonely.

Shikamaru: "Naruto what do you think about the Uchiha boy?"

Naruto: "oh, what about the the 'I am Mr cool'? did something happen recently? "

Shikamaru: "No it's not like that, you see currently this days, he had lost a lot of popularity among the girls. Thanks to someone "

Naruto: "Oh that. It's not like I did it purposely and.... "

Iruka: "oi . You two stop talking during class " Iruka interrupted them from speaking among each other by flicking 2 pieces of chalk toward them.

Shikamaru: "Man I'm so bored " he complains like he always does like most of the nara's do,

Naruto: "You are always like that"

Then they didn't talk anymore and the class procedures went smoothly.

Shikamaru: "let's go, it's the same boring physical training class " Shikamaru got up while complaining.

Choji: "Naruto, do you have any food left? " Choji got up, planning to go with them.

Naruto: "I only have some candies,do you want some? " he place an orange flavored candy into his mouth after answering choji.

Choji: "Yes give me some, l really need to keep myself full of calories " Choji replied while nodding at Naruto.

Shikamaru: "oh Naruto give me a lemon flavor if you have one " Shikamaru who was walking in front of him also took one while they were at it.

While enjoying the candies, they finally reached the Academy training ground.

Iruka:"Everyone stand in a line and come throw your kunai and shuriken when I call your name "

Mizuki: "First we are going to be starting from Sasuke " Mizuki called Sasuke who went out of the line and stood at the place from where he should throw the shurikens but before throwing them, he looked at Naruto like he was challenging him.

'why is he looking at me like I have stolen his wife or something? ' Naruto thought to himself

After getting a cold glance from sasuke, Sasuke looked at the target and place his hand on his ninja tool pocket and took out his shurikens and started shooting at the targets with perfect accuracy by hitting dead center. Then he again looked at Naruto like he wanted to say 'how was that dobe? now let's see how you do it '

There was nothing important to talk about how everyone did but one thing happened that was funny, If I must say.

Iruka: "Shino Aburame, come " Iruka called his name but shino did not step forward, he says to iruka-sensei that his an insect user and he does not use anything else but his bugs for everything.

Iruka: "Fine I give up, OK next!..." Iruka again started to call more names.

Iruka: "Next Naruto UZUMAKI " finally Naruto's name was called.

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Author Note:

What do you think about the dojutsus. Which one do you think strong.

One more thing do you think I should explain about dojutsu and everything about it or just give Naruto a dojutsu just like that. If you want explanation then I have already made it comment.

Editors Note:

Rinne sharingan for the win!!!! and also Tenseigan did not really get shown much so it's full extent had not yet explored unlike the Rinnegan which has been shown to have lots of power to it and uses which shows multitude of uses and combination of how powerful it can be... and also there is that Rinne sharingan which made it even more powerful...Tenseigan ain't weak but it barely match the strength of Rinnegan.

Happy new year to all and sorry for not giving you all tons of updates since I did not update for about a couple of days and cause im lazy and in low self-esteem from the loneliness

illegal_incognitocreators' thoughts