
Chapter 21: Kurenai

(E.N: you know what I'm gonna stop changing hokage tower to Office.... I might be wrong when doing that..... Sorry)


Hokage Tower...

Hokage room.....

Kakashi and Hiruzen was introducing Kurenai who was going to be teaching Naruto genjutsu until Kakashi comes back.

Naruto: "So you're telling me that this lady is going to be teaching me Genjutsu? " he points to Kurenai

Kakashi: "Yes, she is going to be your new sensei and she will be teaching you genjutsu until I came back "

Naruto: "So sensei, you knew about the mission before coming here? "

Kakashi: "Yes, I knew about the mission, so I was prepared before coming here and took everything that belonged to me and place them in a scroll including the furniture in the room " he acted shamelessly by taking the furniture as well.

Naruto: "why did you take the furniture? you know those were not yours right? " then Naruto remembered something and asked "Whatever, also did you cleaned the room properly? "

Kakashi: "Yes you don't have to tell me about it. It's as new as it was before I even started living in it."

Naruto: "Also, don't forget about earlier, when you get back I will make sure you will pay " he reminded Kakashi about the pizza incident.

Kakashi: "lord Hokage, then I will be going now and I think Asuma and Tenzo is getting impatient waiting for me at the village gate. Goodbye everyone" Kakashi totally avoiding topic about what Naruto reminded him, he left the room.

While Naruto was arguing with Kakashi, Kurenai was thinking 'is this really the Kakashi who always acts cool all the time? and this kid is also not bad looking. Is he really 11 years old?' when Kakashi vanished from her sight she heard.

Sarutobi: "Kurenai, you live alone right? "

Kurenai: "Yes, you know that my house is at the end of the village and it's quite far from the market...."

Kurenai started to complain about her house being in a bad place and having no family etc. then she was cut off by the Hokage.

Sarutobi: "OK then, it's fine if you stay with Naruto won't it? and do you have any problems with that Naruto? "

Naruto: "Sure why not, it's just the same as when Kakashi sensei lived in the house and I don't see any problems in that, so what do you think sensei? " he look at kurenai when he asked.

Kurenai: "Yes I would love to stay, if it's not far from the Hokage building " Kurenai thought of something and added "but first, I will have to see the house for myself and if I like it then I will move in tomorrow afternoon after your academy and if I don't like then, I will just live at my old place because that won't be a problem for the training "

Sarutobi: "OK then, Naruto take Kurenai with you and show her your house " After the Hokage's word they left the Hokage building and started going towards the UZUMAKI residence.


Konoha Street's...

Naruto: "So Kurenai sensei, are you really the best genjutsu user ninja in the village? but from the looks of it. What I want to say is, that you don't look like a Ninja of that level " he asked while leading Kurenai towards his house.

Kurenai: "what do you mean by that Naruto? are you looking down on me because I am a woman? " Kurenai who was following behind stopped walking and asked angrily while looking at Naruto.

Naruto: "No, you didn't understand what I said. What I wanted to say is that a beautiful lady like you don't look like a ninja and on top of that a ninja with the best genjutsu in the village! " he explained while continuing walking and leading them to his house trying to avoid making her mad since he knows that the scariest thing in the world is an angry woman who you can't dare to hurt.

Kurenai: "Oh! You also don't look that bad yourself you know. Are you really 11 years old? but I think you look at least 14 years old" she tried to tease naruto trying to make him a little angry.

Naruto: "what do you mean sensei? I really am 11 " he retorts to kurenai trying to refute what she is saying.

Kurenai: "It's not a bad thing though. What I am telling you is that you look older than your age in good way.. " she tried to explain with enthusiams, trying not to make him hate her too much.

Naruto: "How so?"

Kurenai: "oh! You know like you're taller than the other kids of your age, you don't have fat in your body and most of all, you have a handsome face but unlike the kid's of your age, you don't have a cute face but a handsome one for whom any girl would fall in love with. " she was blushing while telling him all that but unfortunately for Naruto, he was looking forward being in front of her and leading the way which made him couldn't see her blushing face.

Naruto: "Oh, you are flattering me but to be honest, from my perspective, you are the most beautiful woman in the village I have seen until now " he told kurenai in a it of a cool way without looking at her which made her blush a bit more.

Kurenai: "Oh! You're a smooth talker.... " Kurenai was about to add more but she got cut in the process by Naruto.

Naruto: "Oh! We have reached my house " Naruto stopped and showed Kurenai his house and asked "Sorry sensei did you say anything to me because I... "

Kurenai: "Oh that was nothing. Never mind that let's go inside the house and take a look " while thinking 'oh? what was I thinking about? ' Kurenai asked Naruto to lead the way and started surveying the house.



Konoha entrance.....

Asuma and Tenzo was waiting for Kakashi for quite some time.

Asuma: "Tenzo, do you think he forgot about the mission and went to sleep while reading his book?"

he laugh after asking jokingly.

Tenzo: "Stop joking with me but do you think that senpai is again going to make an excuse like a black cat had cut his way or the old lady one?"

Asuma: "I think he is going to be using the old lady one this time "

Tenzo: "why is that? and how will he make that excuse? because it's almost evening time!"

Asuma: "So what? he just needs an excuse "

Tenzo: "let's see what happens "

After about 10 minutes of their argument, they saw Kakashi coming their way.

Tenzo: "You're late again Senpai" he spoke with a bit of an angry tone.

Kakashi: "Oh if it isn't Tenzo, long time no see and you see, I didn't got late it's just a black cat cut my way and then an old lady needed my help... " he started making excuses to them which kinda ticked them off that he actually use both the reasoning they thought of what he'll use.

'he used both of the excuses ' they thought while looking at each other,

Asuma: "Anyway let's go, we're already late for the mission" with Asuma's word, all 3 of them vanished from that spot.



Uzumaki Residence....

Kurenai: "well, this house is very good and only 5 minutes walk from the Hokage Tower. OK, I have decided that I'm going to move in tomorrow " Kurenai told Naruto with a smile of approval for the house.

Naruto: "ok I'm glad you like the house but which room do you want to stay in?"

Kurenai: "simple, the room next to yours would be best" she grinned cheekily while saying that.

in all honesty.... I kinda just some context from the original authors works to add a little spice which would make the readers read it more in some of the chapters.... I didn't change the concept though so I hope I'm ok with the author for what I did.

illegal_incognitocreators' thoughts