
Chapter 23: Mission


Ninja Academy....

Backyard of the Ninja Academy training ground, The last one of the group to arrive was Naruto. So by the rules, Naruto was the last one to take part in the target practice.

Iruka: "Next Naruto UZUMAKI "

After Naruto's name was called, everyone was looking at him to know if he became any better from last time, since they saw that he changed the way he acts and looks, they have some expectations for him.

Iruka: "OK Naruto try to hit the mark " Iruka gave Naruto the signal and so Naruto started to take out his ninja tools from his pocket.

After taking out the shuriken and Kunai, Naruto started to infuse wind Chakra in them but when he was about to throw, someone called for him and he stop to look.

Anbu: "Naruto Uzumaki you have been called by the Hokage, it's an emergency. Come with me"

Naruto: "Sensei " Naruto looked at Iruka asking for his permission.

Iruka: "Go and i'll excuse you, it's a call from the lord Hokage so hurry up " he nodded to naruto to go, since he cannot dare to delay or stop naruto from the hokage's summon.

After getting permission from Iruka, Naruto started to walk with the Anbu towards the Hokage Tower.

After Naruto left, Iruka resumed the class and everybody sigh that they did not get to see if naruto became better or worse.



Hokage Tower...

The Hokage was now in deep thought or should I say 'in great tension' for some reason.

Sarutobi: "What is taking Naruto so long. It's an emergency " the Hokage was waiting for Naruto with an anxious face for some reason.

"Gramps, what happened that you have to call me like that in the middle of the class? " Naruto soon came to the room and asked the Hokage for explanation.

Sarutobi: "Oh finally you came Naruto. Good now that you are here I think I will be at ease a little bit"

Naruto: "What do you mean? explain clearly " Naruto was becoming curious about why the hokage was acting so anxious.

Sarutobi: "You know that yesterday Kakashi went out on a mission with 2 other Konoha Jonins right?"

Naruto: "Yes we talked about that yesterday, but what about it" naruto was getting very curious now.

Sarutobi: "Well, there is a problem with that mission and they need reinforcement immediately " the hokage look at naruto seriously.

Naruto: "I see but what does this have to do with me?"

Sarutobi: "It's quite simple you see, we need you to go on a rescue mission" Naruto was about to interrupt but before he could "Now wait before you ask why, I ask you for this mission because you are the only one who I can ask right now, Kakashi told me about what you can do. You know what I mean don't you?"

Naruto: "So Kakashi told you about the Hiraishin (Flying Thunder God) and the kunai that I gave him" naruto understood what the hokage is getting at.

Sarutobi: "Yes you are right and there is currently no Jonin available that has the strength to pull off this rescue mission"

Naruto: "What about Kurenai? can't she do this instead? and I am not even a jonin! How can I even be eligible for this mission? " Naruto is feeling flabbergasted from the sudden mission.

Sarutobi: "Although Kurenai is a Jonin but she is not suited for the job and while you aren't a Jonin but from Kakashi, I know that you are strong enough to complete the job and if you want I could even promote you at the very moment" The hokage look at naruto very seriously making naruto sweat a bit.

Naruto: "OK I will do the job but I won't take the promotion for the time being and also, what do you want me to do with kurenai?, you know that she is going to live in my house from today on wards right? "

Sarutobi: "Yes about that, leave a link clone in the village until you come back and the mission is only to get them to a safe location away from danger. "

Naruto: "OH I see, so that is how it is, OK I will do that but why not bring them back to the village?"

Sarutobi: "It's because if the Jonin team wants to escape, they will be able to do so easily but the mission they went on is different from yours. You just need to go and do your job and you will know once you get there. Now go quickly" the hokage persuades naruto to go immediately.

Naruto: "OK I understand, 'link clone no jutsu', link cut. You know what you have to do " after making a hand seal, a link clone appeared then he cut the link and disappeared without leaving a trace behind.

Sarutobi: "hey, where is the flash?"

Naruto_clone:: "oh! you are talking about the flash when you use the Hiraishin right?, who do you think I me? am I a fool to even dare use a flashy jutsu like the previous kage and give an announcement like 'look here I am' but I am not like them, I use removed the flashy color from the teleportation so it's presentless and stealthy" he laugh and looked at the Hokage who was going to tell him something "Oh! Now you are going to ask me how quick it is but I am not going to take any chances with that "

Sarutobi: 'I'm getting old' The hokage sigh deeply about how fast time is going by.

Then Naruto clone left the tower and started walking towards his house.

(AN: From now we are going to call clone Naruto as Naruto 2 )

(EN: Nope, I'm calling it naruto clone)



Uzumaki Residence...

Naruto clone was watching the reports on the smartphone which is connected with Sic.

Naruto_clone: 'So before I convert the bloodline, I need an extremely powerful natural solution for it, so what about the tenseigan? should I steal it from the moon? and while I'm at it I could also steal the star stone from the hidden star village or buy it.' Naruto clone was making some plans while smiling evilly.

(E.N: I also got confuse about this sudden dialogue too)

(SIC): "Sir, I think kurenai has finally arrived here"

Naruto_clone: "OK Sic, keep an eye on the moon and find the location of the tenseigan altar and the village on the moon from satellite alpha 13"

(E.N: A freaking satellite already? when did you even launch it up there? did nobody see?)

(SIC): "Affirmative Sir" after that Naruto clone put the phone on the seal in his hand and started walking to the door of his house.

Naruto_clone: "Welcome to the house Kurenai Sensei " he said with a smile and a sparkle of his white teeth like might guy.

(E.N: that is one big plan to actually go to the moon with such a backwater technology of an era..... Well I hope the rocket won't blow up again...hehehehehe)

as I said before.... changed some stuff but concept is there.... don't blame me for lack of updates since school is about to start and I am super!!!!! unmotivated :D. pls write me some reviews as motivation

illegal_incognitocreators' thoughts