
Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on t

Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on the heroine’s body One day, Yaming participated in the new and exciting Desire Grand Prix from another world. [Winning Conditions: Whoever can turn the strongest and most arrogant princess into an exclusive doll will gain victory in the Grand Prix.] Well, that's nothing, but the problem is that the identity assigned to Yaming... is actually a predatory plant! Compared to the identities assigned to the other contestants, such as Brave Man, Prince of a Neighboring Country, and Noble Young Master, the predatory plant in the cave looked extremely weak and pitiful. However... When the plant finally controlled the princess to beat all the contestants, everyone's expressions were stunned! Why do we, all children of fate... lose to a plant? 30 chapters ahead on patreon patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 And if you want to support me with a tip go to my kofi, I'll be grateful ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 And this is my discord if you want to discuss about the story https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 43: Predatory Plant - Nepenthes Pterosaur

Chapter 43: Predatory Plant - Nepenthes Pterosaur

Can it stay that way?

To be honest, Yaming didn't really have any other ideas this time. He subconsciously praised Linsha and increased her pleasure simply because he wanted to give Linsha a reward for her transformation.

Firstly, Yaming didn't expect that just by casually adjusting the pleasure level, Linsha's face would turn red with excitement, and she would actually have some strange thoughts in her head in an instant. It seemed that this girl's mental resistance to him had weakened a lot.

"I thought of another fun way to play!"

At this time, Yaming's mood became happy again. No doubt Linsha's ideas inspired him, and he decided to train her like this after revealing his identity as a predatory plant!

But before that, Yaming still needed one more event. He took that incident as an opportunity to make the hole in her mentality big enough for him to break through.

[I have no choice at the moment]

While thinking, Yaming answered Linsha's question. In other words, inflicting pain on an opponent is worse than death, and then distributing the antidote regularly to achieve the purpose of control, isn't this a life or death talisman?

Yaming didn't expect to be able to play like this. In fact, Linsha came up with the idea of controlling monsters in this way. It was really interesting.

"She's obviously my second personality, but she's useless!"

"If you can turn my magic power into a pill, you can even let this goblin come back as a secret agent. This will create more fun... No, it has more effects. Instead of dying instantly after playing a few times," Linsha muttered with an unhappy look on her face.

Saying that, Linsha raised her foot and wanted to kick the goblin's body to vent her anger. She would never have taken such an action before, but Linsha didn't even notice that she could do it so casually now.


Just as she raised her foot, Linsha frowned. Because she was so happy now, the clothes she had just changed were sticky again, and the soles of her feet, wrapped in socks, were also covered in sticky sweat. She felt like if she kicked too hard, the small, square leather shoes on her feet would break.

"Forget it; that's all we have for today."

Linsha brushed her hair, raised her little head, and turned to leave. "Since you won this time," she said as she walked, "I will do everything you say from now on! From now on, I will follow your path and develop other uses of life magic."

She obviously lost the bet, but Linsha's tone was full of arrogance, and those who didn't know her would think that she had won the bet.

[I didn't know this; I thought you won the bet]

Of course, Yaming wouldn't spoil it. This girl didn't feel insulted at all when she lost the bet. She even said, with a smug face, that he was equally useless. How can he bear this?


Hearing this, Linsha seemed to have returned from a strange state. Immediately, her expression became a little confused.

Until she returned to the hotel to take a shower, Linsha was still a little dazed while standing under the showerhead. Because after she calmed down and returned to her normal state, she remembered what she had done today and felt a very strange, inexplicable feeling!

"Even if the goblins are hopeless, but I want them all under control, I would actually say something like that."

Placing her hand on the wall, Linsha couldn't help but mutter, "And I was immersed in that group of lower creatures... No, it was the sight of goblins killing each other. It seems I said too much arrogant talk."

Thinking about her previous actions, Linsha rationally felt that she should be ashamed of those arrogant actions. However, no matter how she tried to think about it, she never felt repulsed by those actions from the bottom of her heart!

"Is it possible... that this is really my nature?"

Linsha covered her forehead, becoming more and more puzzled. She felt like her former self was getting further and further away from her, starting to fade away.

"Is this really good?"

After putting on her pajamas, Linsha lay on the bed with her limbs spread out, looking a little dazed. She had an inexplicable feeling that her previous personality would completely disappear if she didn't stop her. Was this really okay?

Linsha's expression began to become confused, but her contemplation did not last long before the connection was cut off. After all, her soul was extremely tired today, and she was extremely tired from being high.

Linsha's soul is still very weak compared to her body; she is basically still a seventeen-year-old girl. If it wasn't for Yaming's help several times, she would have fainted again, just like the last time! But it's not so bad now; Linsha has once again entered the deep sleep state where she won't wake up easily.

Good chance!

After feeling that there was no one outside the door, Yaming stuck his head out of Linsha's neck! When Linsha is in this state, as long as she doesn't make too much noise, she basically won't wake up, which means he doesn't need to be as careful as when he fed her the falling elf seed, but he can safely and boldly absorb the magic power!

I like this feeling even more!

Yaming directly turned into a plant, then bit Linsha's white neck with his big mouth with open and closed leaves, and suddenly sucked her!

"His, hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Although the plant is Yaming's weakest form, it is the quickest to capture magical power and the most satisfying to the senses! Since he was almost full last time, it didn't take long for Yaming to develop this time.

[Ding! Individual name: Yaming; can evolve from predatory plant – scorpion orchid to predatory plant – Nepenthes pterosaur at any time]

Pterosaur Nepenthes? Does this mean that you can fly in the future?

Yaming has never felt the feeling of flying, so this is not bad news for him. But the next question that arises is: where can he develop?

Such a small hotel room would definitely not be able to accommodate Yaming's development. He couldn't leave Linsha and develop in the wild, right? The risk is really high.

By the way, you can buy a portal from the system store. Because he completed the regional mission, Yaming had previously obtained 500 points; originally, he wanted to wait and see...

But now that Yaming was about to develop, he couldn't think too much anymore. And the gate skill is very good at the beginning, so it won't be a loss if you buy it!

From then on, Yaming clicked on the system store and bought the gate. After acquiring the skill, carefully separated from Linsha's neck...

"Don't worry, I'll be back to Parasitism you soon."

After looking at Linsha's sleeping face, Yaming couldn't help but open his mouth and bite her affectionately. He then got under the bed and secretly opened the lighted door.

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