
Reincarnation- Reality of Pokemon World

I will write story of pokemon world reality and cruelty. I was writing a book previously but stopping that as that shows very similarity to anime. I read alot of fan fictions so I am writing something which will show the reality and Please support me, Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Pokemon Company and all rights are reserved by makers of Pokemon. This Fan-Fiction has similarity to many dropped fictions and I am rewriting with some new part and also some parts are closely similar to few fan fiction (Hope you will love it).

trainer_tyranitar · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Slateport City

Gym battle was over and it was 6 when Jason walked with Wallace to go to pokemon center and from there they were going for dinner treat from Mr. Briney. After reaching Pokemon Center Jason deposited his pokemons to nurse joy for treatment and collected his Shiftry back.

"Hey Jason where were you ?" Said a girl from behind.

Jason turned around to see phoebe, he completely forgot about her whole day, jason walked with Wallace to Phoebe and said, "Hey Phoebe, I thought you were leaving today to your hometown ?"

"No I thought to leave tomorrow morning, I was looking for you all around, then i thought you might have left." Said phoebe.

"Yeah sorry, I did one task in morning and then went straight for Gym Battle. I couldn't find you here either in morning." Said Jason.

"Yeah I had already booked my gym Slot for 10:00 in morning so I got my badge in morning." said Phoebe showing him her new badge which was also a Two Star. She had total of 10 Badges and 4 were two stars.

"You are qualified for league battle ?" Asked Jason.

"Yeah I am, I am an Ace Level trainer, but back then I didn't have my powerful pokemons with me, but thankyou Mr. Jason Wood for helping me there." Said Phoebe.

"You Lied to me ?" Asked Jason.

"I am really sorry Jason." Said Phoebe and she hugged him, then she saw Wallace who was also standing nearby.

"He is Wallace, he also won badge from Mr. Briney today." Said Jason.

"Hello wallace, I am phoebe from Lilycove City." Said Phoebe Introducing herself to Wallace.

"Hello I am Wallace from Sootopolis City." Said Wallace.

"Wait you said Sootopolis, and from you appearance it seems like I know you, are you son of Mr. Mikuri, owner of big ship company ?" Asked Phoebe.

Jason who was shocked from her introduction waited for Wallace to respond, "Yes I am Wallace Mikuri, but I would love to be treated as a common trainer." Said Wallace.

"Wait what ? Your father is owner of biggest ship company in hoenn ?" Asked Jason.

"I knew that, and Jason for your kind information, they are biggest entrepreneur in whole world and not only in Hoenn. They Manufacture Ships and transport all around world." Said Phoebe and Jason was looking at Wallace with his mouth open.

"Please Jason no need to give that look, by the way Phoebe, which cruise you are taking to go Lilycove ?" Asked Wallace and Jason closed his mouth.

"Its Sea Queen Cruise which leaves in afternoon at around 2, why so ?" Asked Phoebe.

"I am also leaving for Lilycove with that ship and we can reach there in 15 days I guess, I have some guest there." Said Wallace.

"That will be great to travel along with you." Said Phoebe in excitement.

"Yes I am also excited and we will be meeting one of my friend as well before dinner." Said Wallace.

Jason was also excited to meet his new friend, he went to his room to get ready for dinner and so did Phoebe and Wallace. At around 7:30 they all three met each other in Lobby.

"So whom are we meeting ?" Asked Jason.

"Its one of my close friend." Said Wallace.

"Close ha, is she so close ?" Teased Phoebe and Wallace Blushed.

"How can you say that the person we are meeting is she ?" Asked Jason.

"Can't you guess from his expressions when he mentioned about that person ? Are you really this dumbo Mr. Wood ?" Said Phoebe with her both hands on her waist.

"I...I...I... ok leave it, where are we meeting her." Asked Jason.

"We will be meeting her in Beach side Soda Bar, she said she will arrive there at around 7:45 and from there we can go together to meet Mr. Briney and Go to Hotel Beach Resort." Said Wallace.

"Ok then what are we waiting for, Wallace you are eager to meet that Special Someone, so lets leave now." Said Phoebe and Wallace Blushed again, but Jason was looking at both of them confused.

Phoebe was walking ahead of them and both of the boys were following her, "Can you please slow down ?" Said Jason.

"Don't be a slowpoke, hurry we are almost there." Said Phoebe without turning behind.

They reached near Soda Bar in 10 Minutes and checked time, it was 7:45, all three entered Bar together and Wallace took all of them to a table nearby where a Girl of around 13 years age was sitting with a Swablu sitting on her shoulder.

"Hello Winona, how are you." Said Wallace to that Girl and Jason looked at the girl who was standing now in front of them, that girl had Lavender Hairs and her eyes were Lavender as well, She had fair complexion and with a fit body shape. Her swablu was also looking healthy.

"Hello Wallace, I am fine, how are you ?" Said Winona and then looked at other two who were looking at her in excitement.

"Ohh, Meet my friends, Jason and Phoebe." Said Wallace introducing the duo and both of them shook their hands as well.

"Hey, she is really very cute, aren't you daughter of Fortree Town's Gym Leader Sean Nagi ?" Asked Phoebe.

"Thanks for complement, yes I am Winona Nagi, daughter of Sean Nagi." Said Winona.

"Wow, I really want to challenge your dad. " Said jason.

"Really you haven't ? You are such a slowpoke." Said Phoebe.

"Ohh Really ? Atleast I don't get myself in danger and then shout for help." Said jason, mocking her and got a punch on the face.

"Don't again dare to mock me Mr. Wood or next time hit will be harder." Said Phoebe.

"She is very Violent." Said Jason rubbing his face.

"Hey Winona, interested in joining us for dinner with Mr. Briney ?" Asked Wallace.

"Sure why not, I will enjoy company of your friends." Said Winona, "You two make a good couple." Winona continued.

"We are not couple." Said both of them together.

"And moreover I cannot make any slowpoke my boyfriend." Said Phoebe.

"Yeah, like I will make any crybaby my girlfriend." Said Jason.

"Come Gain Mr. Wood." Said Phoebe with her hands on her waist.

"Ok, Ok, Calm down guys, we are getting late for our appointment." Said Wallace.

All four of them walked together to Hotel Beach Resort, Mr. Briney was waiting for them and when he saw them he said,

"Wow so we have two special guests as well, hello Phoebe and you must be Winona, daughter of Sean ?" Said Briney.

"Yes, hello Mr. Briney." Said Winona.

"Hello my child, its been 10 years since I saw you, you were only 3 that time." Said Briney and Winona smiled in response. "So what are we waiting for, I am starving, lets go." Said Briney and all five of them hurried inside for dinner.

Chapter Ends.