
Reincarnation- Reality of Pokemon World

I will write story of pokemon world reality and cruelty. I was writing a book previously but stopping that as that shows very similarity to anime. I read alot of fan fictions so I am writing something which will show the reality and Please support me, Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Pokemon Company and all rights are reserved by makers of Pokemon. This Fan-Fiction has similarity to many dropped fictions and I am rewriting with some new part and also some parts are closely similar to few fan fiction (Hope you will love it).

trainer_tyranitar · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Mauville City

Next morning Jason woke up at around 9 in morning and after getting fresh he went downstairs to collect his pokemon where he met his other three friends. Jason's next plan was to get badge from mauville city.

"Hey guys ready for your journey ?" Asked Jason.

"Hey Jason, yes we are ready, so what are your plans ?" Asked Wallace.

"I am leaving for Mauville City and if I got any chance then I will visit Fortree City for my 10th badge." Said Jason.

"You aren't qualified for league yet ?" Asked Winona.

"No I am, but I am planning to get all 12 badges if possible, that will give my pokemons some great experience." Said Jason.

"Ohh, Thats really great planning." Said Winona.

They all had breakfast together and Jason said them good bye at 10:30 am.

'How much time it will take us to reach there ?' Asked Lucario.

"I guess upto 1 week max but I am planning to go through forest so we may reach there after 2 weeks and we might be challenged by some herds of Pokemon so be prepared." Said Jason.

They all entered deeper in forest and were battling as many pokemon as they can, those two weeks were not as exhausting as there journey to Crossgate town but still it was tough for them.

--------------------------------------After 2 Weeks--------------------------------------

Jason was standing infront of gates of Mauville town, It was 12:30 in afternoon, he was completely covered with dust and his pokemons, Gabite, Lucario, Absol, Saviper, Shiftry, Scyther, Metang and Sceptile were dead tired. Jason recalled all his pokemons and went directly to pokemon center where he gave his pokemons for healing and collected one key for a room in that pokemon center. Then he went straight to his room for taking a proper bath. After taking bath he went straight to Gym for booking his battle with Wattson who was gym leader there. This is electric type Gym so he planned to use Gabite, Metang, Rhydon, Nidoking and others if needed.

Jason booked his battle after two days in morning at 11:30 and in meantime he called back his Rhydon to do some task so that he can get some training. Jason went to task center there he saw a task of 4* which was to defeat a Pseudo King level Salamance which was causing Havoc in the mountain and no one were able to go there, award for this was also very high, it was 5 Billion Poke Dollars . Jason took that task and called out his Noivern to take him near the mountain.

They reached near that mountain in just 1 hour and Jason saw that few adults were guarding that mountain. Jason told noivern to take him down towards those people, when Jason reached near all of them stood infront of him and one of them said, "Kid, this is very dangerous place, go some other route untill this problem is solved."

"I am here to fulfill that task." Said jason.

"Are you kidding ? Kid its not a 1 or 2 star task, its toughest one." Said another adult.

"I am a master level trainer and I can solve this one, so please step aside." Said Jason.

"Do you think we will trust whatever you say ?" Said third person.

Jason showed them his Trainer ID and said, "Now will you please step aside."

They step aside but one of them said, "Please be safe there kid, that pokemon is very powerful."

Jason nodded and entered the mountain, he called out his Nidoking, Rhydon and Gengar. "This time opponent is tough as per reports and also a dragon type so you all four be prepared." Said Jason to all of four pokemons who were outside their pokeball.

After walking and defeating many wild pokemons for 10 minutes, they heard a big Roar from deep inside that mountain and Jason followed that sound, in 15 minutes they reached near the place from where roar was coming and Jason saw three pokemons sitting on a rock. All of them were bigger compare to there average counterparts, one was a Slamance, next was an Altaria and third one was a Armaldo.

'Armaldo ? Its an ancient pokemon, what is this pokemon doing here ?' Thought Jason and checked there powers, Slamance was at Pseudo King level but at peak of it, Altaria was at Pseudo King as well but on initial level and that Armaldo was at similar level of Salamance.

"Ok Nidoking that Salamance is easy for you so you defeat that alone and Rhydon you will be fighting Altaria and Gengar you will be fighting Armaldo, Noivern you will see whoever need help, you will do that and remember I want all these three in my team so just weaken them and don't kill." Said Jason and all of them nodded.

This battle was very easy for Nidoking and in just 5 Minutes he defeated that Salamance and Jason captured it, defeat of Salamance helped others to defeat their opponents as well and Jason captured those two pokemons as well. Now Jason has added 3 Pseudo Kings in his team and he walked outside after around 2 hours and told people guarding about completion of task and flew on his Noivern back to pokemon center where he gave his all pokemons to Nurse Joy for treatment.

Next Day:

Jason collected his pokemons from Nurse Joy and went to backyards of Pokemon Center to subdue newly caught pokemons and called out Nidoking for his help.

He subdued Altaria and Armaldo with ease but for Salamance he had to do some efforts but he finally agreed to be a part of his team. Now jason planned to stop catching any more pokemons for next few months as he got alot of pokemons in his team.

As per his appointment he had gym battle next day with Wattson, so he told pokemons whom he planned to use against Wattson and he even sent his Altaria and Armaldo back to his home to train along with his other pokemons.

Chapter Ends.