
Reincarnating To Lead A Happy life Using Universal System

An office worker suddenly got hit by a fist size meteor but after that he find himself in an open space and meet the God Adonoxius telling that his life's hardship was a mistake and only punishment for the people with great sins. God then tell him that he'll give him another go in life to attain for his forgiveness. Will he finally live a happy life without being bound to the misfortunes in his past life. we'll see what is bound to happen about this adventure comedic action entrails

John_K_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


as his body got envelope by light a ball of light started to form in the front of his chest

after a few seconds the ball of light started to appear more visible in their eyes "what's this thing on my chest?"

"Hmm It's called Gyze, but in your world you called it your soul" the God of Cycle of life Then raise his hand and open his palm and suddenly a particle started to appear, and became an Orb, it has a blue ocean color and from time to time it changes it's color to a royal blue

"Let me give you a farewell gift, You may use it however you want to" The blue Orb started to move and dash like lightning to him, to his surprised and fear that the blue orb will hit him hard... "Uwaaaa!!" he instinctively shut his eyes and guard himself to brace the impact of the orb but the true objective of the orb is not him but the Gyze

The blue orb dash at his Gyze and make contact with it, as the two got in contact they started to merge with each other, the way they merge is like mixing different color of water and as they became one a sudden voice heard by him

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"What was that!?" to his surprised he asked a sudden question, while the God Adonoxius grinning happily "Just a little gift for whom I cause trouble with"

His Body started to change to a form of a light orb, The God of cycle of life Adonoxius was happy for him as he wishes him good bye " This is it... This is farewell to you, I'm terribly sorry for what happened... May your life be filled with happiness in your next life" as the God adonoxius wave to him slowly

The ball of light orb started to Vibrate as if it is searching for it's destination, after a few seconds it stopped moving as if it found its location. The ball of light started to charge at the speed of light at one direction

It travel for a million light years as the ball continued to charge a blue planet Started to appear it is kinda similar to earth but it has five continents as the ball was charging it reach the planet and started to search for the reincarnating body, As it continues to search the planet...

a beautiful woman is sitting next to the window, she has a white silver hair and beautiful blue ruby eyes, as if the ball of light orb found its location the ball of light orb started to charge at her direction making in contact with her stomach. The ball of light make in contact with the fetus and started enveloping the whole fetus.

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