
Reincarnating To Lead A Happy life Using Universal System

An office worker suddenly got hit by a fist size meteor but after that he find himself in an open space and meet the God Adonoxius telling that his life's hardship was a mistake and only punishment for the people with great sins. God then tell him that he'll give him another go in life to attain for his forgiveness. Will he finally live a happy life without being bound to the misfortunes in his past life. we'll see what is bound to happen about this adventure comedic action entrails

John_K_ · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Being Reincarnated

A 27 year old guy is eating his lunch peacefully in a nice cafe. The cafe doesn't seem to be so busy and there's so much little to few customers inside.

the 27 year old guy left a big sight "haa~ Why does work always so tiresome, I didn't even do anything yet I'm always to blame"

at the office this morning

An old man is roaring at a guy in an office so ferociously that even the office personel succumb to fear of getting caught in the scolding. "What is wrong with you this is so simple yet you can't even do it properly!!!"

"B- but I didn't ev-"

"What!! making excuses again!! you know because of you I got scolded by the higher-ups!!!"

"B-b-but I really don-"

"Shush!! Excuses again! get out of my office!! Do your work properly! I'll add more work if you didn't do it properly again!!! Got it!!?"

"Yes sir!"

At the present

"Ahhh life sucks!, what kind of boss is that pushing his work on me like a piece of Sh*t, fortunately there is this cafe reducing my stress and the beautiful lady at this shop wish I could talk to her"

while grinning happily to the lady a coworker suddenly showed up on the window of the shop and called to him " Senior it's time we got to go to work" she said

"alright! be right there!"

He hurriedly munch the lunch he had and say his farewell to the manager "thanks for the food" "alright! comeback again" the manager replied

as he open the door the tingling sound of bell, ring on top of his head as he walk past the door, he ask his coworker " hey what's time is it?" asked by him

the coworker looked at her wrist to looked at the time and said "almost twelve o'clo-" as the coworker almost finished to say the time a fist size meteor is going down to the head of his senior, and as time is fighting fate his coworker shout "Senior!!!" and the meteor graze his head.

blood started dripping on his head, he didn't even realize what got him to bleed so much, the only thing he knew was the pain and heat as he shut down his blurry eyes slowly

As he regain consciousness he was in a pure white and nothingness as he ponder his thoughts to as to why he was there an old man suddenly a appears beside him and pat his shoulder "UWAAAA!!!" he was very surprised that he shout, out of instinct

the old man was also surprised, but not surprised enough to relieved his sadness " Ehem! I am adonoxius the God of cycle of life" the God before him introduce, to a 27 year old guy it was pretty much hard to believe because he can even talk and see his own body, but one thing he knew what is strange is that the room of pure white start to change to be a beautiful cosmic galaxy filled with many stars.

"Umm... why am I here ?" The God bowed to him out of sincere for his apologies

" I'm terribly sorry! for what happened to you I made a terrible mistake!" he see in the old man's eye the sencerity of his appologies

"so I'm really dead now huh...

well no worries my life is already full of mistake so I'm okay" as he brush off the sadness he felt deeply

"But Im to be blame for that, your misfortune in your entire life was for the evilest persons but got to you by my mistake" said by the God

"I accept your apology but it seems that is my fate" while smiling with a sad looked on the face

the God adonoxius felt very sorry for him for not giving him a happy life, the God adonoxius then get a sudden idea " Then! how about I'll let you reincarnate with your whole memory intact?"

"well... I'll be glad to if it really could work, and live a brand new life but what if..." as he felt hesitant the God of life relieved his worries

" Don't be worried! it is I The God of Cycle of life, Don't be concerned"

a powerful Divine energy envelope his body from his forehead moving until the tip of his body making him glow like a bright star.

This is my first time making a novel but I'll do my best and I don't know where this is going but well... just enjoy!.

John_K_creators' thoughts