
Reincarnating To Lead A Happy life Using Universal System

An office worker suddenly got hit by a fist size meteor but after that he find himself in an open space and meet the God Adonoxius telling that his life's hardship was a mistake and only punishment for the people with great sins. God then tell him that he'll give him another go in life to attain for his forgiveness. Will he finally live a happy life without being bound to the misfortunes in his past life. we'll see what is bound to happen about this adventure comedic action entrails

John_K_ · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Birth Of A New Born Baby

A few months later

A noise resounded all around the mansion of the duke. Sounds of joys, celebration,and a cry... of a new born baby.

At first the baby didn't even bother to cry after he was born, but...

Before he was given birth

While the baby is being delivered from his mother's womb

"ahhhhhhhh" the scream of agony of giving birth to a baby"ahhhhhhh...whew... iiiiiinnnnngg...", "ma'am you can do it brea~th, brea~th" said by the head maid

"I can see the head! Push~ you can do it" said by the doctor helping the mother who is giving birth to a baby "hoooo...haaaa... hoooo..."

At the same time in her side.

"Uhwoooooooooo!!! Hohoho... snifft" While even if his mother is in agony, there is also a another person who's in a Raging Pain, he cried so hard that his face become unrecognizable.

it's his father being held his hand tightly gripped, it got almost twist by the sheer force alone of his mother's hand.

After a while a sudden change in expression of everyone's faces can be seen clearly, as if they had been liberated and glad at the same time, the head maid sighed in relief and said while she shed a tear in her eyes "I'm glad, I'm... really glad! sniff"

His father was really glad... so glad!, but in a different way " Ha... I'm glad!" As he look in his hand swelling reddish as he continued to cry

"Miss! it's a boy! what a beautiful boy he is..." said by the doctor as she do her job and wiped the whole body of the baby, after the baby got cleaned she then give it to the mother

His mother sighed in relief that his son is a healthy new born baby, but...

everyone was just lost in though on something that Is hard to explain and a gut feeling that there is something wrong, they couldn't help but to ask but his mother suddenly asked a question to them

"Don't you think there is something missing " questioned by his mother to the people on the room, Yes there is one thing that is still missing... And that is... the new born baby still not cried after it got birthed to this world,

At the same time in The baby's person of view

In his mind " um~ why can't I seem to open my eyes it is kinda heavy" as he slowly opened his eyes slightly he started to see a blurry figures of people, he didn't understand what they're saying but they seem in a joyous occasion. But then after a word of the woman holding him they suddenly get quiet

"Umm is there something...


[Welcome To A New World]


[New Quest]

Start crying...

Reward: 1 point

Failed: everyone will think you're weird... Charisma -5

"Ehhhhhh, Then if I'm not crying and a new born baby at that?... Yikes!!!" He then hurriedly cried as if his life depends on it," ugyaaaaa!..., Ungaaaaaa waaah" and it also lasted for quite a while as he fall asleep due to nervousness

Everyone is yet again relieved to see that the baby was really born healthy, The head maid then asked a question "Miss Andrea may I asked what will be the name of the young master?"

His father Chris Von Dragnount Suddenly joined in the conversation, while he was in a slumped position because of the pain, he then stand up tall like a royalty as he wave his hand making his coat wave like a flag and said "From now on my Beloved son will be given the name Luke!, Luke Von Dragnount