
Reincarnated with the god of death’s system

After dying a tragic death, a boy void of happiness is given the choice of reincarnating into a new world with abilities and affinities of his choosing. How will the MC live? How will he go about his daily life? With the abilities he obtains from different worlds of fiction he will strive to become strong, but he quickly realizes it won’t be without hardships…

MercYURI · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Death and rebirth

A soul floats in an endless black void.. a boy's soul..

The boy hears a loud voice Emirate from behind him.. he felt his very soul shake from hearing this voice.. "Hello child, I am Sishen. "

"What? Who's there!"

"Quiet down young one, i am a god." The boy turned around in this black void of nothingness to see a massive figure wielding a gigantic red coloured scythe with a black cloak covering his body. The boy couldn't see a face on this god, where his face should've been there was an even darker and deeper black void than the black void of nothing he currently was in. In fact he couldn't see any flesh on this god, this made him cower in fear. He also felt a deadly pressure emanating from this god

The boy takes many moments to collect his thoughts.. however the only thing he feels is pure anger and depression.. knowing how he died.. and how he was unable to keep the ones he loved safe.. "a god.. huh.. I guess I did die then"

"Yes, you did, however I'm not here to bring you to heaven or hell. I am here to give you the second chance you deserve.. simply put.. you were unable to fulfil your destiny.. which the other gods and goddesses find fascinating.. as being able to defy fate is something mortals like you are unable to achieve.. if you ask me.. another powerful god is behind it.. but it's not like I really care.."

"Defy fate?.. unfulfilled destiny?.. do you mean to tell me a god or goddess messed with my life?.. that he altered my fate?.. why would an omnipotent being such as that even care for mortals?.. though… I'm somewhat happy my suffering has ended. After losing those two.. I really didn't know what else to do. My two biggest supporters, gone… in a blink of an eye I lost everything. Not that I really had much to begin with but still.. And.. and you said I'll get a second chance? On earth?.. I really don't have a life there anymore.."

" No, you unfortunately cannot go back to your world. You will be reborn in a new one. But, as you died when you shouldn't have… we have decided to let you choose your new world and your ability"

"So you'll let me choose what kind of life I'll live?"

"No, that will be up to you to decide. However I will let you choose your own potential and different potential futures, how you go about it is completely up to You"

"So i can choose my own abilities and the type of world I live in huh.. what kind of worlds can I choose from? Or can I just wish one into existence?" Hearing this news.. his anger and depression starts to slowly subside..

"You will be able to choose from ones picked. However, there are near infinite amount so you will most definitely find one that suits your taste. I have worlds that never stop burning, worlds that consist of nothing but water, peaceful worlds that have never seen war or the opposite, worlds that have never ending wars and chaos."

After thinking for a bit he answered. "Hmmm… what about worlds with mana and adventurers or worlds with Qi and cultivators?" The boy loved anime, manga, manwha, and other type of foreign media..

"Ah yes, I see you're a fan of those worlds, I have those types as well. If you want I even have worlds with both mixed together, would you like to choose these types?" The god said.. trying to steer the boy in a certain direction..

Delighted, the boy speaks quickly "Yes! I would love to be reborn in a world with both, and can you put me in one with not to much war and not to little? I would like to fight others with Qi or mana, but also not be having to risk my life every time I go outside.."

"Yes of course, now.. onto choosing your abilities. I will not limit you as you should be compensated for your unexpected death.."

"Oh, really?.. that's Great!.. not having a limit on choosing my abilities is awsome.. now how can I choose? Are there set types of abilities I have to choose from or what?"

"Nice question, no there are no set types you have to choose from. You will get to choose and I will see if I can create it"

"Ok….". After many minutes he came up with an answer. "I don't know if I'll be able to use both mana and Qi.. so if In this world I can't use both can you make it so I can use both? And I would like to be very talented in both cultivation and 'levelling up' with mana. Oh also I want a system, one that is extremely over powered as well… please." The boy said, feeling a little embarrassed.. like he was being too greedy with it..

"Well well, I didn't expect you to be so greedy hahaha.." as the great god laughed the child could feel an immense pressure fall over him like an incredibly heavy blanket, and made him feel uncomfortable. "very well, I shall grant your request! However I will say one more thing, even if I did nothing to help you and just plopped you in with no warning, you could easily achieve a great status within this world.. you already have immense talent.. it's just you were unable to achieve your destiny on Earth due to unforeseen.. accidents.."

"Thank you god sishen!" He says in a happy tone.. his mood has done a complete 180 from before

"By the way, you might want to change your name. As it may not fit in well in this new world. However there are English names like yours too."

"Damn, okay give me a minute to think.."

After thinking for many many minutes he replies "I will keep my name as is. Lloyd should be fine" he believes that if there're English names in this new world he shouldn't need to change it. And even if English names were taboo he could always just change it when he grew up.

"Ah okay. Well then, I wish you the best of luck. You will now be transmigrated to your knew world with the abilities of your choosing. Oh and, I will alter your life a little bit to make it more interesting"

Instantly Lloyd opens his eyes and sees his new mother picking him up from a crib. 'Well, now I can start my new journey in this new world. I had always thought of what I'd do if I were to be suddenly be moved to a different world'


At this moment Lloyd felt like something was invading his very soul.. which had caused a reaction of emotions in his brain, to him it felt like every emotion was going off at once. the flow of emotions overloaded his brain. He started to laugh and smile creepily, giving his new mother a fright. The one emotion that stuck out was love, the feeling of love was a feeling he didn't get to feel often early on. But in the later years of the Time he was alive, that being 16, he felt true love as he had fallen for two girls. And though they had reciprocated the feelings, both new that if word of their relationship an uproar would pass over them and would be shunned. After awhile the information stopped and he was able to think again.

'I can't wait to go and live a whole new life in a whole new world! I'm so excited! This will be so much fun!.. but.. I'm going to miss you.. you two.. Valentine.. and sis.. all the time we spent together, I hope you'll go and live nice and prosperous lives wherever your souls are now…'

(hello, I am the gods' system. Would you like me to explain the details of my creation and my functions, Master?)

'!!!!' Surprised by the sudden arrival of a voice in his head. The voice is very robotic and lifeless.. Lloyd takes a few moments to calm down. 'Is this.. the system?..'

(yes, hello Master. I am the Gods' System. Would you like me to explain my functions and details of my creation?)

'Yes, please tell me about yourself and what you know'

(I am the the gods' system, created by lord Sishen. My main functions include mana and Qi generation or creation, attribute pick up, skill pick up, spell pick up, attribute upgrade, skill upgrade, spell upgrade and as well as me, I serve as an assistant to help you get accustomed to this new world and become stronger. I am also only in my first stage. I have a total of 5 stages, with new functions along with upgraded versions of the functions i can currently use now at every new stage)

'Although the functions are super basic they are also pretty powerful as well.. getting strong could be easier then I thought'

(oh yes and the upgrading takes currency, such as gold coins, silver coins or bronze coins, treasures, spirit stones, spirit jade, as well as a lot of other things too. So it won't all be free)

'I have to pay to upgrade my system?.. I'm assuming it takes quite a lot to upgrade.. Thought.. If I was born in a rich family I should be fine.. though I'm sure the upgrading won't be super cheap. Also the stages of the system and upgrading it as a whole would also take money right? I'm sure it's also expensive as all hell.. sigh..'

(yes you are right upgrading me takes a fare amount of money, but the upgrading skills and such isn't all that bad and is manageable if you're smart with money and how to get it)

'Hhmm..okay, at least it won't be unbearable. So, what information do you have on this world?'

(I can know everything about this universe at my max stage. However as of now I do not know as much about this new world, but I do know quite a bit more than even the most informed in this world do. What would you like to know, master?)


Although this isn’t my first time writing a novel it’s the first time I’ve put in much thought into one. I hope you’ll be patient with me as I learn to write a better story :)

Also if you have any ideas you’d like to share with me about the novel please write them in the comments.


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