
Reincarnated with Tenseigan:Naruto

The treacherous Hyuga Kyou finally got the treasure that he dreamed of… In the eyes of the royal blue rebirth, what exactly is the world of Naruto? This is a Chinese Translated novel so bear with some name issues and some Chinese character in the novel. . Join Discord it would be great. . https://discord.gg/44zxBqVjew

Yash_Mishra_0345 · Anime & Comics
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In a panic, Iwado involuntarily flew to the sundial mirror.

Hyuga Kiyo, who fell on the ground, stood up, trying to make a gossip palm!

Bang bang ...

With a burst of applause, Yan Moduo flew out of Sun's mirror boxing and fell into the mud not far.

"Cough ..."

After a set of soft punches, Hyuga mirror coughed up another blood.

Although he had deliberately recruited before, Yinyan Modu appeared, but the injuries on his body were not fake. In fact, he did not expect that Yanmuduo's mud whip was so powerful. Under the blessing of inertia, he was violently attacked by the air He fell to the ground and hurt his lungs. Until then, he still had some blood and dazzled.

After gasping for a while, Hyuga faintly said, "Don't pretend, I know you haven't passed out!"

Upon hearing it, Mo Yan no longer disguised himself, turned over and jumped out of the mud, and asked in amazement: "Little devil, what was your last move?"

The next day, he sneered at the mirror: "Cut, why should I tell you?"

"It's okay, I'll let you say it later!"

He said, Yanmoduo slowly pulled out the short knife around his waist.

Yanmodu is indeed the elite of Yanyin's forbearance. When he was controlled by the rotation Ruyi just now, he had secretly performed earthen ninja and hardened his body. Did not cause any harm to his body.

The meridian veins are closed, but jutsu cannot be cast, and Yanmodu is an elite to endure, even if he does not use Chakra, he is also a first-class master in body and sword.

At the first sight of Hyuga, he was not injured lightly, so he felt that he had a great advantage and the situation was still under control.

At this time, Sun Xiangjing did not make nonsense, Shi Shiran took out a scroll that said 'three', and summoned three generations of Fengyingren in front of Yanmoduo.

"this is...?"

Looking at the iron sand clouds floating around the three generations of Fengying Renyu, Yanmo was stunned.

As a ninja who has experienced two wars of ninja warfare, Iwado's insight is far above ordinary ninjas, so just a quick glance, he recognized that this is the unique blood successor of magnetism of Sandy!

Exposing the three generations of Fengying Ren in this kind of environment is undoubtedly a very risky thing, so there is no unnecessary nonsense in Hyuga, immediately urging the three generations of Fengying Ren to launch an attack.

Magnetic , iron sand when it rains!

Suddenly, the iron sand of the sky turned into a sharp thousand books, and shot at Yanmodu like raindrops.

Uh ...

The short sword in the hands of Iwado, danced a gorgeous sword flower, accompanied by the harsh sound of metal collision, actually blocked most of the iron sand thousand books!

Seeing the mirror the next day, his brows tightened.

He thought that by blocking Chakra of Iwado, he could quickly resolve the battle, but he did not expect that Iwado's sword skills were so exquisite.

However, with a short knife alone, it is clear that the endless iron sand thousand books can not be blocked, so after a moment, the limbs and waist and other parts of Yanmoduo are filled with iron sand thousand books.

Xiyan Yanduo gritted his teeth and shouted, "Mystery, blood explosion."

Blood Explosion is a unique mystery of Imomodo. After it is cast, the amount of chakras in the body will increase sharply, and it can release most illusions, imprisonment, and seals.

With the launch of the mystery technique, Iwado's face became extremely red, as if drunk.

His subconsciously felt the danger of the sundial mirror, and quickly flew back.

At this moment, in the vision of his rebirth eye, Chakra in Imodo's body was like a burning flame, turbulent and violent!

In this sense, Hyundai Mirror seems to have known each other, as if it was Kai in the state of 'Eight Gates Armor', but the Kai of the Eight Gates Armor is opened. It is disorderly and violent, as if he could completely swallow him up at any time.

Undoubtedly, this is definitely a very negative mystery, and often such a mystery must have a very powerful power and can be a killer that can change the situation!

He was just a few breaths away, and the meridians sealed by Sun Xiangjing Rouquan were broken by Yan Moduo himself. Then, he saw his fast-printed hands turned into a residual image.

"Earth, mud dragons play!"

"Earth, earth spear!"

"Earthworm, mudwhip!"

In the low drinking of Iwado's killing , the three large soil ninjas are launched almost simultaneously.

All of a sudden, the whistling mud bombs, the silent earth spear, and the crackling mud whip attacked Heixiang Jing and the three generations of Fengying Ren beside him.

In the face of such an all-round attack, even if he has a rebirth eye, he does not have the confidence to completely avoid it, not to mention that he still has injuries in his body at this moment, so he has to choose defense.

Magnetic , iron sand defense!

The sky's sand and iron instantly turned into iron sand balls, protecting the sundial mirror and the three generations of Fengyingren inside.

Countless mud bombs, soil spears, and mud whip blasted on the iron sand ball one after another, making a deafening noise!

In the iron sand ball, Hyuga mirror half-squat on the ground, calmly thinking about the countermeasures.

Explosive mystery must not be durable, so as a matter of common sense, as long as this is dragged on, the balance of victory will tilt towards the mirror side of the sun.

But considering that this ambush was carefully laid out by Yan Yin, the enemy may not be just the Yan Yin four-person beheading squad that he had seen before in the kingdom of ghosts.

If there are other Yan Yin ninjas involved, it will be difficult to tell if the pros and cons continue to drag on.

After a little trade-off, Hyuga decided to take a quick decision even if he took some risks. After all, the three generations of Fengying Ren are too sensitive, and once they are banished by Yan Yin Ninja, the trouble is big.

After he made up his mind, he immediately urged the three generations of Fengyingren to make the strongest move.

Magnetic , sand iron world method!

The sand iron in the sand iron ball protecting the sun mirror was pulled away more than half of it, and turned into a sharp iron spear.

When I saw countless iron spears coming, Yan Moduo's face was full of madness again.

He even gave up his defense completely and launched the earth sacrifice with all his strength.

It was difficult to judge the other party 's true intentions the next day, but to this point, he had no time to make other plans. The battle between life and death couldn't be half-hearted!

Almost at the same time, the attacks from both sides hit each other.

The entire right shoulder of Yanmoduo was penetrated by the iron spear, and the limbs were also stabbed by the forked iron spear. The whole person seemed to be stuck on the iron spear, and the blood dripped down the iron spear, and it became red. Quagmire.

On the side of the sun mirror, because the sand-iron method was used to extract too much sand-iron, the defensive sand-iron ball exposed a half-space. Although it blocked most of the mud bombs and mud whip, it was accidentally caught by a soil spear Drilled a hole and stabbed his right leg ...

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