
Reincarnated with Tenseigan:Naruto

The treacherous Hyuga Kyou finally got the treasure that he dreamed of… In the eyes of the royal blue rebirth, what exactly is the world of Naruto? This is a Chinese Translated novel so bear with some name issues and some Chinese character in the novel. . Join Discord it would be great. . https://discord.gg/44zxBqVjew

Yash_Mishra_0345 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs


While four people in the eleventh class were engulfed in flames, Kakashi performed the Minamata Ninjutsu.

"Water Margin, Water Front!"

Uh ...

The turbulent water wall collided with the blasting flames of flames, and boundless steam rose.

For a while, the aerosol filled the surrounding area.

Feeling the tiny vibration under his feet, Hyuga mirror warned: "Be careful!"

Before the words came out, countless sharp spurs spewed out on the ground and shot at four people.

With the warning from the sun-mirror, the four of them jumped away and jumped onto the trunks of the surrounding trees, avoiding this wave of silent spurs.

Wu Kaidong looked around: "Where is the enemy?"

He responded to Kai with another violent explosion.

He was affected by the explosion, and the four members of the eleventh class were forced to disperse again. All of a sudden, the distance between them was widened.

The aerosol around him was not too disturbing for a sun-reflector with reincarnation eyes, but the continuous explosion forced him to dodge back and forth in the forest.

Seeing that he was getting farther and farther away from his companion, Hyuga mirror faintly guessed the purpose of the attacker.

Xu really did not take long, a figure stopped in front of Sun Xiangjing.

The next day, Hyuga mirror frowned slightly "It's you!"

It wasn't anyone else who was holding up in front of Sun Xiangjing. It was the captain of the beheaded army of Yan Yin who had cooperated with Sun Xiangjing and others in the kingdom of ghosts to deal with the monsters.

Nian Xiangjing had also considered the trouble of finding these rocky ninjas, but thought that he had more important things to do. In order to avoid extravagant branches, he had to suppress the urge to revenge.

I never thought that he didn't go to the trouble of these people, they actually found him.

Xiu Yanyin beheaded the captain of the army with a laugh and said, "What's the surprise?"

The next day asked Xiang Jing: "I'm a little curious. How did you discover our whereabouts?"

Judging from this series of ambushes, the Yan Yin Ninjas apparently discovered the course of the eleventh class in advance, otherwise, they could not arrange the ambush so perfectly.

But Ke 11 was very careful all the way, and from time to time he looked around with reincarnated eyes, so he was sure that no one followed them along the way.

"Squeak .."

At this moment, a small head came out of the neckline of the captain of the beheaded army.

I took a closer look, it turned out to be an ordinary squirrel.

"Squirrel !?" He shook his head, and Hyuga whispered: "No, this is not an ordinary squirrel, it is a ninja!"

There are various types of ninja beasts. It can be said that any animal can be regarded as a ninja as long as it uses chakras, and this seemingly ordinary squirrel is no exception.

"It's called Bill. It can track any familiar smell within a dozen miles." After smiling, the captain of the Beheading Unit of Yan Yin continued: "I know you are from the Hyuga family, and of course I will not follow you in person."

The next day, Hyuga mirror slightly surprised: "You remember me !?"

From the tone of the opponent, Hyuga found that the other had recognized himself long ago. Obviously, in the battle where Hyuga was almost killed, not only did Hyuga remember the opponent, but the counterpart also remembered the way he survived. mirror.

The captain of the beheading unit of Yanyin put a smile on his face and said with a calm face: "A year ago, I was still a normal kid. I didn't expect that now he has grown to this point. The genius of Muye is so jealous! "

The next day, he sneered at the mirror: "It looks like you regret it."

The captain of the beheading unit of Yanyin gritted his teeth and said, "Yeah, I really regret that I didn't kill you at that time! So I must correct this error myself. I will never allow Koba to show a second" golden flash ". I'm responsible for the village! "

Sunward Mirror less than fifteen years old can already intervene in the beast-level battle. It is conceivable that if Sunward Mirror continues to grow, it must be a 'golden flash', which is a decisive decision for Yan Yin. Intolerable.

Xun Yanyin never forgot that the 'golden glitter' brought their shame!

Boom ...

There was a faint explosion in the distance.

No doubt, the other members of the eleventh class also encountered enemies and each fell into battle.

Seeing a little distracted by the mirror, the captain of the beheading unit of Yan Yin said, "Don't worry about the others, you little ghosts will meet in the underworld soon. Remember, my name is Yan Modu, who killed you. ! "

I said, Yan Moduo folded his palms together: "Earth, the technique of ground diving!"

Seeing Iwado infiltrating into the ground, Hyuga mirror worried that he would be attacked from the ground, so he jumped into a big tree and started to watch carefully.

However, I don't know if it is because Yanmoduo sneaked too deep, he found nothing.

At this moment, there was a rushing sound of water flowing not far away.

The next day he looked at Jing Xun's sound, and saw a lot of water coming like a dyke.

"This is the technique of the water fall waterfall !?"

Although the technique of this waterfall is not a great threat to the sun mirror in the big tree, he dare not take it lightly, but the other side is Yan Yin's famous elite, and it is impossible to waste his Chakra for no reason on the battlefield.

After the impact of the waterfall operation, the surrounding ground was muddy The wet ground made the sub-horizon feel subconsciously, but it was difficult for him to tell the specifics. After all, Tutu, he doesn't know much.

Uh ...

Uh ...

Uh ...

Suddenly, the muddy ground flew out of many thumb-sized mud pellets. These mud pellets, like warheads, were wrapped in sharp windbreaking sounds, and whistled towards the sun mirror on the tree.

In the face of the mud **** that were shot at him, Hyuga mirror did not hesitate, and immediately returned to heaven.

He returned to heaven to protect the mirror, but couldn't protect the tree under his feet.

I just blinked my eyes. The towering tree that three or four people could not hold their arms out of was shot through mud holes by mud **** and fell to the ground in the flying wood chips.

The next day a little to the mirror feet, ready to jump to another big tree not far away.

At this moment, several long whips turned into mud quickly swept over, entangled his legs, and dragged him hard to the ground.

Uh ...

With a muffled sound, Sun Xiangjing fell to the ground from the air.

"Keke .."

The next day he leaned towards the mirror and coughed up blood.

This stump made him faint and dizzy, dizzy, and even struggling to breathe, as if which rib in the chest cavity had broken.

With his eyes closed, Yan Moduo rose from the ground, revealing a half-length body, and smiled, "It seems I overestimate you, and my white eyes are not as strong as I thought!"

At this moment, the painful face of Sun Xiangjing suddenly picked at the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile-like expression.

Xiuyan Moduo felt uncomfortable, but when he was about to sink to the ground again, a huge suction for no reason pulled him out of the ground

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