
Reincarnated with Tenseigan:Naruto

The treacherous Hyuga Kyou finally got the treasure that he dreamed of… In the eyes of the royal blue rebirth, what exactly is the world of Naruto? This is a Chinese Translated novel so bear with some name issues and some Chinese character in the novel. . Join Discord it would be great. . https://discord.gg/44zxBqVjew

Yash_Mishra_0345 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Heart of strong

I was inserted into the iron spear, and while Yan Moduo coughed his blood, he said weakly, "I ... my hunch is right, you are indeed a threat!"

The next day, Xiang Jing was covering the wound of his right leg with one hand and supporting the ground with one hand, staring at Yan Moduo.

Judging from Chakra's reaction in Iwado, he still has a strong vitality, so the weakness currently manifested is likely to be a disguise.

The next day, Xiang Jingjing will not despise any elite who has experienced war, so he did not act lightly.

Xiyan Yanduo continued weakly and said, "Oh, what a prudent guy, don't you come up and give me a good day?"

The next day, Dou Suisheng was suspected to the mirror: "He wants to seduce me near him?"

I could not think about it to the mirror. Suddenly, Yan Moduo broke free of the iron spear, and as if he was not injured, he turned sharply and fled sensitively into the deep forest.

"He wants to escape !?" Nikko first stunned and then secretly said, "Never let him escape!"

The secrets of the three generations of Fengyingren are not to be leaked, so it is almost subconscious, and Sun Xiangjing stretched out his arms to Yan Moduo and launched the rotation in full swing.

Under the huge adsorption force, Yan Moduo was almost attracted to the sundial mirror with almost no struggle.

He didn't care about the injuries on his body, and he hit a set of gossip palms with all his strength, and went straight to the point. He had the intention to completely solve the powerful enemy of Yanmodu.

Bang bang ...

The squealing sound of squeezing palms echoed in the forest.

From the tactile feel of the palm stroke, Hyuga mirror can judge that this time Iwado has not had time to use the hardening of the earthen figure. Therefore, even if the set of gossip palms cannot break the heart of Iwado, it will definitely hurt the lungs.

The capsule is as expected by Hyuga, and the body of Yan Moduo after the stroke is like a muddy mud, slowly falling to the feet of Hyuga.

Jiang Xiang sighed to the mirror on the same day, Yan Moduo on the ground suddenly jumped, hugged the sun mirror, said with a husky voice: "Junior genius of the leaves, go with me to the underworld."

Hiss ...

In the hissing ignorance, he only found that Iwado had transformed his body, implanted many special initiation marks under his epidermis, and confused the initiation marks with the flow of Chakra in his body. Chakra on the way, dodging the exploration of the sun mirror.

Looking to the death, Yanmodu with a calm face, Hyuga mirrored his head.

From the beginning to the end, Iwado had never thought of running away. The reason why he pretended to run away was to get close to the sun mirror and complete this final blow.


The storm set off by the blast swept through a large forest, and was blasted to the ground by the explosion. The smoke was filled and the ground trembled!

far away.

After solving the last enemy with illusion, he stopped the water and made up a knife, which ended his life.

At this point, nine corpses were lying beside him.

Except for one of these corpses, which is a member of the Beheading Army of Yanyin, the remaining eight are all dressed up as stray ninjas, seemingly the group of bear country stray ninjas that Yan Yin secretly supports.

As soon as Shushui put away his short knife and was preparing to find the other eleventh class companions, there was a violent explosion shaking from the far end, which shocked him.

"what happened!?"

I was taken aback, he hurried in the direction of the explosion ...

The other end.

Kakashi pulled out his right hand, which pierced the opponent's heart, and then flicked it, throwing the sticky blood on the ground.

Then, panting, he looked in the direction of the explosion.

Based on his experience, it is natural to judge that an explosion of this size cannot be achieved by ordinary ninjutsu or detonation symbols, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

Just a fierce battle exhausted his Chakra. Although he killed all nine enemies, he almost lost his combat power, but he did not hesitate, and limped towards the explosion .. .

On the last battlefield.

Wu Kai covered her injured left arm, her face was dignified.

Surrounded by siege, he was worried not only about the battle at hand, but also other fellows in the eleventh class. When he wanted to come, the other party sent nine ninjas to besiege him, so the ninjas who besieged other fellows were afraid.

Suddenly, a violent explosion came, attracting the attention of all the warring parties.

Wu Kai sank in his heart and had a bad hunch.

The other member of the Beheaded Beheading, who was led by the opponent, changed his face, leaving the injured Kay directly, and led the eight homeless ninjas towards the direction of the explosion.

and then followed ...

The center of the explosion.

After the dust settled, the figure of Hyuga mirror slowly appeared.

He glanced calmly around and sighed softly.

At the last moment, Hyuga mirror decisively pushed away Iwado with the rotation, but Iwado 's self-detonation was too violent, and all the shock waves and flames could not be repelled by the rotation, so under the impact of the aftershock of the explosion He still suffered minor injuries, with multiple fractures and burns on his body, and looked very embarrassed.

However, Yan Moduo has no bones left, and only a broken rock cover is left. lands alone on the ground.

The next day dragging his injured leg to the mirror, he walked over, picked up Imamoto's forehead, and put it in the ninja bag around his waist.

He won this battle of life and death!

Twenty-one years ago, in front of Iwado, he was just a small figure who could be killed easily. Iwado even couldn't bear the extra waste of Chakra to perform jutsu.

Today, a year later, Yan Moduo died, in the hands of his little figure.

For a moment, Hyuga mirror was a little stunned, and her heart was filled with emotion.

This battle is also the first time he has faced the elite to endure. Although he still managed to break the situation by rotating attacks, his performance in the whole battle is still remarkable.

Of course, except for being fooled by Yan Moduo.

After smashing up the three generations of Fengyingren , Hyuga sitting cross-legged on the ground and bandaging her wound, her face seemed calm as if she was tying shoelaces.

At this time, a group of nine ninjas hurriedly appeared in front of him.

He is headed by a member of the Beheaded Beast, and the other eight are all dressed as stray ninjas.

Members of Jaina Yanyin's beheading troops glanced at the battlefield, and immediately shouted to the mirror to Japan, "Well, what about our captain?"

The sundial mirror who had bandaged up slowly stood up and said lightly, "Did you not already see the results, why should you be so surprised?"

"This ... this is impossible, how could our captain lose ?!"

"The reason he will lose is because he met me, that's all."

He said, Ni Xiang Jingyi rushed to the other without looking back.

He fought a lot with Iwado, and he gained a lot, but his biggest gain was the heart of the fearless strong!

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